Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 101 Black Tiger’s Reluctance

Chapter 101 Black Tiger’s Reluctance

Delicious, really delicious, mouth-wateringly delicious.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. Apply for a card and spend, recharge one and get one free."

“The most authentic fried chicken legs, delicious and affordable.”

In the East Gate Gate area, Heihu's men were soliciting business, from being hoarse at first to being powerless now.

And the people who came and went here avoided them as if they were hiding from the plague.

"This store is shameless, it's like robbing money."

“The things are so expensive, and they force others to charge their cards, and the money cannot be refunded.”

"No, it's not affordable at all. I was fooled last time. Fortunately, I would rather spend fifty cents more than apply for a card."

Groups of people also looked at Heihu's shop when passing by, pointing and speaking with disdain.

Word of mouth can be both positive and negative.

Obviously, the reputation of Black Tiger's store was ruined.

In the store, Black Tiger's boys were lying on the table, and there was nothing to do. Naturally, they had nothing to do.

The old chef in the back kitchen also looked sad. If this continues, can the boss pay him wages?Do you have money to pay your salary?

And does he dare to ask Black Tiger for wages?
The atmosphere in the whole store is very depressing.

"Brother Tiger."

"Brother Tiger."

At this time, Hei Hu walked in from the outside with a gloomy face, followed by Er Mao.

"What are you all doing? Are you sleeping on your stomach?"

“If you don’t see that there is no business, why don’t you go out to solicit customers!”

Black Tiger roared angrily, scaring several of his younger brothers into running out.

Er Mao also shrank his neck behind him. Hei Hu's temper has been very bad these days.

After glancing at the cool and cold environment here, and thinking of the bustle of the shop over there by Chen Huajiang, Er Mao shook his head slightly.

He knew that Brother Hu was not a business material, at least far worse than Chen Huajiang.

This time I might lose money.

"Lu Niu, give me the account book."

Heihu walked behind the counter with a gloomy face, and motioned his subordinates to give him the account books for the past few days.

"Cousin, didn't you just read this last time?"

Lu Niu is a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old. He is Heihu's cousin.

This kind of financial work is very important. Heihu is afraid that outsiders' hands and feet will be dirty and they will ignore other people's money, so he naturally asks his own family to handle the accounts.

"Bring it here!" Black Tiger glared and said angrily.

Judging from his cousin's appearance, he already knew that there was not a single customer in the current store. He already knew that the profits in the past few days would be very poor.


When Lu Niu showed the bill to Hei Hu with a grimace, Hei Hu turned pale as he never expected that the business was so bad.

Three days, three and a half yuan was credited to the account in three whole days. This is simply funny!

"When I came yesterday, weren't there seven or eight people still spending money here?"

"Could it be that you squandered my money!?"

Heihu stared at his cousin angrily. He thought something was wrong. Yesterday alone, seven or eight people spent more than three and a half yuan.

"Biao—Brother Hu, most of the people who come to eat these days are the customers who applied for the card before."

"In fact, they don't want to come to eat because they are afraid that the recharge money will not be used up and wasted."

"And as soon as you left yesterday, those grandsons became very angry and said that our store was cheating them of their money and setting up traps for them."

Lu Niu was also a little angry. Didn't Hei Hu clearly doubt him?

Can he be happy if he helps with good intentions but is suspected for no reason?

"What!? Stealing their money, grandson, really grandson."

"Don't let me see them next time, I'll kill them if I see them!"

Black Tiger gritted his teeth and said angrily, clenching his fists and showing blue veins on his face.

When applying for the card, you were in love with me. Although Heihu wanted to ask his friends on the road for help, did he not return the favor?
Didn’t you invite everyone to eat and drink afterwards?And many brothers apply for cards on credit!
Brothers on the road, saying hello and keeping accounts account for a lot of things.

Seeing Hei Hu being so angry, everyone didn't dare to breathe. When they looked at each other, they could see the helplessness and sadness on each other's faces.

From the excitement at the beginning, making money every day, to the current depression, there is not much to do.

Everyone also knows that if this continues, their store will have to close.

But what went wrong?In the past few days, everyone has been thinking about it and discussing it, but they have found nothing.

"Brother Hu, why don't you find Chen Huajiang and let him take a look and give some advice."

Er Mao suggested bravely. He also discovered that Black Tiger didn't seem to want to see Chen Huajiang during this period, and his face would become gloomy even when he heard his name.

But now that the store is like this, he and many of his brothers have spent money to invest in shares. If this continues, the investment will be in vain.

"Yeah, our place is similar to Chen Huajiang's place. Why can't we make any money? There must be something wrong. It's better to ask."

"Yes, yes, yes, I passed by the Nantian Hotel when I came here. There was a long queue at Kunlun Restaurant, and the business was very popular. Our store does not expect to be as popular as theirs, but as long as it can get one-third of the business, It’s enough to make a lot of money.”

"It's better to ask Boss Chen to come over and take a look at this. We are laymen and don't know much about it. He is an expert and can see it more clearly than us."

Following Er Mao's words, the brothers in the store also said excitedly.

They had no choice but to see that the store was going to close down and all their investment would be wasted. Of course, they were anxious, at least they had to protect their capital!

But Black Tiger's face was full of anger, he clenched his fists and glared at Er Mao fiercely.

"Chen Huajiang, Chen Huajiang, is Chen Huajiang all day long. He, Chen Huajiang, can do it, but I, Black Tiger, can't do it?"

"Does Chen Huajiang have three heads and six arms, or is he one head longer than me?"

"I'll ask Brother Zhang later. Brother Zhang is a college student, and he is several times stronger than Chen Huajiang."

Black Tiger said angrily, and then walked out filled with anger.

In his heart, he looked down on Chen Huajiang, because he had watched Chen Huajiang step by step from a worker who was fired from the factory to where he is today.

At that time, Chen Huajiang couldn't even deal with the bald guy on the street, so he had to flatter him and give him money to open the store.

Now, he was on an equal footing with him. How could Heihu feel at peace?

Especially when he became famous during the battle at the Mass Grave, he called hundreds of helpers to suppress the arrogant wolves and dogs, and it is still spread on the road.

"I hope Brother Hu can handle it."

"Zhang Xiaobing is a top student, he should be able to handle it, right?"

"Shit, I'm not optimistic. That guy Zhang Xiaobing is the second generation ancestor, and that grandson is very arrogant. I don't like him anyway."

After Heihu left, all his subordinates chatted with each other, with some expectations and some frustrations.

But soon, Heihu got the store improvement plan the next day and appeared at the door of the store with a group of women.

These women were all dressed up and posing, attracting guests coming and going to stop and watch.

Soon the door was filled with a heavy crowd, which made Heihu and Yigan's men very excited. The scene at this time was quite lively and beautiful when it opened for business.

(End of this chapter)

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