Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 110 Lu’s Hotel

Chapter 110 Lu’s Hotel
"Okay, I'll take them there on time this afternoon."

Liang Long nodded. He was also a little curious as to why Lu family food would not be available in the next few years, but he was too lazy to ask more.

However, he knows that Lu's Restaurant is currently one of the most high-end restaurants in Nanming City and is famous. Many people from Hong Kong and even those from the mainland will choose Lu's Restaurant as their first choice.

Chen Huajiang chose Lu's restaurant to eat, obviously to give him face and cost a lot of money.

In this way, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Long and his comrades gathered with Chen Huajiang at the entrance of Lu's Hotel. There were four of them in total.

They nodded to each other and entered the hotel.

"Come to a small box, by the window on the second floor."

Chen Huajiang took the lead into the Lu's Hotel and called the waiter.

The waiter was in his thirties, with a wavy hair and thick pastel paint on his face, which made him look very unique.

In Nanming City, we have to wait at least a few years before we can see such a dress on the market.

Obviously the waiters here are influenced by the guests from Hong Kong or Bendi who come to eat, and they are unknowingly one step ahead in fashion.

This made Diplodocus and others look straight at him, but to Chen Huajiang, he looked rustic.

The waiter glanced at everyone, curled his lips and said, "Let's go to [-]."

After speaking, he took a hand card and handed it to Chen Huajiang.

When they arrived at Private Room [-], Chen Huajiang spread a circle of cigarettes for everyone, and only then did Liang Long begin to introduce everyone.

"Brother Chen, this is Zhang Bao, my best brother in the army. This is Lian Chengye, An Hongbing, and Ma Dashu. They are my comrades in the same period."

"Chen Huajiang, my brother, good brother, used to work in Hongqi Factory, but now he sets up his own shop and does business."

Liang Long pointed at the four people and introduced them to Chen Huajiang one by one.


"Brother Chen, hello."

Chen Huajiang shook hands with them one by one.

All four of them are very thin, which is also a characteristic of this era.Zhang Bao and Ma Dashu are slightly taller, at 1.8 meters tall, while An Hongbing and Lian Chengye are a bit shorter, about 1.7 meters tall.

Among them, Zhang Baoshu has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks very calm. Ma Dashu is similar, but his hairline is set back and his forehead looks a bit bald, which makes him look too old.

An Hongbing has a baby face and always has a smile on his face, giving people an optimistic feeling.Lian Chengye, on the other hand, had a gloomy face, a sullen face, and looked very nervous.

Chen Huajiang was sizing them up, and naturally they were also sizing up Chen Huajiang.

"You are all welcome, you are the brothers of Diplodocus, and I am also the brother of Diplodocus, so we are naturally friends with each other."

"If there is anything you don't understand, just say it and I will answer it one by one."

Chen Huajiang said with a smile, getting straight to the point.

Everyone nodded and asked Chen Huajiang the questions they were concerned about.

The main focus is on whether the equipment and technology are really provided free of charge upfront and how to repay the money later.And questions like whether you can make money and what will happen if you can't.

After all, this is a core issue related to their interests.

"Don't worry about this, I, Chen Huajiang, will do what I say. I will provide the equipment and technology in advance, and everyone will pay back when they earn money."

"If you don't make any money, I will still recycle the equipment, and you don't need to pay back the money. But there are some things that must be made clear in advance. Since the conditions I provide are so generous, everyone must follow my plan."

"You are not the first in this regard. I already have several franchisees, and they all do well and make money. Formalization, process, and order are the key points. In other words, if You meet our Kunlun Catering’s requirements, but you don’t make any money. It’s our problem. On the contrary, it’s your problem. This aspect will be written into the contract, so you can rest assured.”

Chen Huajiang took a puff of cigarette and watched them carefully as they spoke clearly.

The franchisees he was talking about were naturally Ermao's friends, because they hadn't registered with Kunlun Catering at that time, and Chen Huajiang didn't ask too much from them.

Simply providing seasonings and sauces, strictly speaking, it is not a franchisee model at all.

Now that Chen Huajiang plans to build a food street, it naturally needs to be formalized and orderly.



"Then thank you Brother Chen."

Chen Huajiang spoke so clearly that everyone smiled and nodded as they heard that there was no need to invest.

Zhang Bao and others were hesitant because they had doubts about Liang Long's message and did not believe that there was such a good thing in the world.

Now I feel completely at ease.

At this time, the previous waiter came in, handed everyone the menus, and put the hand washing water he brought on the table.

"Ah, why did you bring it here? I'm so thirsty."

"It tastes good, sour and sweet."

"This hotel is indeed high-end. All the restaurants I stayed in before served tea."

As soon as the waiter put down the hand washing water, Zhang Bao and others picked it up, drank it, and praised it.

Chen Huajiang put down the menu to stop them, but was still a little slow.

He regretted not making it clear to everyone just now. He should not have just taken the menu and prepared to order.


"Brother Chen, is there any question? Just tell me."

Liang Long was sitting on the edge of the Chenhua River. Seeing him stretch out his hand and not knowing what he was going to do, he asked with a confused look on his face.

Zhang Bao and others also looked at Chen Huajiang curiously, thinking that he was going to explain something.

"Nothing, I'm a little thirsty too."

Chen Huajiang smiled and everyone drank. If he said it at this time, it would be purely disgusting.

So he also picked up the hand washing water and took a big sip.

"Well, everyone, this is handwashing water, not for drinking!"

The waiter who served the water came to his senses at this time and said in a panic.

As soon as he said this, everyone was dumbfounded and their throats felt dry.

"What a bumpkin. He drank the hand water."

The wavy-haired waiter, who must be the foreman, said with disdain.

These words made Zhang Bao and others blush, as if they had done something wrong and were at a loss.

Chen Huajiang was dissatisfied. The service attitude was too bad.

"What do you mean when I say that?"

"Even if you don't tell them about hand washing water in advance, you still need to prepare hand towels or paper towels."

"Where are the things? I didn't see any of them. Is this the order of the day to wash your hands? I think you are playing a trick on us, right? Call Lu Daguang out. I want to ask him what he means."

Chen Huajiang said angrily to the foreman with dissatisfaction and slapped the table with his palm.

Following his words, the foreman's expression froze, and his arrogant aura immediately disappeared.

In her opinion, the other party obviously understood and even knew the boss's name, so it would be detrimental to her if things escalated.

The most important thing is that what Chen Huajiang said was right, but they got the process wrong.

It was also the foreman who saw that Zhang Bao and the others were wearing labor uniforms, and they didn't look like rich people. He looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, so he did things perfunctorily.

There was even some thought of seeing them make a fool of themselves, otherwise how could they not remind them, and how could they not prepare hand towels.

(End of this chapter)

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