Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 118 Still have to make a fight

Chapter 118 Still have to make a fight

"Junior brother, what are your plans?"

Liu Xiangyang asked Ma Liangping.

Chen Huajiang also looked over, although he tried to explain the truth to the other party, but whether he could listen to it was up to the other party himself.

If the other party really wants to fight to the end, Chen Huajiang can only stay with him until the end. The next step is to take legal action.

After smashing the store twice, Chen Huajiang planned to use the relationship to send the other party in.

But that would be a fight to the death, and you would have to guard against the other gang's retaliation in the future.

Usually, Chen Huajiang doesn't want to get things done until the last moment.

Fortunately, Ma Liangping nodded and said, "Elder brother, let this be the case."

"Okay, that's it-"

"Wait a minute, it's not over yet."

Liu Xiangyang originally nodded and said, looking at Chen Huajiang, intending to put the grievances between the two sides aside.

But before he finished speaking, Gao Yun on the side interrupted him and stared at Chen Huajiang angrily.

She had just been bullied by Chen Huajiang, and the teeth marks on her neck were still hurting, making her full of anger.

She has never seen such a shameless person who bites someone during a fight!
"What? What else can you say?"

Chen Huajiang frowned, looked at the other party and said dissatisfiedly.

"Today you have more people and bully others less, which is not your skill. If you want to fight one on one, I ask you if you dare!?"

Gao Yun pointed at Chen Huajiang and said loudly.

As soon as he said this, the good people around him nodded in support.

"Yes, this time Boss Lin and the others did bully the small group with more people, which is not their skill."

"Isn't that right? There are so many people on one side and only three on the other side. It would be disgraceful to win."

"If you have the ability to fight one-on-one, why don't we be witnesses?"

First of all, Gao Yun is a woman, so in everyone's minds, they are somewhat biased towards her.

Secondly, what Gao Yun said makes sense. There are many people who bully others who are small. It is indeed incompetent and does not follow the rules.

As the crowd booed, Gao Yun looked at Chen Huajiang with an increasingly arrogant expression.

Chen Huajiang ignored her, but looked at Liu Xiangyang and Ma Liangping. Seeing that they also looked like Gao Yun, he understood.

"Okay, but the three of you are practicing masters and come prepared. You have to be prepared here too."

"Let's see, let's make a date tomorrow and have a one-on-one duel."

Chen Huajiang thought for a while and said.

"Well, your shop is here anyway. If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple."

"Tomorrow afternoon, we'll be waiting for you at the Anrong Hutong entrance of the Glass Factory. If you don't dare to come, huh!"

Gao Yun said coldly, looked deeply at Chen Huajiang, and then turned and left.

As the three of them left, the surrounding crowd saw that there was no good show to watch, and dispersed one after another.

"This is a big deal. Hey, Hua Jiang, are you really going to challenge them in a duel tomorrow?"

Lin Laogen walked over. On the one hand, he was glad that the matter here was resolved, but on the other hand, he was worried about what would happen tomorrow.

"Dad, don't worry. The duel is not what you think. They have already taken the matter over when they mentioned the duel."

"The so-called duel is just a situation where you can't get off the stage. It's the same as some people who have suffered a loss and shout 'the mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever'."

Chen Huajiang said with a smile and comforted his father-in-law.

"That's the truth. If you don't say something after losing, your face will be completely lost."

"When the time comes, just send a few brothers over and fool them around."

Heihu also came over at this time, and said to help.

As the two of them talked, Lin Laogen nodded and felt relieved, and then went to help Lin Guoshan tidy up the shop.

Lin Jiayin also breathed a sigh of relief. She was also worried, but seeing the relaxed look on her husband's face and the previous explanation, she naturally felt relieved.

Then everyone helped and renovated Lin Guoshan's shop.

The tables and chairs can be reused, and the coal stove can be straightened if it is dented.But those broken bowls, chopsticks and plates, as well as the ingredients and seasonings scattered on the floor, had to be rearranged.

"I told you not to do it, I told you not to do it, but you have to do it, you have to do it."

"What kind of thing have you made so far? Will any of your little friends come to help you?"

The store was finally cleared, and Lin Laogen scolded his son Lin Guoshan, his face full of hatred.

However, Lin Guoshan learned his lesson this time and did not dare to reply when he was scolded. He lowered his head and remained silent.

This state lasted for half an hour, and Chen Huajiang left with his wife.

There were some things he didn't say to his father-in-law and wife because he was afraid they would worry.

Tomorrow, when he goes to the glass factory for a duel, Chen Huajiang doesn't intend to fool him, nor does he intend to lose, but to win.

Today, Liu Xiangyang and the three people are obviously members of the same gang. They are dressed in the same uniform and call each other brothers and sisters.

If this gang is in other places, Chen Huajiang can ignore it and send a few men to fool them as Black Tiger said and take the matter over directly.

But their location was near the glass factory, and Chen Huajiang decided to find out more about them and even "surrender" them.

He plans to build a food street at the glass factory. If he can't control the "power" over there, and the other party finds faults every now and then, how can he build this food street?
After a day of rest, Chen Huajiang patrolled the store step by step the next day and said hello to Liang Long and others at noon.

In the afternoon, the six of them rode bicycles towards the glass factory.

At the entrance of Anrong Hutong, Liu Xiangyang and the other three were also ready, leaning against each other under a banyan tree, waiting for each other to appear.

Not far away, there was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was in his fifties, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding a cigarette.

His name is Gao Dayuan, and he is Gao Yun's father. Today his daughter has a fight with someone, and no matter how unhappy he is, he can only come and stand up for her.

Of course, he wanted to see which bastard dared to bully his daughter.

"Brother, they won't let us go, right?" Ma Liangping raised his watch and looked at it. It was already 03:30. The other party hadn't shown up yet, and he felt a little anxious and unhappy.

"Hmph, if they dare not come, why don't we go and smash up their store next time!" Gao Yun said angrily, instinctively touching her neck.

She had put a plaster on it when she came back yesterday, and it no longer hurt, but it made her even more angry.

Jingle Bell--


It's them!
At this time, several bicycles rode towards the trail from the glass factory, it was Chen Huajiang and his friends.

It’s really hard to find here, as the connections here extend in all directions.

"If I had known that we would have arranged the meeting yesterday at the entrance of the glass factory, we would have saved ourselves the trouble of looking for people to ask for directions."

Chen Huajiang got off his bicycle, glanced at them and said with a smile.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense."

"Since we're here, let's get started. Which of you will come first?"

Ma Liangping jumped out, glanced at Chen Huajiang and others, rolled up his arms and sleeves and said.

(End of this chapter)

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