Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 124 Feng Weizhi’s rapid development

Chapter 124 Feng Weizhi’s rapid development


"Celebrate that we have won the Steel Wire Factory store. We have opened [-] stores. It's a great success. Cheers!"


The three of them raised the beer glasses in their hands and bumped them so hard that the drinks sloshed out.

During this period, the three of them did not stop. They kept telling the development and won one family home store after another.

"Did the cripple at the tire factory get it done last time?"

After draining the wine in the glass, Feng Weizhi asked the wolfdog.

The store at the tire factory is a cripple's canteen, and it's still half a year away.

Although Feng Weizhi negotiated a five-year lease price with the tire factory and signed a contract, the premise was that the cripple had to move out.

And the most troublesome thing is that Cripple owns half of the property rights in that store.

This would be impossible in future generations. A store belongs to whoever it belongs to. There is no such thing as one store with two owners.

But it is a very common thing nowadays. Public ownership does not distinguish between you and me. The factory needs some space. If it is owned by the employees themselves, most employees will hand it over or jointly own it.

Just like the briquette rooms in some family homes, their ownership is of a common nature, belonging to both the collective and the individual.

"The cripple drank too much last night and has left."

The wolfdog said sadly, with a smile on his face.

Drink too much and leave?

The wine glass in Wu De's hand trembled, and the wine in the glass spilled out.

With a bit of shock and fear on his face, he looked at Feng Weizhi.

Feng Weizhi's face was a little surprised, but he soon started laughing.

"Good, good, God's will, this is God's will."

Feng Weizhi laughed, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then filled the wolfdog with beer.

No one is a fool, how could such a coincidence happen? Obviously he also knew that it was a wolf dog that did it.

"Boss Feng, I told you that if you open a store in the North District, you can make money easily with me as a wolf and dog."

"Also, shouldn't it be time to change the share between you? I have many brothers, and each store has to send someone to stand up for you. This cost is not low."

The wolf dog drank the wine in one gulp, smashed it in his mouth, looked at Feng Weizhi and said.

Feng Weizhi's smiling face suddenly froze, obviously he didn't expect the price of the wolf dog to be raised.

"How much?" he asked, frowning.

"At least [-]%." The wolf dog raised three fingers.

"Impossible, at most [-]%." Feng Weizhi began to counteroffer.

"Thirty percent. Boss Feng, I can help you get rid of those competitors and help you win so many stores in Family Courtyards. Naturally, I can also help other people and even open my own store."

The wolf dog said coldly, looking at Feng Weizhi threateningly.

During this time together, and with the development of Feng Weizhi's "Weimeixian" chain stores, he also understood this development model.

Unlike Chen Huajiang who has a secret recipe as his trump card, the development of Wei Mei Xian is relatively rough. The quality of the food depends on the chef's profit.

Moreover, it is relatively weak in terms of competition and needs to rely on wolves and dogs to threaten other competitors.

Facing the threat of the wolf dog, Feng Weizhi's face turned ugly, but he finally nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

"At this important juncture of development, we must not engage in civil strife, and [-]% success will be achieved."

"Chen Huajiang is running some kind of free training center over there. Hum, I think he is full. This is our chance to catch up. By the time the tire factory opens its store, we will almost occupy the North District. .”

"The next step is other areas. When the time comes, don't let the wolf dog off the chain. There is a black tiger platform over the Chen Hua River."

Feng Weizhi thought about Chen Huajiang, then thought about the current development environment, looked at the wolf dog and said.

"Gaga, I can't wait any longer."

"Don't worry, as long as Boss Feng dares to step into the East District, I, the wolfdog, will dare to lead people to overturn his shop in Chen Huajiang."

The wolfdog said with a sneer, clenching his fists, his eyes full of crazy hatred.

What happened last time greatly damaged his reputation on the road, and also made him see the power of money.

During this period, he also made a lot of money and bribed many younger brothers. It was time to seek revenge from Chen Huajiang!

"Chen Huajiang is really a genius. He actually thought of a way to make money by getting membership cards. It's a pity that he went the wrong way and went to some kind of training center."

"If he were like us, he would first make money, then open a branch, then make money, and then open a branch. By now, he would probably have occupied all the family homes in the East District. Unfortunately, he has no chance."

"The next step for us is to go out, open a shop in the East District Family Courtyard, and encircle Chen Huajiang."

Speaking of Chen Huajiang, Feng Weizhi also had a look of admiration on his face.The reason why they have been able to develop so fast during this period is precisely because they used Chen Huajiang's method of obtaining membership cards to collect future money for development.

Following his words, even though Wu De wanted to kill Chen Huajiang, he had no choice but to nod.

When it comes to making money with membership cards, he also admires Chen Huajiang's idea, which is like a genius.

In this way, the three of them worked together and prepared to fight Chen Huajiang again.

There are two flowers on each table.

Kunlun Catering Free Training Center, waves of aroma linger in the alley.

Grunt - Grunt -

People coming in and out swallowed their saliva and looked in the direction of the training center.

"good to eat."

"Really delicious."

"Did I make this taste? Wow, I have such a good craftsmanship."

In the yard, the first batch of trainees were handing in their answer sheets and eating their own processed food, very excited.

"Everyone is ready. From now on, we can set up stalls on the tree-lined path from the entrance of the alley to the glass factory."

"I will provide the stall carts and raw materials to everyone for free first, and then return them to me when everyone makes money."

Chen Huajiang glanced at them with a smile and said.

This is his first batch of students, and they will also shoulder the important task of developing the food street.

Everyone was excited. They also believed Chen Huajiang's words. After eating the food they made, they felt confident in each other's hearts.

In this way, the first batch of trainees who walked out of Kunlun Catering Free Training Center began to set up stalls, and the neighbors finally believed that Chen Huajiang really provided them with free training.

As for the need to repay the cost of the food truck and raw materials in the future, everyone agrees on this.

In this way, there were more than ten food trucks on the tree-lined path between the glass factory and the entrance of the alley. The business was not good at the beginning, as this was not a prosperous area.

Only some employees who commute to the glass factory and neighbors in the alleys go to consume, but due to the flow of people, they can barely make ends meet.

Some people began to give up, deciding that they couldn't make money this way, and returned the food truck to Chen Huajiang.

Others asked to change the venue and set up stalls elsewhere, but Chen Huajiang refused, and the relationship between them became tense.

For a while, there were a lot of weird things in the alley. Some said that Chen Huajiang was preventing them from getting rich, some said that Chen Huajiang didn't know how to do business, and some said that Chen Huajiang deliberately tricked them.

(End of this chapter)

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