Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 129 Gushan Winery

Chapter 129 Gushan Winery
Gao Yun left angrily, and she was a little hesitant. She originally thought that Chen Huajiang was doing business here to learn from her grandfather.

Now that I was rejected directly, I realized that everything seemed to be wrong.

The reason for her hesitation was that she simply did not believe the "truth" told by Chen Huajiang. One was one and the other was two.

Business is business, and learning is learning. Chen Huajiang knows the difference clearly.

The next day, Chen Huajiang took Er Mao and Zhang Bao to the glass factory. He had previously signed a large and long-term glassware ordering contract and handed over a deposit of two thousand.

This is naturally a big deal for the glass factory, and even the factory director Ma Daquan personally came to receive Chen Huajiang.

Of course he was in favor of Chen Huajiang's plan to develop a green path. It was just outside the glass factory and did not belong to their glass factory, so he readily wrote to Chen Huajiang to express the glass factory's support for Chen Huajiang's development of the green path. Book.

Then Chen Huajiang went to the Municipal Bureau and handed Zhang Bao and others' discharge certificates, Lao Yang and others' disability certificates, and the glass factory's letter of support to the relevant personnel.

As early as the 50s, the country had a policy of preferential treatment for soldiers and disabled people, and this policy continued until later generations when Chen Huajiang crossed over.

When the municipal leaders saw that veterans and disabled people were setting up stalls, and the glass factory also agreed, they naturally agreed readily to Chen Huajiang, and the two parties signed a ten-year lease agreement.

Municipal leaders also praised Chen Huajiang, because there are currently problems with the placement of veterans, and many factories are not performing well, which is also a headache for them.

Chen Huajiang can recruit some veterans to set up stalls for employment, which can be considered a help to them.

In this way, Chen Huajiang won the right to develop and manage the boulevard, and at noon he went to Gushan Brewery to deal with the issue of beer price increase.

But there is trouble here. In the reception room of Gushan Winery, there are already many people waiting here, all of them are small traders.

"What do you mean, Manager Yang? You left us here all morning. Do you want to give us an explanation?"

"No, they didn't give me the money for the wine bottles I brought back last time. This time they asked us to pay a deposit when we arrived. Why!"

"Gushan Winery is getting more and more outrageous. I haven't delivered anything to my place for a week."

When Chen Huajiang entered the reception room, a group of vendors were talking angrily, recounting their own experiences.

"Little brother, what happened to you over there?"

The entry of Chen Huajiang and others naturally attracted everyone's attention. A middle-aged bald boss handed him a cigarette and asked curiously.

"Brother, what's your name?" Chen Huajiang asked with a smile as he took the cigarette.

"My surname is Ma, Ma Xiaobing. He opened a small wholesale department in Dongshikou." Ma Xiaobing said modestly.

"It turns out to be Boss Ma, disrespectful."

Chen Huajiang said politely, and then explained the matter. He was also curious about what was going on in the Gushan Winery.

"It's normal. Hey, I haven't received the goods in three days."

"By the way, are you ready for this?"

The other party sighed, and then made a gesture of counting banknotes to Chen Huajiang.

"What are you preparing the money for?" Chen Huajiang deliberately pretended to be confused and looked at him and asked, but he understood somewhat in his heart.

If nothing else, Manager Yang has certain rights over whether to deliver goods or not, and where to give priority to goods.

Clearly exploiting this power for financial gain.

"It seems like a young guy like you doesn't understand anything. Of course it's a benefit."

"Fei Gushan Winery will not ship to you if there is no benefit. I paid him ten yuan this month, and it took me three days to get the goods."

"I guess I'll have to add more money this time. Otherwise, little brother, how about we jointly contribute the money? Then you can get as much beer as you need from me. This can save part of the benefit fee. Of course, I won't I'm treating you badly, I'll pay the big share."

Ma Xiaobing complained, and then quietly suggested to Chen Huajiang.

It turned out to be such a thought, no wonder the other party was so polite to him.

Chen Huajiang was not angry. On the contrary, he glanced at the other party. This was a good move.First, Chen Huajiang can be developed into his customer. After all, Chen Huajiang has to get goods from his wholesale department.Secondly, the other party originally wanted to manage the winery, so the cooperation between the two would naturally save some money.

It can be described as killing two birds with one stone, but Chen Huajiang would not agree to him.

"I'll take another look. What does Manager Yang mean? The situation is unclear and I can't judge for the time being."

Chen Huajiang tried to evade, but Ma Xiaobing nodded when he saw what he said, and stopped persuading him.

"Coming, Yang Shan is coming!"

"Manager Yang is here."

"Manager Yang, I am Zhao San from North District. You promised to give me priority in supplying goods last time."

The vendors in the reception room rushed out one after another, talking anxiously around a middle-aged fat man.

Some were spreading cigarettes and some were handing out red envelopes, but the fat man ignored them and paced into the reception room with his hands behind his back.

This man was in his early forties, with a straight face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, thick hair, and a majestic expression. With his general belly, he gave people an aura of calmness and self-power.

"It's all quiet."

Yang Shan glanced at everyone and immediately controlled the noisy atmosphere in the room.

"It's not that we won't provide you with beer, but the factory's output is limited and it's difficult to serve a bowl of water equally. It's also difficult for us to decide who should be delivered first and who should be delivered second."

"The other thing is that you traders are not reliable. Several marketing points suddenly closed down some time ago, which caused our winery to send the wine master to a wasted trip."

"So the factory decided to impose a deposit on the winery's marketing points to prevent the last runaway incident from happening again."

Yang Shan said in a deep voice, his words were ups and downs, his tone was sonorous and powerful, and he glanced at everyone.

"What!? Deposit? There was no such thing before."

"That's right, what do those stores close to us? We didn't close down."

"Manager Yang, how much is the deposit?"

Everyone was furious, some people looked angry and did not want to pay the deposit.Some people know that things are inevitable, and they hesitate to ask how much the deposit is.

Yang Shan raised a finger.

"Ten dollars!?"

"Ten dollars, that's not bad."

"Manager Yang, after we paid the deposit, your winery will deliver the goods to us in time."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Ten yuan? Ten yuan deposit. Do you think our Gushan Winery is a charity? 100 yuan."

"But don't worry, if you don't want to do it, the deposit will be passed on to you."

Yang Shan said disdainfully, the deposit of ten yuan is really a loss for what these people said.

"What!? One hundred?"

"One hundred is too much. Can Manager Yang make it cheaper?"

"No, how many pieces of beer do we have to sell to earn back the one hundred deposit?"

Upon hearing this, all the vendors became agitated again, and all of them looked anxious and ugly.

Anyone who doesn’t deposit a deposit is not an idiot. Naturally, he knows that this is Gushan Winery taking the opportunity to make money.

"Where are you from the wholesale department? Isn't it very unfamiliar?"

Yang Shan ignored the restless wholesaler, but looked at Chen Huajiang and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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