Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 145: Digging the earth to bury it is delicious

Chapter 145: Digging the earth to bury it is delicious
"Let's see if we can make a prototype. Then we can build a batch of them and sell them together with the coal stoves."

Chen Huajiang took out another energy-gathering circle, which was the fire-gathering and wind-blocking circle used in later generations of liquefied gas.

He took it out and customized it according to the size of the coal stove. It was the simplest iron sheet wound around in a circle with three raised points on it.

"what is this?"

Liang Long took it and looked at it curiously, looking a little confused.

Masters such as Gong Zhang and Gong Zhao also looked over curiously and pointed.

"This thing should be placed on the coal stove to protect it from the wind, right? But it doesn't feel necessary."

"This thing seems to be of some use. It should be able to concentrate energy better under fire."

"This thing is easy to make. It doesn't require much material and can be processed from ordinary leftover materials."

Everyone was chattering and talking, and they had already guessed the function of this thing.

Chen Huajiang explained to them in detail, which made everyone nod.

"Gao, I didn't expect you, Boss Chen, to have such a deep understanding of coal stoves. Although it's just two small improvements, it's enough to see that you should often cook at home."

"Hahaha, no wonder Boss Chen is able to make a fortune because he has a far-reaching vision for products than we workers who specialize in making coal stoves."

"I'm sure our coal stove will be a big hit once it's made!"

Everyone applauded Chen Huajiang for a while, and then became very happy.

Chen Huajiang smiled and said nothing more. Coal stoves will be eliminated sooner or later.In later generations, coal stoves were still used in the catering industry, but they have disappeared in ordinary households.

There are many improvements he has made, such as enamel insulation layer, secondary air inlet, hand-operated slag cleaning disc, etc.

Take the hand-operated slag cleaning piece as an example. Old-fashioned coal stoves need to clean the cinders from the air inlet and use an iron hook to remove them, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.The hand-cranked slag cleaning piece actually has a steel piece added to the bottom, and an external hand-cranked lever can be used to scrape out the cinders at the bottom, which is convenient and trouble-free.

Chen Huajiang does not intend to take out all these things at once, because coal stoves can still be sold for more than ten years, and it will be at least around 2000 that coal stoves will become a sunset industry and completely disappear from mass households.

Therefore, releasing a new technology and improving and upgrading it in two or three years can better enhance the brand reputation.

Maybe in future generations, this industry created to attack the Wu family will become the leader in the coal stove industry and the leader in coal stove technology.

"The logo must be clear and clear. The mountains can be blurred, and Kunlun must be conspicuous. Use black paint to paint it."

Chen Huajiang still attaches great importance to the brand, and he gave Liang Long and the masters another warning before leaving.

The next day, Chen Huajiang was called out by Liang Long, and a crackling knock on the door scared Lin Jiayin into thinking something had happened.

"I asked you, can you be more steady?"

Chen Huajiang stood up and opened the door, and was furious when he saw Diang Long outside.

"Brother Chen, you can still sleep! What time is it?"

"Something happened, something big happened this time. Feng Weizhi led a large group of people to the factory gate and said he would destroy your store."

"Damn it, I asked the brothers to hold on first, but they are outnumbered, and Feng Weizhi has already taken over the lease of your store from the factory. If they really want to take action, our security department can't stop them."

Liang Long looked flustered and quickly told Chen Huajiang what had happened.

"No big deal, just wait. I'll brush my teeth and wash my face, and I'll follow you later."

Chen Huajiang saw his wife Lin Jiayin looking worried, and deliberately yawned to reassure her, and said casually.

However, this also made Liang Long breathe a sigh of relief, relaxed his expression, and said with a smile: "Brother Chen seems to have been prepared for this. It's my fault for worrying in vain."

Chen Huajiang ignored him, brushed his teeth and washed his face before leaving with him.

"Hua Jiang, be careful."

Lin Jiayin stood by the door and shouted to her husband. Chen Huajiang waved his hand to reassure her.

Soon we arrived at the Hongqi Factory, and there was a large group of people cheering outside the door. Many of them were pushing bicycles and wearing Hongqi Factory uniforms.

Obviously they are all employees of Hongqi Factory, here to watch the fun.

"Why are there so many people around? Why don't you have to go to work?"

Diplodocus muttered dissatisfiedly, when he came here before, there were not so many people here.

"Chen Huajiang is here!"

"Boss Chen is here."

"Boss Chen, he's just taking advantage of the factory. Now, his shop will be cleaned up soon."

With the arrival of Chen Huajiang, the workers outside looked over one after another.

As Chen Huajiang left the factory and developed, and his development got better and better, it had caused several controversies among the workers in the factory.

It would be fine if Chen Huajiang had a miserable life and everyone could sympathize with him, but if he had a good life, some narrow-minded people would feel that it was unbalanced.

How come a worker who was fired from the factory is doing better than them?

With this kind of thinking, those people are naturally arrogant and usually speak ill of Chen Huajiang in small groups.

Chen Huajiang has never looked down upon these people. Even before he traveled through time, there were still many people who laughed at them but did not hate them.

"Chen Huajiang, you dare to cheat on me, right?"

"Today I'm here to teach you how to be a good person. Originally, I planned to give you a week to clear this place."

"But now the chance is gone. Today I will smash your store to pieces. Let everyone see how your first store, Chen Huajiang, turned into a public toilet!"

Seeing Chen Huajiang appear, Feng Weizhi stared at him fiercely and said arrogantly.

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter from all around.

It has to be said that Feng Weizhi's method is too underhanded, but it is very suitable for the onlookers' mentality of watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

"Should I cheat on you? Do I need to cheat on you?"

Chen Huajiang was indifferent, his expression was neither happy nor sad, even a little disdainful.

"You still dare to quibble, do you dare to say that those who canceled their membership cards in the past two days were not caused by you?"

"Do you dare to say that the rumors circulating in the market in those days were not spread by you?"

When Feng Weizhi saw that Chen Huajiang still dared to quibble, his face became more ferocious and his heart became more and more angry.

What happened to you two days ago almost made him upset, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

"You are overthinking. Even a fool can clearly see your little tricks. It is just a trick of borrowing money to develop. Use membership cards to gather funds for development, then converge and develop again, and the cycle continues."

"The faster it develops, the greater the crisis, and it will inevitably collapse in the end. Just like a steaming cup and a lid, one cup corresponds to one lid under normal circumstances, and a smart person can use one lid to correspond to two cups. But you use One lid corresponds to five cups. It would be strange if nothing happened, but it would not be surprising if something happened."

Chen Huajiang said disdainfully, directly stating the principles of his tricks.

As soon as he said this, Feng Weizhi's face suddenly changed and he shouted: "You are talking nonsense about cup lids. I have plenty of funds in my delicious restaurant, and there is plenty of money. Even if you make trouble, I still have nothing to do with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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