Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 154 Giving Money to Enemies

Chapter 154 Giving Money to Enemies
Chen Huajiang smiled and nodded at him, feeling really happy in his heart.

Gou Weidong and Wu De actually had a civil strife, which was really interesting.

Looking at Gou Weidong's bruised nose and swollen face after being beaten, he made some calculations in his mind, maybe he could open a breakthrough from the other party.

"Liang Long, look at how badly Gou Weidong was beaten. Take him to the security department to rest."

"Besides, there were so many people there just now. I guess he is too timid to tell the truth."

Chen Huajiang said to Liang Long with a smile.

Liang Long nodded and asked his men to take Gou Weidong away.

"What are you doing!? Groove, what do you want to do?"

"What I just said is the truth. Diplodocus, do you really want to touch me?"

"If you dare to touch a hair on my head, I will never let you go!"

Being held up by two men from the security department, one on the left and one on the right, Gou Weidong panicked, threatening and struggling.

However, Diplodocus ignored him and still motioned to his younger brother to take him away.

In the security department, Chen Huajiang looked at Gou Weidong with a smile on his face, while Gou Weidong looked at Chen Huajiang with a cold and angry face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a ruthless attack. Brother Wu De didn't take you seriously, it's like this."

"My dear, a bruised nose and a swollen face are not enough to describe your injury. Not only is your nose bruised, but it's also bleeding."

"Hey, let's get some toilet paper and cover it up. It looks so pitiful."

Chen Huajiang didn't care about his attitude, teased him with a smile, and then handed the toilet paper to him.

"Tao, Chen Huajiang, don't be hypocritical here. It's none of your business what I do!"

Gou Weidong knocked away the toilet paper Chen Huajiang handed him and roared through gritted teeth.

"Look at you, you are really irritable. Why are you so mean to me? If you don't know, you think I did something to you."

"But the truth is, it's just that you bully the weak and fear the strong. You were beaten like this by the Wu family, and you don't dare to say any nonsense."

Chen Huajiang didn't take it seriously, smiled disdainfully, and curled his lips.

Gou Weidong's expression became even more angry when he said this, which also made Liang Long and his subordinates burst into laughter.

But that's not it. Gou Weidong's arrogance at this time and his cowardice before were really two extremes.

"Actually, there is no big conflict between us. We just had a fight, and I didn't beat you like this, right?"

Chen Huajiang said with a smile, took out Huazi and gave one to everyone, and also to Gou Weidong.

The other party hesitated slightly, but still took it.

Chen Huajiang smiled more and more happily, which showed that the other party's attitude had softened.

"I came here originally to get a batch of coal stoves from the factory and sell them. The thief made money."

"As long as the coal stove is produced, you can make a profit by reselling it. But this coal stove workshop is the Wu family's territory, so it's not easy to deal with it."

Chen Huajiang sighed deliberately and said.

Gou Weidong didn't take up the fight. This was obvious. Who didn't know?

At present, all the energy and resources of the entire factory are being directed towards the coal furnace workshop. He went to Wu De this time to gain some benefits.

As a result, Wu De hated him so much that he blamed him for their family's loss of money, and he also lost money!
The two of them quarreled more and more, and finally got into a fight.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Gou Weidong became.

After smoking the cigarette to the end, Chen Huajiang put out the cigarette butt and said with a smile: "One piece for four, I will eat all the coal stoves you can get."

After saying this, Gou Weidong suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party in disbelief.

One dollar and four is the price of Hongqi Factory's coal stove in the market. In fact, they sell it for one dollar and one dollar and three.

In other words, if you sell a coal stove, you can make at least [-] cents, or even [-] cents.

"Are you serious?" Gou Weidong's voice was a little trembling, and he looked at Chen Huajiang in disbelief and said.

"Of course, there is nothing real about a transaction where you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other."

"I'm doing this to ease the relationship between you. It's up to you how much you can get."

Chen Huajiang smiled and nodded, patting the other party on the shoulder.

Then he pursed his lips to indicate that Gou Weidong could go out.

Gou Weidong hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, let's wipe out our grudges."

As he spoke, he forced out an ugly smile and walked out.

"Brother Chen, what do you mean by this? Are you crazy? Isn't this obviously giving money to the other party?"

"Damn it, if you need the coal stove in the factory, tell me, I can get some of it for one dollar and three!"

Before Liang Long was dissatisfied and anxious, but with Gou Weidong here, he couldn't say anything.

Now that Gou Weidong left, he couldn't help but look at Chen Huajiang anxiously and said dissatisfiedly.

In his eyes, Chen Huajiang was too inexplicable and too 'cowardly' this time.

"Diplodocus, okay, I have a plan."

"Don't worry. We all know that Gou Weidong is a man with great ambition but little talent, and is greedy and greedy."

Chen Huajiang laughed, patted his good brother on the shoulder, then pulled him aside and whispered.

Liang Long's eyes widened, and finally he looked at Chen Huajiang with an incredulous expression, as if he was looking at an "idiot".

"Brother Chen, are you treating him like a fool? A fool won't be fooled, right?"

He didn't believe Chen Huajiang's plan and thought it was too unreliable. At least he himself would never be fooled.

"Cough cough cough-"

As he said this, Chen Huajiang coughed violently and rolled his eyes wildly.

If Liang Long's words are passed on to future generations, I don't know how many millions of people will cry.

How did those later generations of people who speculated in stocks, speculated in money, speculated in shoes, and speculated on graphics cards and hard drives appear?It’s not just the greed of people and the belief that they can control the market.

Greed, those who have not fallen into it will not understand it.

Just like a product worth 100 yuan, if it is suddenly speculated to 1 yuan, normal people will think it is crazy.

Because its value is only 100 yuan, but as long as someone takes over, the hype people will make up various reasons to comfort themselves and brainwash others.

Only when the tide goes out will people understand who was swimming naked.

The next day, Gou Weidong contacted Chen Huajiang and said that he had obtained three coal stoves.

Obviously, the early stage was just a small fight to test whether Chen Huajiang really wanted to cooperate with him and get back together.

Chen Huajiang didn't even bother to come forward, so he directly asked Liang Long to hand over to him.

After the first time, there will be a second and third time, and the subsequent transactions of coal furnaces are also based on hundreds.

These coal stoves were eaten by all who came to Chen Huajiang.

The Spring Festival is just over a month away, and the weather is getting colder and colder.

Chen Huajiang visited the city's aluminum material factory in the past few days, signed a big order, and won a large number of No. [-] aluminum pipes. At the same time, he also visited the coal stove factory and won a large order for their factory for a month.

He stayed at home for several days, knocking, cutting and welding.

"I said, what on earth are you doing to make your home like this?"

Lin Jiayin has said this many times in the past few days, but her husband doesn't listen, which makes her very angry.

The home is not big, and the space is relatively cramped. As a result, Chen Huajiang also built a bunch of aluminum pipes on the walls of his home, which looked ugly no matter what.

"You'll find out later."

Chen Huajiang said with a smile that what he is doing now is the heating project that was popular in the 90s.

Coal stove ring house heating plan.

"I'm going to buy vegetables!"

Lin Jiayin saw that her husband did not listen to the advice, so she had no choice but to walk out of the house out of sight and out of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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