Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 156 Greed Kills People

Chapter 156 Greed Kills People
"As expected."

Chen Huajiang laughed, Gou Weidong's coquettish operation really did not meet his expectations.

To put it bluntly, it's all about greed.

Originally, he could earn one or two cents from selling a coal stove to Chen Huajiang. Now seeing that Chen Huajiang sells it for one yuan and seventy cents, and the market is extremely tight, of course he wants to earn more.

"And I've noticed that there have been a lot of merchants at the entrance of the factory recently, and I recognize a few of them as vendors from nearby canteens."

"Wu De and the others are also shipping. Now there is no need for the factory to ship out. These people come to pick up the goods themselves."

Liang Long informed Chen Huajiang of recent events.

Chen Huajiang nodded and laughed. He didn't think there was any problem with this. It would be abnormal for the Wu family, who controlled the coal furnace workshop, not to make a fortune from outsiders.

"It's almost time to close the net. You can talk to Gou Weidong first."

"It's not impossible to increase the price, but to prevent him from being so unruly and not giving credit, we need to sign an order contract."

"This time it has to be a big order, a big contract, and liquidated damages must be set."

Chen Huajiang said with a smile to Liang Long.

He believed that Gou Weidong had a lot of goods on his hands during this period, and Liang Long was just a "bait" for the other party's greed.

At the same time, Jin Sanshun was also cooperating with Chen Huajiang's actions, asking his vendors to approach Gou Weidong to get the goods, creating a popular atmosphere and selling the goods as soon as they were available.

In this way, a week passed.

On this day, Kunlun Coal Stove began to reduce its price, from [-] yuan to [-] yuan. The reason was of course to organize activities and give back to customers.

At the same time, Chen Huajiang began to sell coal stoves in large quantities at the Coal Stove Factory, priced at one dollar and four.

This sudden change made the coal stoves of Hongqi Factory no longer interested in the market.

Gou Weidong approached Chen Huajiang many times and asked to sell him a coal stove for four yuan, but Chen Huajiang refused many times.

Today he directly blocked Chen Huajiang at the gate of the family courtyard.

"Chen Huajiang, as we said last time, the price is [-] yuan, and you want as much as I have."

Why are you talking now?You have to give me an explanation today, otherwise you won't be able to leave!

Gou Weidong had an angry face, his eyes were red, and his hair was messy.

During this time, he was very anxious and exhausted, and there were as many as [-] coal stoves weighing on his hands.

You should know that the daily output of the coal stove workshop is only [-] units, so he took ten days' worth of goods at once.And as the price of coal stoves rose sharply later, brothers Wu De and Wu Lei were not stupid, and also raised the price of their purchases. Later, they were all priced at [-] yuan.

And just like that, he got it only after he offended the Wu family and threatened them.

As a result, the price of coal stoves has dropped significantly now, and it's all on his hands. Gou Weidong has been so anxious that he wants to die these days.

The only way to survive is to buy it from Chen Huajiang, who is willing to eat it for one dollar and four.

"Gou Weidong, do you think I'm a fool?"

"At that time, I asked you to buy it for [-] yuan, but you didn't sell it and kept hoarding the goods. Now that the price of coal stoves has dropped significantly, do you think I will buy it?"

"You're not stupid, so why do you think I'm stupid? Get out of the way."

Chen Huajiang said disdainfully, and directly pushed the other party away and went back.

"Chen Huajiang, you have to buy it today, so I beg you, okay?"

Gou Weidong became anxious, took Chen Huajiang's arm and said, his eyes full of pleading.

Three thousand coal stoves, which contained not only their entire family's wealth, but also his father's misappropriation of funds from the factory's logistics department again.

Originally, he thought he could make money by selling these coal stoves, but it was just a matter of trade.

Who wants to smash it all on their hands now?

"beg me?"

"Gou Weidong, the relationship between us is not that good. And you have three thousand coal stoves, three thousand!"

"I can give you a suggestion. You can return the coal stove to the Wu brothers and see if they take it."

Chen Huajiang said disdainfully, deliberately louder than the words of Three Thousand Coal Stoves, and after speaking, he broke away from the other party's pull and left.

His refusal caused Gou Weidong to sit down on the ground, his face turning pale.

He knew he was doomed unless the price of coal stoves on the market could rise again, and that would have to change before the misappropriation of funds was revealed.

Otherwise, their family would be doomed.

And what frightened him the most was that many people had already gathered around, all of whom came to watch the excitement.

The words of Chen Huajiang's [-] coal stoves just now obviously reached the ears of these people, and the news will soon spread without accident.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Gou Weidong became. His heart beat faster and his blood flow accelerated. Eventually, his vision went dark and he fainted from fear.

"problem occurs!"

"The boy from the Gou family has fainted."

"What happened? I just heard Chen Huajiang talking about three thousand coal stoves."

Gou Weidong's coma startled the crowd around him, and everyone stepped forward to help.

At the same time, they started discussing each other, and they quickly guessed why Gou Weidong was in a coma.

On that day, word spread that the Gou family had taken [-] coal stoves from the factory to sell.

Soon, rumors spread that Gou Zhiguo had misappropriated funds from the Logistics Department. Liu Jun investigated and found that the funds of the Logistics Department were incorrect, so he called the police on the spot to arrest Gou Zhiguo.

The three thousand coal stoves that Gou Weidong smashed into his hands were also confiscated by Liu Jun and the people from the security department and returned to the factory. At this time, everyone could still calm down.

Because everyone feels that there is a huge demand for coal stoves in the market right now, and even selling [-] coal stoves can generate funds.

Even the coal stove workshop is still operating at full capacity, selling small quantities while waiting for the market to pick up before selling large quantities.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the price of Kunlun coal stoves was once again reduced to [-] yuan, and at the same time, the price of coal stoves from the coal stove factory was reduced to [-] yuan.

This scared the entire management of Hongqi Factory, especially the three Wu family members, because at this price their profits were reduced to extremely low levels, and there was even a risk of losing money in production.

Hongqi Factory held a management meeting that day.

"It will definitely rise. For no other reason than that, coal-fired heating projects in family homes are in full swing in various places. The demand for coal stoves is less than the supply. At the moment, it is just Kunlun Coal Stove and Coal Stove Factory Coal Stove who are deliberately trying to trouble us!"

"Yes, how many goods can they have? They will be sold out soon. And I also found out that Chen Huajiang is responsible for everything. This guy is not a good person. He took the big order from the Coal Stove Factory and got it for four yuan. , now selling it for one dollar and three, wouldn’t it mean that we are losing money?”

Don't worry, Factory Manager Liu. In a few days at most, the price of coal stoves will rise.Hum hum, I have been scanning the market these days, and some coal stoves at some sales points are out of stock.

At the conference, Wu De, Wu Min, Wu Lei and others said with great certainty, each one more confident than the other.

The words of everyone in the Wu family also made everyone feel relieved, because they had some understanding of the situation in the market.

The sales of coal stoves in the market are still booming, and many family homes are also undergoing coal heating renovations in full swing.

In this way, Hongqi Factory missed the final opportunity to sell coal stoves.

(End of this chapter)

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