Chapter 198

"Don't worry, Brother Hao, we will do it properly."

"You brothers are the most strict-mouthed. I don't like Chen Huajiang anymore. If Brother Hao hadn't caught you last time, I would have killed him with a shovel."

"No, let's take revenge from last time together!"

Following Wu Hao's words, several brothers also patted their chests and said.

Their words made Wu Hao's face become more ferocious and angry. The last time he was scared to pee by Chen Huajiang's legs, he became a laughing stock in the family home.

The so-called face was naturally stripped to the end, and he originally wanted to wait for Chen Huajiang to take over the match factory and then fail to take revenge before returning.But as the match factory became more and more prosperous, and his brothers became less and less, he naturally didn't dare to be arrogant with Chen Huajiang anymore.

But this time, I received a favor from a mysterious person. As long as I burn down the match factory, I can get a benefit of [-] yuan, which is a good time to avenge old and new grudges.

Several people drank a bottle of liquor and then left, waiting for the evening action.

"Little Wuzi, haven't you found a job yet? When will you pay back the money you owe my family?"

Xiao Wuzi's name is Zhang Wu, which is homophonic to "five", so he is nicknamed Xiao Wuzi.

He is one of Wu Hao's brothers. He bumped into his neighbor Zhao Xiaobing before he got home.

When Zhang Wu was hanging out with Wu Hao, he was very prestigious in the factory and borrowed money from many people, including Zhao Xiaobing's ten yuan.

It was said to be borrowing money, but in fact it was blackmail. With Wu Hao protecting them, who would dare to ask them to pay back the money?
But now that Wu Hao and the others have been dismissed as thorns, and the match factory is booming, Zhao Xiaobing is naturally no longer afraid of them, so he has the courage to ask him to pay back the money.

It is natural to pay back debts, but Zhang Wu was furious and felt that he had lost a huge amount of face.

Even Zhao Xiaobing, who was submissive in front of him, dared to ask him to pay back the money. It was like being bullied by a dog.

"Zhao Xiaobing, don't be so arrogant. It's just ten yuan. I'll pay it back to you tomorrow."

"It's you, if you don't take me, Zhang Wu, seriously, your good days are over!"

Zhang Wu stared at Zhao Xiaobing bitterly and said, then pushed him away and returned home, slamming the door shut.

"What the hell! When I burn down the match factory at night, I'll see what you idiots can do about it!"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Wu said angrily, his eyes full of ferociousness.

Zhao Xiaobing staggered when he pushed him, and he was also angry in his heart. He didn't expect that the other party would be so arrogant if he didn't pay back the money he owed.

If he was afraid of Wu Hao before, he would not dare to say anything, but now that Wu Hao and others are no longer in the factory, Zhang Wu still treats him like this and wants to continue to ask him to pay back the money.

As a result, before he could reach out and knock down the door, he heard Zhang Wu's sinister words coming from inside. His face suddenly changed and his eyes were horrified.

Zhao Xiaobing did not dare to knock on the door anymore, and hurriedly left, looking for a few workers in the family yard who were not at work.

"What!? Zhang Wuzhen said that?"

I saw Wu Hao buying a lot of food and wine and going back today. All of them went to Wu Hao's house, and it seemed they were discussing plans.

"Hurry up and notify Boss Chen and Engineer Wang!"

When they heard this, they immediately became nervous, and they quickly got on their bicycles and rushed to the match factory.

Chen Huajiang naturally received the news immediately and asked Gong Wang to lead the workers to set up defenses.

"There is only one reason to be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. We must catch them tonight. Everyone must be alert and don't alert the snake."

"The match factory is booming now, and everyone's wages are paid in full. Now Wu Hao and those black sheep want to damage the match factory. Do you agree?"

Chen Huajiang arranged the plan and encouraged everyone.

"No promise!"

"Those grandsons of Cao Te Miao are so vicious. We must not let them go."

"Boss Chen, don't worry, they don't want to have too many meals in the future. My family is supported by my work in the match factory. My mother and her textile factory have not been able to pay wages for half a year. My father also works in the steel wire factory. Wages are in arrears. This match factory is my home, my roots, and I will never let those black sheep succeed."

A group of workers were filled with anger and looked furious.

Seeing that people's hearts could be used, Chen Huajiang encouraged them again and worked with everyone to refine the arrest plan for the night.

Night, two o'clock.

Wu Hao and a group of people came to the back of the match factory. Wu Hao got a ladder and put it on the wall.

Zhang Wu and Liu Xin were both small and thin. They climbed up the ladder quickly and stood carefully on the wall with their waist bent.

Then the two carefully lowered the two barrels of kerosene with the rope, and then climbed down the rope with each other.

Not far away, Wang Dayou, Zhao Xiaobing and others were staring at them.

"They are coming, Mr. Wang, what should we do?"

Zhao Xiaobing lowered his voice and asked nervously.

Wang Dayou narrowed his eyes, staring coldly at Zhang Wu and Zhang Wu who were walking forward.

"We're waiting for them to get close to the factory before we take action. It's best for the brothers outside to take action first to prevent Wu Hao and the others from escaping."

Wang Dayou said coldly, pressing Zhao Xiaobing's shoulders to signal the brothers to calm down.

In Chen Huajiang's plan, all these people should be caught in one fell swoop, so if this side takes the lead, Wu Hao and others behind the wall are likely to run away.

"Come on, don't let them escape!"

"Catch Wu Hao!"

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.


Wang Dayou shouted while rushing towards Zhang Wu.

Zhang Wu was opening the oil barrel and preparing to pour kerosene on the workshop. When he heard this, he started to tremble and the kerosene barrel fell to the ground.

A group of people rushed forward and instantly knocked Zhang Wu and Liu Xinwu to the ground.

"Zhang Wu, you are so brave, right? You dare to set fire to the factory!"

Wang Dayou punched Zhang Wu hard on the forehead, then grabbed his hair and pulled him up.

He was full of hatred, and finally had a hope for life, and got to the point where he had no shortage of cigarettes. However, scum like Wu Hao actually wanted to destroy everything.

Of course Wang Dayou would not tolerate it.

"How do you know, how do you know?"

Zhang Wu's face was pale and full of fear, but he still looked at everyone and asked.

He didn't know why such a secret plan was discovered.

Soon he saw Zhao Xiaobing in the crowd, and when he saw the disdainful look on his face, he understood and instantly turned pale.

As Wu Hao and others were arrested, everyone called the police. Wu Hao and others were captured at the scene, and all the certified evidence was available. What awaits them will be severe punishment by law.

The next day, the behavior of Wu Hao and others was reported to the Family Court, and almost the entire Match Factory Family Court became angry.

"Damn it, I knew those beasts were nothing, but they were so mad that they set fire to the factory. My son was on night shift yesterday!"

"Fortunately, he was discovered early, otherwise something big would have happened this time. The boy from the Wu family has a sharp mouth and a sinister look on his face. I already knew he was not a good guy."

"The match factory has finally turned a profit. Not to mention every household, most of us have relatives working there. These beasts actually want to set fire to the factory. We must not let them go lightly. They should all be shooting!"

Many uncles and aunts had angry faces and gritted their teeth to denounce the crazy behavior of Wu Hao and others.

By the afternoon, almost the entire family home was in action. Hundreds of people came to the police station and demanded severe punishment for Wu Hao and others.

(End of this chapter)

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