Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 200 Soda Drink Factory Completion Ceremony

Chapter 200 Soda Drink Factory Completion Ceremony

Chen Huajiang had no objection to Zhou Xiaoliu. It was common for businessmen to focus on profits, sometimes competing and sometimes cooperating.

As long as it's profitable, we have a good relationship with each other.

But this premise is to defend first-hand. The opponent is different from Zhou Kun and Zhang Laowu and is more powerful.

Zhou Xiaoliu's Guangming Match once occupied half of the market share and was the most developed company.

This kind of person will be forced to work as an oxtail for a short period of time, but it will definitely not last long. Once the crisis is over, he will choose to become a chicken and start a new business.

Chen Huajiang naturally has to be prepared for this. It has nothing to do with good or evil, let alone morality, but only interests.

"Times are developing and technology is advancing. Matches have been used for many years and will be eliminated sooner or later."

"I originally planned to hand over these disposable matches to the state-owned match factory for operation, but there are too many orders at the moment and the factory cannot produce them."

"Since you want to cooperate with me, I'm thinking that I can leave this to you for production. But the prerequisite is——"

Chen Huajiang tapped the table with his index finger, said with a smile, exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked at Zhou Xiaoliu playfully.


"Boss Chen, please forgive me. As long as the request is not too excessive, I, Zhou Xiaoliu, will agree to it!"

Zhou Xiaoliu became excited and clenched his fists excitedly.

Just like his expression, his heart was also filled with turmoil. This was simply wealth delivered to his door!
He has already determined that these [-] matches will definitely set off a turbulent wave in the market, not to mention completely replacing matches, at least they will be able to seize the vast majority of the market share.

"Our state-owned match factory has applied for a patent for this thing. I can provide you with the production technology. I will use the patent and technology to become a shareholder of the Bright Match Company in your hand, accounting for 40.00% of the shares. At the same time, within two years, the 'million times' matches ' can only be sold by us."

"If it works, we will cooperate. If it doesn't work, then I can only start another company or find someone else to cooperate with."

Chen Huajiang put out his cigarette butt and gave his conditions.

Zhou Xiaoliu fell into deep thought. With 40.00% of the factory share, he only produced patents and technologies, which was quite a bit of a waste of money.

He had just thought about this thing, and it seemed that it didn't have high production and technical requirements. He believed that his men could copy it quickly.

It's just that this patent is a bit difficult to handle. Once Chen Huajiang keeps an eye on them, it will be really difficult to handle.

"Thirty percent, forty percent is too much."

"I still have a lot of workers to support. This 'Wanci Match' is more complicated than ordinary matches. I think the people who make it will have higher requirements."

After thinking for a while, Zhou Xiaoliu finally looked at Chen Huajiang and said while bargaining.

"make a deal."

To Zhou Xiaoliu's surprise, Chen Huajiang agreed directly.

This made him even wonder if he could just shout [-]%. But now that he had finished speaking, Zhou Xiaoliu nodded excitedly.

In this way, the two reached a preliminary agreement, and a formal contract will be signed later.

Zhou Xiaoliu ordered a sumptuous meal, Chen Huajiang drank two drinks with him and then stood up to leave.

Zhou Xiaoliu also left immediately. Improving the real estate production line is not that simple. The supporting machinery and equipment need to be customized.

A month later, Guangming Match Factory formed a production line and began to produce Wanci matches under the brand of "State-owned Match Factory".

This thing was welcomed as soon as it was launched on the market. Firstly, it is novel, and secondly, it seems to be more economical and convenient at first glance.

As Guangming Match Factory no longer engages in ordinary matches, the entire mass match market in Nanming City has also been monopolized by the state-owned match factory.

The price of matches also returned to the right track again, rising all the way from five cents to eight cents, and finally stabilized at ten cents.

The Wanci match is priced at [-] cents. Due to the insufficient production of Guangming Match Company, there is basically no market for the price, and it will be sold out once it is sold.

So much so that this thing has become a prop for many people to pretend to be. For example, when smoking, people who use matches thousands of times will show them off, which plays a role in publicity and promotion.

However, these things have nothing to do with Chen Huajiang. As the state-owned match factory is on the right track, he also completely handed over the factory to Wang Dayou, Shen Tao and Zhao Xiaobing for management.

One is in charge of production, one is in charge of sales, and the other is in charge of security. It can be regarded as a tripartite stand.As for important financial and personnel affairs, Chen Huajiang certainly would not leave it to others, but left it to Fa Xiao Guo Lin.

Because of his uncle Lin Guoshan, the shop at the textile factory was closed before the Chinese New Year, so Guo Lin was free.

Under Chen Huajiang's conscious arrangement, Guo Lin also transformed into a manager.

In Wuxing Village, a factory covering an area of ​​six acres was built after the New Year, and became the focus of pointing fingers and discussions in the entire village.

Today is the completion ceremony, and as a collaborator, Chen Huajiang naturally has no choice but to come.

The completion ceremony of this year was not as grand as that of later generations, but fortunately it was real.

Set up a big table!
Whether it is weddings, funerals or any other reason, setting up a banquet is indispensable in rural areas, and it is often the only correct choice.

Can't handle the ceremony?Can't get the wedding done?Funeral?It doesn't matter. Once the banquet is set up, everything is OK.

"Boss Chen, our factory has started up. When will your equipment and technology be in place?"

At the banquet, Zhao Hongmei looked at Chen Huajiang excitedly and nervously while holding the rice wine and asked.

"Don't worry, your side is in place, how could I not be in place?"

"The things will be shipped tomorrow, and we can start work after simple training."

Chen Huajiang also took a sip of rice wine and said to her confidently.

After hearing this, Zhao Hongmei breathed a sigh of relief and nodded with a smile.

During this period, she was under a lot of pressure to build a "soda factory" in the village against everyone's opinions.

On the one hand, there is no full support from the town, and on the other hand, there are also gossips in the village.

As for her curve, she achieved her goal and built this soda factory in the name of the Third Production Brigade.

But this aspect also offended some people, and the pressure was naturally very great.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Chen Huajiang stood up and said goodbye, asking Er Mao to bring the equipment over tomorrow.

To put it bluntly, the equipment in the soda plant is simple, just like the one he left behind in Anrong Hutong, only bigger.

"Zhao Hongmei, just lead the Third Production Brigade. You will never get any good results if you continue like this."

Just as he was about to leave, a group of people suddenly appeared at the banquet. One of them was in his early thirties, tall and tall, holding a tin trumpet.

A dozen or so men followed behind him, all gloomyly scanning the crowd, and finally landed on Zhao Hongmei and Chen Huajiang.

"what's the situation!?"

Chen Huajiang frowned and asked Zhao Hongmei who was on the side.

"This guy is Zhao Zhenhua from the Fifth Production Brigade. He is responsible for orange sales in the countryside."

"When we set up a soda factory, the other party was the biggest obstacle. They kept obstructing us. Unexpectedly, they came here to cause trouble again today."

Zhao Hongmei gave Chen Huajiang a rough explanation, with an angry expression and gritted teeth when speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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