Chapter 21

Wu Min was not in a good mood originally, but after seeing Wu De, he became even more angry.

If it weren't for his unfulfilled son, how could he offend the factory director?
"Dad, what did the factory director ask you to do? Isn't it a salary increase?"

Wu De thought very well.

"Go away and get a raise. The factory director gave me a lecture and said that whoever dares to drive away the snack bar will be settled with him in the future. Have you found out clearly? Is the person in the snack bar related to the factory director? what is the relationship?"

Now Wu Min is very suspicious of this matter.

Why can the security department rent the house to Chen Huajiang at such a low price?

There must be a reason. The more he thought about it, the more likely his guess was.

"No way? Does it mean that the factory director won't let us drive him away?"

Wu De couldn't believe it.

No wonder he looked unhappy when he came. Did he do something wrong?

He decided to find someone to inquire about it later.

"Hurry up and tell the security department and ask them not to rush that kid anymore. Looking at the current situation, it's impossible to drive him away."

Old Wu explained.

Although Wu De was unhappy, he didn't dare not listen to what the factory director said.

He went to the security department and told Lao Liang about the matter.

Lao Liang was a little confused. He tried hard to drive Chen Huajiang away before, but now he stopped letting him go. He didn't know what the Wu family and his son were thinking.

However, this is a good thing for him, at least his son can still receive dividends every month.

Chen Huajiang can be considered relieved now, the little gangster has Heihu sitting in charge for him.

Here in the factory, the factory director is all facing him, what else can the others do?
Even if they were jealous of Chen Huajiang making money, there was nothing they could do about it.

That night, Gou Weidong and Wu De sat together again. Both of them had conflicts with Chen Huajiang.

But now neither of them know what to do.

"Brother! Let's just do nothing and watch him make a lot of money there?"

Gou Weidong said very unhappy.

"Then what do you say? Now the factory director is supporting him, what can I do?"

Wu De was indeed helpless.

"Even if the factory director supports him, if we want to come up with a problem that even the factory director can't solve, at least prevent his snack bar from continuing to operate. I have a solution here, but I don't know if it will work."

After Gou Weidong finished speaking, he deliberately glanced at Wu De.

"Then tell me."

"We found a few people and went to eat mutton skewers at his place. The next day they said that they had diarrhea from eating there. In this case, the reputation of his snack bar would be gone. We can also say that the mutton he used was all It’s not fresh.”

"Nowadays, food safety inspections are so strict. If one person reports him, the snack bar will stop working. What will happen even if there is a factory director?"

Gou Weidong came up with such a bad idea.

The most important thing is that he dared to speak, and Wu De actually dared to listen!
"Don't tell me that this is a good idea. We need to find a few reliable people. If someone in the middle gets news, it will be troublesome."

Wu De's eyes were gleaming, and he even felt that Chen Huajiang was about to be kicked out of the Hongqi Factory.

"I think we don't need to look for more, just three or five. As long as we make trouble in the past, this problem will be easily solved."

Gou Weidong is very blindly confident in his own ideas.

"Let me think about who to look for. We have to give people some benefits. What if they don't obey us?"

Wu De's usual style is to give money. Anyway, his family has money.

In the factory these years, his father has not been less corrupt.

The two of them were thinking about how to deal with Chen Huajiang. Of course, Chen Huajiang was not a fool.

He knew that Wu De would not give up easily, so he always paid attention to Wu De's actions.

However, Wu De was not found to have any excessive behavior, and Wu De also came to ridicule himself recently.

The more Wu De behaves like this, the more Chen Huajiang feels unsure of himself.

In the evening, Diplodocus came over to help again. Knowing that their snack bar could still continue, Diplodocus was very happy.

Recently, more and more people come here to eat.

Chen Huajiang hired several people, so he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Liang Long, one thing I'm worried about right now is that Wu De hasn't been here recently. Is he having some bad ideas?"

Chen Huajiang felt very worried.

"I guess you don't dare anymore, right? Now the factory director is on the same side as you. If he doesn't have the eyesight, it's impossible for him to do this, right?"

Diplodocus guessed.

"It's hard to tell. This grandson is full of bad ideas. Please pay attention to asking us about it in the next few days."

"Okay, I understand. Let me find out more about it."

When Liang Long was playing cards, he also asked his poker friends, and they all said that they had not seen Wu De recently.

Liang Long didn't think much about it. He thought it was possible that Wu De lost thousands of dollars last time and had no money, so he didn't dare to come over to gamble.

But on the second day, something happened to Chen Huajiang.

When it was almost noon, four or five people came and said loudly: "We ate mutton skewers at your place yesterday, and we kept having diarrhea when we got back."

"Everyone should stop eating here. The meat here is not fresh."

Chen Huajiang laughed when he saw these people saying this.

He finally understood why Wu De didn't show up during this period. It turned out that he had such a bad idea.

Chen Huajiang didn't have the slightest fear. He walked over slowly. These people had indeed eaten mutton skewers at his place last night.

"How do you know that you had diarrhea after eating mutton skewers here? You guys weren't the ones who ate mutton skewers yesterday. We all ate too much. Why didn't others have diarrhea while you did?"

Chen Huajiang asked back, and several people came directly after seeing that they had not done their homework.

"Anyway, we just ate at your place, and we started having diarrhea when we got back."

One of the leaders said loudly.

"You are not sent by Wu De, are you? Let me tell you, you must be responsible for saying this."

Chen Huajiang was still in no hurry.

"I brought my friends over for dinner last night, and we had a good time."

"It's impossible for Xiao Chen to use stale meat. We come here often, and this has never happened."

"I think these people just want to extort money. Xiao Chen, please call the police."

People who came to eat at noon were all on Chen Huajiang's side.

As soon as they heard that the police had been called, those people suddenly became a little scared.

"I knew you wouldn't admit it. There's no evidence anyway. I'm just telling you, believe it or not."

After the leader finished speaking, he left with a few people.

(End of this chapter)

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