Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 307 Look from a distance, it's Superman

Chapter 307: Looking from a distance, it’s Superman

"Boss Chen, don't go crazy!"

"Boss, take it easy."

Not only Wang Lili was shocked, but Ma Liangping and Er Mao on the side also changed their expressions.

The two of them looked at Chen Huajiang and said, "All the funds have been invested. This is simply crazy."

Chen Huajiang waved his hand and said confidently: "According to my research, at present, the Western world is in turmoil, and Xiao Fusang stands out in economic terms. A large amount of money has entered the Fuso stock market, can it not rise?"

Of course, these are all hindsight boasts, and they are also explanations given to everyone.

In fact, today in [-], it was when the Fuso stock market entered its biggest bubble.Later generations have long concluded that Fuso experienced strange economic changes in this year.

The biggest feature is that while asset prices are expanding rapidly, commodity prices remain stable.This is the most representative feature of the bubble era.

Just last month, the Fuso Economic Agency released data on price increases in the first half of the year. In the past three months, prices have stopped rising and have remained sideways.

At this time, there was a lot of jubilation in Fusang, including major economists who called it good regulation in Fusang, which maintained the living standards of the people and was conducive to economic growth.

But in the eyes of later generations of economists, this was precisely the sign that the bubble was beginning to take off.It is obviously unreasonable for asset values ​​to rise but commodity prices not to rise. The former obviously has bubble properties.

"I hope I can see you again then."

Wang Lili said with a sullen face, shaking her head slightly.

Chen Huajiang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Definitely."

After saying that, he left with his men.

When they returned to the hotel, everyone was dazzled by the colorful world in Hong Kong.

The current economic gap between China and Hong Kong is too great. It will not be until after 2000 that the rise of super first-tier cities, especially the Shanghai Stock Exchange, can rival Hong Kong.

These days, there is almost a consensus that everyone agrees with the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Looking at the high-spirited steps of the people on the street, I feel full of energy. Who would have thought that in another 30 years, the young people here would be proud of being useless.

A stretched Rolls-Royce drove slowly on the road, and the eyes of the people around it were full of passion.

"It's the Li family's car!"

"Will Superman Li go to Fuji for dinner again? One day I will become as rich as him."

"Quick, quick, let's see if we can get some advice from Li Chaoren."

As the car slowly drove towards an old wooden building, the crowd on the street became restless, swarming away like a school of fish suspended by bait.

Soon, the Rolls-Royce stopped outside Fu Ji Tea Restaurant. Bodyguards in black got off the vehicles in front and behind, and stood in two rows to separate the people wall, so that the middle-aged and elderly people in the middle could enter without obstacles. Tea restaurant.

"Li Chaoren, which stock do you think will rise right now!?"

"Li Chaoren, the financial channel said that you are interested in the development of the New Territories in China and Hong Kong. Is this true?"

"Superman, can you give me some advice on which stock to buy right now that is promising?"

The crowd swarmed around, pushing the bodyguards and shouting excitedly to Li Bancheng.

"I don't look at the Central New Territories. I only look at Cheung Kong Industries. Industry is the focus of Hong Kong's development."

Li Bancheng said with a smile, waved his hands to the crowd around him kindly, and then walked quickly towards the restaurant.

The crowd around them was naturally excited after receiving Li Bancheng's guidance.

"Hurry up and buy the shares of Cheung Kong Holdings!"

“Cheung Kong Holdings’ stock will definitely rise!”

"I knew the financial channel was unreliable."

Some people are even faster, walking and trotting, with a gust of wind.

Apparently they were going to buy Cheung Kong Holdings. There were even some reporters in the crowd, excitedly talking to the camera about Li Bancheng's words just now.

Chen Huajiang rolled his eyes wildly as he watched from a distance. On the one hand, he felt Li Bancheng's influence on this place. Just like his nickname of Li Chaoren, he had a great influence.On the other hand, I also feel that the other party is cunning and full of lies.

He knew that Cheung Kong was indeed purchasing industrial assets, but they were not Hong Kong industrial assets, but foreign industrial assets.At first glance, they all seemed to be in the industrial sector. In fact, according to what he saw in later generations, Li Bancheng's transformation showed that starting in [-], Li Bancheng had been dissatisfied with Hong Kong's industrial sector and had turned his attention to foreign countries.

In Hong Kong, Li Bancheng began to frantically deploy real estate and retail, and began a 40-[-]-year-long strategy of holding land but selling it and speculating on it.

"Is that guy Superman Li? He's really peaceful. He looks like an old man next door. You can't tell that he is a rich man."

Gao Yun looked in the direction of the tea restaurant with admiration and said with admiration.

Following his words, Ma Liangping and Er Mao also nodded with admiration.

Chen Huajiang rolled his eyes at these words, but he also knew that Li Bancheng was really good at image management.

There are many reports in later generations in this regard. He is indeed very friendly in dealing with people and makes people feel respected.

But these are just external appearances. On the inside, this is a crocodile, a very cold-blooded crocodile.

"New Territories?"

Chen Huajiang murmured to himself that he had the impression that land in the New Territories was very cheap at this time, as if it was still a wild land at the moment.

It was probably in the late 90s that the New Territories were developed. At that time, Li Bancheng relied on nearly half of the land in the New Territories to surpass other wealthy people in Hong Kong and ascend to the throne of the richest man in one fell swoop.

Went to the hotel and booked a few rooms.

In the next few days, Chen Huajiang did not pay attention to the Fuso stock market at all. Instead, he took his men to the New Territories.

The New Territories at this time were indeed very wild, just like the southern countryside in the late 90s, with two-story buildings in disarray, one in the east and one in the west.

There are so many rice fields, and the golden ears of rice are fluttering in the wind, which makes Chen Huajiang feel relaxed and happy.

"There are actually rural areas in Hong Kong!?"

"Do you grow your own food here?"

When Gao Yun and others saw it, their mouths were open, with expressions of shock and confusion on their faces.

This actually represents the thinking of many Chinese people today. Their impression of Hong Kong is that every inch of land is valuable, the land is full of gold, and the metropolis is a city of steel and concrete, full of lights and feasting.

Even in the Internet era, some people do not even know that there are a large number of rural areas in Hong Kong.

Especially the New Territories, which were not developed even in later generations.But there is a fundamental reason for all this, and that is that only [-]% of the land in the New Territories is in the hands of the four major families.

On the contrary, the New Territories have become the basic base of the four major families. By occupying land in the New Territories, this has led to a shortage of land in other places, and only every inch of land can be sold at a premium price.

Chen Huajiang walked around here and chatted with local farmers.

At present, the largest landowner in the New Territories is the Bai family. Almost all of Pak Shek Kok is owned by the Bai family, and they occupy 60.00% of the land in the New Territories.

Then there are the Liu family, Li family and Wu family, which occupy another nearly 40.00% of the land.

The first person Chen Huajiang visited was naturally the Bai family, intending to take some land from these big landowners. It would be extremely useful whether it was for sale or to drive a nail in Hong Kong land.

(End of this chapter)

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