Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 315 Are You a Dog?

Chapter 315 Are You a Dog?


Chen Huajiang shook his head slightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Everyone knows that drunkenness relieves a thousand worries. Everyone knows this is a "pseudo-truth". Drunkenness relieves worries and makes them worse.But Chen Huajiang is not qualified to criticize him, because in reality, for most people, drinking to relieve their sorrows is a choice when they encounter pain, and the same is true for him.

"You take her back to the hotel."

Chen Huajiang signaled Gao Yun to take Wang Lili with him, and then walked out.

Soon everyone arrived at the hotel. In the lobby, Wang Lili briefly woke up and vomited it out.

All the guests in the lobby looked over. Chen Huajiang was also a little embarrassed. He gave the hotel cleaning tips and asked them to deal with it.

"Let me do it."

Chen Huajiang saw the disgust on Gao Yun's face. After all, half of her clothes had been vomited off, so it was a big honor not to leave Wang Lili behind.

After taking over Gao Yun, Chen Huajiang directly carried her towards the elevator.

On the sofa not far away, a middle-aged woman stood up and stared at Wang Lili and Chen Huajiang with bright eyes.

She is Chen Shuyi, the third concubine of the Wang family. Of course she knows about Wang Lili, the illegitimate daughter of the Wang family, and she also hates her from the bottom of her heart.

I didn't expect to see Wang Lili here today, and she was so drunk that she was carried on the shoulders by a man like a bumpkin and walked towards the elevator.

Anyone with a brain will know what will happen next if they think about it for a moment.

"Hmph, it turns out that he is the little fox left by the vixen. He is truly shameless and ruins the family tradition and reputation of our Wang family."

Chen Shuyi said with a look of disgust, then her eyes turned.

She doesn't like Wang Lili's mother because Wang Lili's mother was her employee back then.In the end, this trusted subordinate stabbed her in the back and became pregnant with her husband's blood.

Fortunately, she was just a girl. Due to her obstruction over the years, Wang Lili's mother did not enter the Wang family, and Wang Lili herself was not recognized by the Wang family.

In Chen Shuyi's view, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to hit Wang Lili and prevent this illegitimate daughter from competing with them for property in the first, second and third houses.

Yes, the old man from the Wang family is almost old. His health has gotten worse and worse over the years, and he has been in the ICU several times.

Under such circumstances, the competition between the first, second, and third houses for the Wang family's property has long been on the agenda.The Wang family's assets are fixed. If everyone gets a little share, others will naturally get a smaller share.

In this way, Chen Shuyi arranged for her bodyguards to find the hotel manager, and then spent a lot of money to obtain the surveillance video of the hotel lobby from the manager.

Holding the video tape, she snorted coldly, sat proudly in the luxury car, and drove towards the Wang family's villa in the middle of the mountain.

Of course Chen Huajiang and Wang Lili didn't know that they were just drinking to relieve their worries, and they were actually seen by the third concubine of the Wang family in the hotel lobby.

But even if he knew, Chen Huajiang would not take it seriously, but Wang Lili was not sure.

In the room, Chen Huajiang put Wang Lili on the bed.

"You're so stupid, you're just a pretty boy trying to make money."

"It's really a shame to get so drunk for such a guy."

"I really want to take a picture of your current appearance and show it to you in the future. It will definitely be a very interesting expression then."

Chen Huajiang looked at Wang Lili lying on the bed, curled his lips and complained.


Wang Lili vomited again. Chen Huajiang looked disgusted, but he quickly walked to the bathroom to wet the towel with hot water, and then wiped the dirt on Wang Lili's face.

But it's too much, especially if the bed is stained with vomit, and a towel just won't do it.

Chen Huajiang didn't bother to clean it, so he just packed a bag of sheets and threw them aside.

"Wine, I want to drink."

Just when Chen Huajiang was about to leave, Wang Lili suddenly grabbed his arm.

This woman was half drunk and half awake, and kept shouting about drinking.

"Drink, drink, drink to death you big hairball."

"Let go, there's Mao's wine here for you to drink, and just lie down and sleep."

Chen Huajiang said dissatisfiedly, and shook his hand.

But it was of no use. On the contrary, when she heard him say that there was no wine, Wang Lili became angry, grabbed Chen Huajiang, and brought him to the ground. Her head hit the edge of the bed, causing severe pain.

"Wine, I want to drink."

While shouting, Wang Lili stood up unsteadily and walked out to ask for a drink.

Of course Chen Huajiang would not let her go out to ask for a drink in this state. Who knows what accidents might happen.

Moreover, being thrown down by Wang Lili all of a sudden made him feel quite angry.

"Just lie down and don't move. I can't cure you of being a drunken cat!?"

Chen Huajiang grabbed her and brought her down on the bed, and held her hand to prevent her from continuing to mess around.

Wang Lili struggled, but of course she was no match for Chen Huajiang and couldn't get up at all.

However, in her drunken state, she had no scruples. She grinned and bit Chen Huajiang's arm with great force.

"I'm sorry——"

"You are a dog!"

Chen Huajiang screamed when he was bitten. After struggling for a while, he couldn't break free from the opponent's teeth.

On the contrary, his screams made Wang Lili's eyes flash with excitement and pride, and she bit harder.

Chen Huajiang loosened his right hand and clenched it into a fist, almost hitting the opponent's head with a punch.

But at the last moment, he still relented. Although he didn't love or like the woman in front of him, after all, he had been favored by her in a previous marriage.

Think of it as paying off a debt.

Chen Huajiang could only comfort himself by thinking that the pain in his arm became a little more bearable.

After biting it for a while, Wang Lili probably found it boring and let go.

She wanted to get up again to ask for a drink, but Chen Huajiang pinned her down on the bed and refused to let her out.

She struggled and let her go, but after repeated attempts, Chen Huajiang gave up!

Yes, what he originally thought was that people who get drunk a few times will get tired first, and then fall asleep. After sleeping until tomorrow, the drunken state will be lifted.

However, Wang Lili's spirit was stronger than him. Even though she was drunk, the more she struggled, the more energetic she became, and Chen Huajiang couldn't stand it anymore.

"I think you can do it well!"

In the end, Chen Huajiang had no choice but to tear up the sheets and tie them up for her.

Layer by layer, they were tied directly into a rice dumpling.

After finishing everything, Chen Huajiang breathed a little sigh of relief, and felt a little proud when he saw Wang Lili twisting and biting, but unable to break away.

Just like that, after confirming that Wang Lili couldn't break free, Chen Huajiang also got a little drunk and fell asleep on the bedside.

The next day, Wang Lili woke up very early, feeling unbearably thirsty.

But when she got out of bed to look for water, she was so angry that she couldn't move without him.

(End of this chapter)

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