Chapter 52
"That's not what I meant. I just wanted to ask how much it would cost if you transferred this store to me."

When Lao Duan said this, Wu De looked at him in surprise.

He thought that Lao Duan didn't have much money, so even if the store offered the lowest price, Lao Duan wouldn't be able to get it.

"Old Duan, you don't want my shop, do you?"

"How can I afford it? One of my relatives asked me to ask. If your price is right, he will take it. At that time, I will cook for him here. Isn't it considered a living?"

In order not to let Wu De see it, Lao Duan said a little embarrassedly.

Wu De briefly thought about it. If Lao Duan could find a job by himself, he wouldn't have to take him with him when he went to the restaurant.

After all, Lao Feng is the major shareholder. If others don't want to do it, wouldn't he lose face?

"Just tell your relatives, I don't want more, just 500 yuan. If it works, we can simply sign an agreement. If it doesn't, forget it."

In fact, 500 yuan is already relatively high. Originally, their small shop had little business.

In Chen Huajiang's opinion, it was only 300 yuan, that is, the equipment, and the rest was worthless.

"Okay, I'll talk to him when I get back in the evening."

After Lao Duan knew Wu De's bottom line, he told Chen Huajiang about it after Wu De left in the evening.

Chen Huajiang thought for a while, if he lowered the price by another 100, he could accept it.

"Old Duan, let's do this. You ask him tomorrow if it can be lower. If it's 400, we'll do it. Then use your name to sign a contract with him. After you sign the contract with him, we'll sign it again. I’ll give you 50 more.”

Chen Huajiang immediately had a countermeasure. The contract for this store must be written on his head.

It's just that they took one more step.

Lao Duan can make 50 yuan in this way, why not do it?

"Okay, Boss Chen, I'll tell him tomorrow."

Just after chatting with Lao Duan, Lin Guoshan ran over excitedly.

"Huajiang, the house over there has been built. Do you want to go over and take a look? If you need to buy anything else, you have to tell me, otherwise I don't know how to get it."

Lin Guoshan has been very active recently. After all, Chen Huajiang gave him the investment.

He just needs to take good care of the store.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look."

The two went to the new house built by Lin Guoshan. Dalian was very attentive and built it better.

And the place is quite big. There is a small restaurant not far from them.

The business of this small restaurant is pretty good, because there is no one nearby, and whether it is good or not, you have to come here.

Chen Huajiang took a brief look at their store and found that it was quite good.

On a piece of paper, he wrote to Lin Guoshan what he wanted to buy, basically pots, pans and the like.

As soon as the two people came out of it, they met a few gangsters.

After seeing Lin Guoshan, one of the gangsters pointed at Lin Guoshan and said, "It's you who pester Fangfang every day, isn't it?"

Fangfang is a girl Lin Guoshan has met recently. He is currently in contact with her, and it cannot be said that she is pestering her.

"What do you mean I'm pestering Fangfang? What do you mean by coming to me?"

Lin Guoshan was very surprised. Are these people sent by Fangfang?It doesn't even look like it.

Moreover, Fangfang has a very good impression of herself.

"We came to you to tell you that Fangfang is our eldest brother's woman, and you'd better not have anything to do with him."

The gang leader said loudly.

Lin Guoshan was a little confused for a moment, he didn't know about this at all.

"Who is your eldest brother? If Fangfang is with her, why is she still willing to go out with me?"

Lin Guoshan didn't understand very much.

But Chen Huajiang could basically tell that the big brother they talked about was interested in Fangfang.

But Fangfang is not necessarily interested in him.

"Don't you know, our eldest brother? My name is Laizi. Go and find out. I'm here to warn you today. If we see you having any dealings with Fangfang in the future, don't blame us for being rude."

After these people threw harsh words, they left.

"Brother, don't worry. You go find Fangfang first and find out what's going on. Otherwise, we won't know in this fog. If anything happens, just tell me when the time comes. "

Chen Huajiang comforted Lin Guoshan.

Lin Guoshan nodded and went directly to Fangfang.

There is no contact information such as a phone number, so I can only go to the door to find it.

After Fangfang met Lin Guoshan, she took him to a park near the community.

"It's so late, what do you want from me?"

Fangfang is still a little shy.

"A few gangsters came to me today and asked me not to associate with you in the future. They said that their eldest brother is already with you. Is this a problem?"

Lin Guoshan had never been in a relationship before, so he asked directly.

Fangfang was completely confused. He still knew about this Laizi. In fact, the two of them didn't have much interaction.

Lai Zi approached her several times, but Fang Fang refused.

She didn't want to fall in love with a gangster, and she had made everything clear to Lezi, but he still didn't care.

She didn't expect that they would all find Lin Guoshan.

"I'm not familiar with him at all. If he's looking for you, you don't have to listen to him. Besides, I don't like him either."

Fangfang was very helpless.

Now, Lin Guoshan felt relieved. At least from Fangfang's tone, he still had something to play for.

"I understand. Let me take you back. I just came here to ask about this matter."

After Lin Guoshan sent Fangfang back, he felt very happy.

Judging from Fangfang's performance, she is somewhat interesting to herself.

In the morning of the next day, Lao Duan had been waiting for Wu De to come, but Wu De didn't know where he went, and he didn't arrive until noon.

"Why did you come here? I asked my relative, and he thought the price was a bit high. He said it was acceptable if it was 400."

Lao Duan didn't have time to argue with Wu Demo, so he spoke out boldly.

"Four hundred? Are you sure your relative wants it? But for your sake, I can give him this price. Where are they and when can I sign the contract?"

Wu De has been busy working on the new restaurant for the past two days, and his mind has long been out of this small shop.

"He gave me the money, but I left it at home and didn't take it. He said that if you agree, I will sign a contract with you first."

Lao Duan discussed with Wu De according to what Chen Huajiang said.

"Okay, then you bring the money over tomorrow and let's sign a contract. After signing the contract, this store will be yours, but I have to take away the refrigerator. A refrigerator costs more than 1000."

(End of this chapter)

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