Rebooting the Peak Years of 1985

Chapter 67 Recruiting talents and teaching wolves a lesson

Chapter 67 Recruiting talents and teaching wolves a lesson


In the stunned eyes of everyone, Chen Huajiang was only slightly stunned, and then slapped Hao Jianguo on the shoulder.

"I, Chen Huajiang, keep my word. I don't take money with me whether I live or die. As I said just now, just treat me as your friend."

"If you can't work in the factory from now on, come out and work with me."

Chen Huajiang looked directly at Hao Jianguo and said with a smile without any hesitation or reluctance.

Hao Jianguo was stunned. He looked straight at the man in front of him, who was a few years younger than him, but his clear eyes and respect could not be faked.

For the first time, he felt the feeling of being respected. It was true respect, and he recognized from the bottom of his heart that he was a talented person.

Inexplicably, I couldn't help but feel aggrieved, and my eyes turned red.

He has always believed that he is a talent, so he lives such a miserable life.However, this kind of persistence seems so inappropriate in the current environment.It also made him gradually doubt himself in a difficult environment and doubt whether he was a talent. Otherwise, why couldn't he even support his family and why he couldn't even get a salary.

Chen Huajiang's recognition was equivalent to giving him a cup of clear spring in the desert.

Hao Jianguo pursed his lips, nodded heavily, and said in a hoarse voice: "If it comes to that, I will definitely help you."

Hearing his words, Chen Huajiang laughed happily, sincerely like a child who got candy.

"Boss Chen is worthy of being born as a worker. He recognizes heroes and values ​​heroes."

Hao Qiang on the side quickly flattered him and said, making things solid.

He is a man who knows what's going on and knows that Hao Jianguo's family is in dire straits.Hao Jianguo's wife bought a lot of vegetables last night, and she probably wouldn't have the money to pay back the money.

"Boss Chen is really loyal."

"As expected of one of our own, you are so proud."

Following Hao Qiang's words, the crowd around him started cheering.

At least in this matter, many workers regard Chen Huajiang as one of their own and have a good impression of him.

On the other side, Black Tiger looked solemn. Chen Huajiang really attracted hundreds of people. This strength was something he never expected.

Of course, he could also deduce from what happened just now that these people were paid by Chen Huajiang and were workers hired by Chen Huajiang.

But what does it matter? In his mind, money itself is a part of strength. Didn't you see that the boys over there were so frightened that their faces turned pale?

In his heart, Heihu has looked at Chen Huajiang again and has a new view on his methods and financial situation.

Finally, Chen Huajiang, who was in a good mood, walked towards the wolfdog again.

Wolfdog and his younger brothers, who were surrounded by the crowd over there, looked nervous. Wolfdog was a little better, staring at Chen Huajiang with a fierce face, as if he was losing the battle but not others.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, Chen Huajiang went up and kicked the wolf dog to the ground without saying a word.

Then he squatted down, pulled up his hair, and said coldly: "Wolfdog, I called you here today not to negotiate with you, but to speak to you."

With Hao Jianguo under his control, many changes took place in Chen Huajiang's heart, which also made him very proud.

Hao Jianguo is the founder of Future Black Cat Daily Chemicals, one of the top three domestic daily chemical companies, and Chen Huajiang once again confirmed that he was the one to do big things because of his rebirth advantage.

In the past, he was afraid of wolfdogs because the other party was ruthless, with four lives in his hands, and he was a murderer without blinking an eye.And knowing that the other party will be finished in two years, he holds the idea that the porcelain will not touch the tiles.

But now he has figured it out, how can a person who wants to do something big stop in his tracks just because a pile of stinky shit stands in front of him? How can he be afraid of someone just because he is ruthless and cruel?

If the other party doesn't know how to lift, then just clean him up. Why hesitate?

"My store is my factory, and smashing my store is smashing my factory. This is the first and last time."

"Next time, I will kill you directly."

Chen Huajiang said with a sinister look on his face, grabbing the other person's head and knocking it against the stone on the ground.

With a bang, the wolf dog's forehead hit the stone, and the stone was embedded between his skin and flesh, almost gushing out, making his face even more ferocious and terrifying.

"Chen Huajiang, you are really capable of killing me."

"If you can't kill me, I will kill you sooner or later!"

In pain, the wolf dog also burst out with a ferocious look, staring at Wang Ning with murderous intent, like a wounded beast.

The crowds around looked at this scene and looked at Chen Huajiang. Could he really kill the wolf dog?
Black Tiger also squinted at Chen Huajiang, wanting to see how he could break the situation.

This is the way to go, to be ruthless.

The so-called poor people are afraid of those who are aggressive, those who are aggressive are afraid of those who are stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of risking their lives.


Chen Huajiang directly grabbed the wolf dog's head and smashed it down.

Hey, hey, hey.

One hit after another, one hit after another, the wolf dog's face was splashed with blood, and the wolf dog couldn't help screaming and struggling wildly.

But with his small stature and strength, he is no match for Chen Huajiang. At any rate, his current body is at the peak of Chen Huajiang's life.After working in Hongqi Factory for so many years, do you really think that your hard work was in vain?With his bare hands, three or five little gangsters like wolf dogs couldn't get close to him.

Just like this, the barking of the wolf dog became more and more miserable, and many of the boys behind him shrank their necks.

"Boss Chen, don't mess around, it's not worth it."

Hao Jianguo hurried over and grabbed Chen Huajiang's arm, his face full of anxiety and solemnity.

"Brother Chen, don't mess around. If you kill him, you will also go to jail."

Black Tiger also said on the side.

"Boss Chen, don't be stupid."

Er Mao also hurriedly said loudly.

"Boss Chen, don't mess around."

"No, this guy is just a pile of shit, why bother with him."

"Boss Chen, please don't mess around."

The workers around also said this.

Chen Huajiang then let go of the wolf dog's hair. The man's face was covered in blood, but he still stared at him unruly, his eyes full of ruthlessness.

But Chen Huajiang laughed at his current appearance, making Zhang Er confused.

"What do you think you are? A piece of shit. Do people avoid you when you walk on the street?"

"They are not afraid of you, but they dislike the smell. They pinch you with their hands, which makes their hands dirty, and they step on you with their feet, which makes their feet dirty. But in the end, you are still very proud, and you are not ashamed but proud."

Chen Huajiang said with a smile, a disdainful smile, and at the same time waved his hand, and then wiped it on his trouser legs.

It looked like his hands were stained with dog feces and felt dirty.

"You think I can't do anything with your stinky piece of shit, do you?"

"Then next time you let your cousin come and try to destroy my factory, I promise to give you a satisfactory answer."

"I just have money, I can afford it."

Chen Huajiang's smile faded, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the wolf dog's head again, and smashed it down.

This time, the force was even greater, and the opponent's head was hit with blood splattering everywhere, and the person fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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