Datang violent otaku

Chapter 231 Wang's Ancestral House

This is a very large mansion in Taiyuan City. From the outside, the whole mansion is not very luxurious, but very ordinary.However, as long as you walk inside and take a look, you will find that there is another world.Gardens, ponds, pavilions and pavilions are everything.And the layout is very appropriate, people can feel a kind of luxury with honor.

Just by looking at this mansion, one can tell that this kind of family is extraordinary.

Indeed, this is no ordinary family, it is the ancestral home of the famous Taiyuan Wang family.This Taiyuan Wang family, as one of the six great aristocratic families in today's world, is of course extraordinary.

Money, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as rich and powerful, and it cannot even be described.The Wang family, in Mingdi, mainly operates restaurants and inns. In fact, in addition to restaurants and inns, they also run brothels behind their backs. This is such a filthy business of brothels. Although the Wang family runs them, they dare not openly.

The management mentioned here is not in the general sense, but in all parts of the country, as long as there is a certain size of the city, there will be industries like his royal family.The territory of the Tang Dynasty is so vast, even if there is one in each county, the number is extremely huge.For such a large industry, the daily income is astronomical.

The Wang family, this is an extremely large family.Except for the members of the direct line, all the members of the collateral line, as well as the peripheral members, are scattered all over the Tang Dynasty to take care of the business everywhere.As for the members of the direct line, they sit in the ancestral home in Taiyuan and control all the branches in a unified manner.Some important decisions of the local branches also require the approval of the headquarters before they can be implemented.

actually.In addition to these three businesses, the Wang family also has another big business, which is the grain business.However, this was also carried out in the dark, after all, this food was the most sensitive strategic material.In this business, if you want to make money, you have to have a dark heart. The so-called hoarding of food is for sale.All the money that was issued was national calamity.Disaster wealth.

In this way, it is very easy to offend the imperial court and leave a bad name among the common people.Therefore, hiding behind the scenes is an inevitable choice.

Besides.Of course, the Wang family has also been involved in other industries, but compared with these few, they are insignificant and not worth mentioning.

It can be said.This Wang family is a super family business group.actually.Not only the Wang family, but also the remaining five major families are also in the same situation as the Wang family.It's just that each family covers different fields.It seems that these six families have never had any major conflicts due to business competition.

However, in fact.But it's not that simple.Although this royal family does not have any family members who are officials in the court, but.To be honest, the status of the royal family is no less than that of any officials and dignitaries, even worse.

Why?Because the Wang family is rich?Yes and no.In short, the Wang family and countless officials are inextricably linked.Among them, the specific why is only clear to the parties concerned.

Wang Youde, the eldest grandson of the contemporary Wang family, is also the head of the contemporary Wang family, the eldest son of Wang Tianxiong.At the same time, he is also one of the candidates most likely to succeed the next generation of Patriarch.With such a status, whether it is in the Wang family or outside, it is extremely prominent.

Of course, his status in the Wang family is due to the fact that he is the eldest grandson of the direct line, but more importantly, his talent and the contributions he has made to the Wang family are in exchange for it.

The reason why these aristocratic families can prosper and stand tall is not only due to external reasons.The most important thing is because of their internal talent training mechanism.Although the status of the eldest grandson of the direct line has some advantages, it is not the most important.If the eldest grandson of the direct line has no ability, cannot make contributions to the family, and cannot be recognized by everyone, then it is useless.

After all, the entire family is a combination of interests, and if the family is prosperous, all members of the Wang family are expensive, and vice versa.How could they allow an idiot to take the seat of the head of the family?

It has been a while since Wang Youde returned to Taiyuan from Chang'an City.Since that day when he learned that King Li You of Yan had an accident and the emperor had come in person, he ran back to Taiyuan non-stop.

Anyway, he has successfully completed the task assigned to him by the family.As for Li You's matter, although he could not get the specific situation, if it can make a prince so miserable, it must be a big trouble. He doesn't want to cause such trouble in other people's territory.As for the matter of Erguotou, he just pretended not to know, who could do anything to him.

Although, it would definitely be a great achievement to get the wine making recipe and hand it over to the family.However, he felt sensitively that the risks involved were also not small.After careful calculation, it is really not worthwhile, and Wang Youde will not do such a bad deal.Anyway, he has already achieved a great achievement by completing the matter that the family explained, so why bother to take risks.After all, when it comes to the emperor, things are too big.

After returning to Taiyuan, he completely relaxed.However, regarding the matter of Chang'an, he was not completely relaxed, and wanted to know the specific situation.After all, Li Youzhi is really too weird.It's a pity that Li Shimin had already issued a gag order on that matter, so how could he get the news.

However, although he didn't get the information about that incident, he got another information.This is about that Cui Yingying, and Erguotou.He unexpectedly discovered that Cui Yingying was actually helping the emperor with his work.This frightened him into a cold sweat, and he secretly rejoiced that he didn't do it himself.

Not long ago, he also knew the information about the self-service hot pot restaurant that Cui Yingying launched, which shocked and frightened him.Surprised, of course I didn't expect that Cui Yingying would be so ruthless, and directly gave their Wang family a bottom line.Through such a model, countless self-service hot pot restaurants appeared all over the country in one day, and with the help of Erguotou, their restaurant business in the Wang family fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

He couldn't help sighing, Cui Yingying's move was ruthless, ruthless, and poisonous enough.

At the same time, it made him very worried.Of course he wasn't worried that Cui Yingying would come to trouble him, she didn't have that energy yet.What he was worried about was that if people in the family knew that he had concealed his failure to report to Erguotou, and that Cui Yingying's actions were to avenge him, Wang Youde, the family suffered heavy losses, but Chi Yu was only affected.In that case, he is really very tragic.

So, he immediately sent people to clean up all the insiders, and then he didn't care about Chang'an City anymore, so as not to arouse suspicion.

After a long time, he found that no one had mentioned this matter, so he was very grateful, and then completely relaxed.

However, today, he suddenly received a message from his servant, saying that the Patriarch has an invitation.

"Child greets father and lord"

Although he didn't know why, Wang Youde rushed over immediately. Seeing Wang Tianxiong sitting there with a blank expression on his face, Wang Youde immediately came to salute respectfully.For this father, he has a deep awe.This kind of awe has been accumulated over the years and has gone deep into the bones.

"Come on, sit down"

Seeing Wang Youde coming in, Wang Tianxiong continued to drink his tea slowly without raising his head.In that voice, you can't hear the slightest joy, anger, sorrow and joy at all.

Hearing his father's words, Wang Youde hurriedly sat down on a chair beside him, and then waited for Wang Tianxiong to speak.However, after waiting left and right, there was still no sound.Such a situation made him feel very depressed and flustered.

"Recently, several major events have occurred in the family. One of them caused heavy losses to the family. The family's restaurant business was fatally hit overnight. I don't know about this matter. Have you heard about it? "

Just when Wang Youde wanted to ask directly, Wang Tianxiong spoke slowly, but his tone was still flat, without any emotion at all.However, these plain words made Wang Youde's heart tremble for a while, and cold sweat poured down his back.

"My boy heard about it. It seems that many self-service hot pot restaurants suddenly appeared, which shocked the family restaurant. Well, there seems to be a kind of wine called Erguotou, which is very popular with those diners."

It took Wang Youde a long time to calm down, and then he answered half-truthfully.Of course it is impossible for him to say that he knows very well, and likewise, he cannot say that he does not know at all.

"Erguotou is indeed a rare and good wine. I heard that this kind of wine first appeared in Cuiji Restaurant in Chang'an City. You were still in Chang'an City at that time. Could it be that you didn't pay more attention to this matter? .”

"At that time, the child put all his energy into the things that the family explained, so he didn't pay attention to this matter, and hoped that his father would punish him."

Wang Tianxiong's question made Wang Youde's throat dry and his hands and feet cold.Although he didn't know how much Wang Tianxiong knew, but after making some choices, Wang Youde still chose not to admit it even if he was beaten to death.Anyway, there is no evidence for this.The most important thing is that he had a family responsibility on him at that time.

Could it be that there is nothing wrong with devoting all my heart and mind to family tasks.

After Wang Youde finished answering, Wang Tianxiong didn't speak, but kept drinking tea there, as if the tea was the delicacy in the world, making him forget everything in the world.

However, in this way, Wang Youde will suffer. Faced with this invisible pressure, the panic in his heart is almost to the extreme.

"Well, it's okay, you can go back first. In the evening, someone will ask you for questions."

On the way back, Wang Youde wondered for a while, this matter was a bit inexplicable.However, soon, my heart moved, and I seemed to understand a little bit. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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