Datang violent otaku

Chapter 270 Pen and Knife

As night fell, Hu Guogong's mansion was peaceful.At this time, Qin Huaiyu was wandering around in the room constantly. Obviously, he encountered something that made him very embarrassed again.

That's right, what happened this time really made him very embarrassed.Because, he wants to participate in the training that is about to start, but he is not sure at all.Of course, the so-called unsure does not mean that he is not sure of passing the so-called assessment, but that he is not sure of convincing his father to let him participate.

From childhood to adulthood, Qin Huaiyu has always been a leader and role model among his peers.When the juniors mentioned Qin Huaiyu, they all admired him very much.This is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also extraordinary in literary talent, and he is well aware of the method of arranging troops, he is simply an all-rounder.The elders always use Qin Huaiyu as an example to educate their children.

In fact, how would outsiders know that Qin Huaiyu's martial arts and the so-called art of war were all learned secretly by himself.His father didn't teach him anything in these areas, and even opposed his learning them.His father's request was to let him study literature and then take the imperial examination.

However, Qin Huaiyu, who was born in a general's family, like most of the general's children, has a strong interest in this martial art and marching and fighting.Therefore, after completing the studies assigned by his master every day, he secretly started to learn martial arts.From time to time, through the military books in the study, I learn the art of war.

It's not that Qin Qiong didn't discover this situation, but he couldn't help it.Except for the more stringent requirements on Qin Huaiyu in terms of reading, everything else was left alone.but.One thing is certain, that is, Qin Qiong does not want Qin Huaiyu to join the army.

It was Qin Huaiyu's school lieutenant title, which Li Shimin forcibly gave it to him.Although there is a title, but there is no real job, it can be said that it is in name only.Last time, the reason why Qin Huaiyu led the team to Jianghu Village was because Li Feng knew him.and.He has outstanding literary talents and has friendship with those scholars.At critical times, you can convince the public.

Qin Huaiyu lingered in the room for a while, and finally, his expression became firm.Then, gritting her teeth, she went out of the room and walked towards Qin Qiong's residence.

Coming to Qin Qiong's door, Qin Huaiyu took a few deep breaths, and then was about to knock on the door.

"The door is unlocked. Come in"

Before he knocked, Qin Qiong's voice came from inside.Qin Huaiyu was taken aback for a moment.Immediately, he gently opened the door and walked in.I saw his father, sitting there reading a book.

"Child Meets Father"

Different from other families of generals, Duke Lu's mansion pays great attention to etiquette.At least, Qin Qiong has always demanded this from Qin Huaiyu.Therefore, after Qin Huaiyu entered the door, he saluted respectfully and spoke.

"sit down"

Qin Qiong saw Qin Huaiyu come in.He had already put down the book, and then said to him calmly.subsequently.Qin Huaiyu was very polite and stood aside.

However, Qin Huaiyu didn't speak immediately, he was thinking how to speak to Qin Qiong about this matter.You know, if he went this time, he would really have joined the army.But this is completely opposite to what Qin Qiong expected of him.

"Do you know why, as a father, I have always opposed you to join the army, but want you to join the text?"

Before Qin Huaiyu could figure out how to speak, Qin Qiong spoke first.Moreover, all of a sudden, Qin Huaiyu asked the question that Qin Huaiyu had always wanted to ask Qin Qiong.

For a long time, Qin Huaiyu couldn't figure out why the other generals all went to the army to develop.But his father, as one of the most famous veterans in the Tang Dynasty, was so opposed to his development in the army.This made him very depressed and aggrieved.

"My child doesn't know, this is a question that my child has always wanted to ask, but dare not ask."

Now that he has decided to have a showdown with Qin Qiong, Qin Huaiyu is ready to be punished, so he doesn't have so many scruples in his heart.

"Very good, then I will tell you the answer as a father today."

"First, you are the only incense of the Qin family. As a father, I don't want the blood of the Qin family to be cut off. The so-called unfilialism has three major problems, and neither of us father and son will become sinners of the Qin family through the ages. On the battlefield, that is life. Cao Zhi is a general in the army, and his life will be in danger at any time. And once you arrive on the battlefield, you will most likely be a vanguard general. It is life or death, and you have no choice."

"Secondly, it is for the sake of your future. The so-called troubled times emphasize martial arts, and prosperous times emphasize literature. Now, the prosperous age has begun, and it is inevitable that literature will overwhelm martial arts, and this situation will only become more and more obvious. Therefore, taking advantage of Now that I still have this old bone, I want to find a good future for you."

"Thirdly, there is an old saying that a scholar can't rebel for ten years. On the other hand, any emperor will pay more attention to the control of military power. If a scholar makes a mistake, he may only be punished a few times. General, if there is any trouble in the ears of the emperor, it will be that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Even if you are loyal, once a treacherous person makes a slight move, you can fall into a place of eternal doom "

Having said that, Qin Qiong had stopped talking, but his expression became more serious.Just when Qin Huaiyu thought Qin Qiong had finished speaking, Qin Qiong spoke again.

"Finally, my father wants you to be a pen, not a knife"

When saying this, Qin Qiong showed a very complicated look on his face.

"Father, please forgive me for being stupid. What is a pen? What is a knife?"

Qin Huaiyu understood the above three reasons, but when Qin Qiong said the last sentence, he didn't understand.

"The pen and the knife are both tools in the hands of the emperor. The knife is a weapon. It is a weapon of murder, and it is the evil side of the emperor. The pen is the first of the four treasures of the study. , because the emperor needs a pen to achieve his fame through the ages."

"The pen can also be called writing. More precisely, it refers to the way of Confucius and Mencius. As long as you occupy this way, anyone who wants to move it has to think twice before doing it. The way of Confucius and Mencius is deeply rooted in the bones of the world. , the law of the king is inseparable from this. Throughout the past and present, there are those who follow this way, and they are all self-defeating."

"Think about it, the Shandong giants, why they can last forever, the way is here."

"Think about it again, why my father has been staying behind closed doors? Of course it is because of my father's health. The most important thing is that my father must avoid the suspicion of the emperor. Since the change of Xuanwumen back then, my father categorically refused. Participate. I have already expected that it will be like this in the end. For this reason, I have no regrets for my father, and I don’t resent anyone. It is the emperor’s magnanimity that my father can still be here today.”

"However, let's look at Wei Zheng again. Master Wei always openly contradicts the emperor, often making the emperor ashamed and indignant, but the emperor favors him even more. Of course, there is a reason why the emperor cherishes talents. However, the world is vast and there are countless talented people, so Wei Zheng is the only one missing. I don’t think so, it’s not that the emperor doesn’t want to move him, but he can’t.”

"Therefore, a knife is not as good as a pen."

Speaking of this, Qin Qiong let out a long sigh.Ever since he stayed behind closed doors, when he has time, he likes to read books and think about these things.However, when he figured it out, he felt a burst of sadness, because he has always been a knife.However, it doesn't matter to him, a man with a short time, but he is unwilling, Qin Huaiyu is still on this path.

"Thank you, my father, for teaching me. Over the years, I have not been able to understand my father's painstaking efforts. I have always blamed my father in my heart. My son is really unfilial, and I ask my father to punish me."

After hearing Qin Qiong's words, Qin Huaiyu finally understood why his father had always opposed him joining the army, but hoped that he would join the literature.I understand even more, the painstaking efforts of my father.And he has always complained about it, and now he feels ashamed.

So, he immediately knelt down in front of Qin Qiong respectfully and said.

"Okay, get up. You came here today, and my father already knows what you are talking about. Go and sign up tomorrow. My father has agreed to this matter."

Seeing that Qin Huaiyu finally understood, Qin Qiong's face suddenly showed a burst of joy.However, what he said next made Qin Huaiyu completely stupid.

"Father, are you wrong?"

After hearing Qin Qiong's words, although Qin Huaiyu understood Qin Qiong's painstaking efforts, he also understood that what Qin Qiong said was correct.However, he has loved the military since he was a child, so if he really wants to let go of his dream of joining the army, it can be said to be very difficult and very unwilling.Therefore, when I heard Qin Qiong's words, I thought I had heard it wrong.

"I'm not wrong, I agree with you to participate in this training. But this time, you must practice hard and show yourself, you know?"

"Why, Father"

After Qin Qiong confirmed again, Qin Huaiyu finally confirmed that he heard correctly.While he was overjoyed, he couldn't figure it out even more. Isn't this contradictory.

"Because, this is the army trained by King Yong, and it will be under the control of King Yong in the future. King Yong is a sword, but no one can hold his sword, not even the emperor. Anyone who wants to If you want to hold this knife, you will only end up with a decapitated body. What's more, the current King Yong is no longer the little devil star he was back then."

"Remember, King Yong is different from everyone else in this world. As for how to do it, I don't think I need to teach you how to do it. Well, go down and have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, Qin Qiong waved Qin Huaiyu to go down.

"A knife is not as good as a pen, but when the knife's light pierces the sky and ignores all things in the world, who can avoid its edge, and who can do nothing."

After seeing Qin Huaiyu retreat, Qin Qiong sighed again, and then went to rest by blowing the lamp. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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