Datang violent otaku

Chapter 283 Black Tiger Army

"it is good"

When the team returned to the original position again and stood quietly, Li Shimin stood up directly, and then shouted "Hello", looking a little excited.

"Your Majesty's words are very true, the team is neat and unified, that is, in front of the emperor, there is no panic in the expression, which shows that the mind is extremely firm. Strict military discipline, orders and prohibitions are the foundation of the army. And the performance of the soldiers just now can be said to have achieved The ultimate. Just up to this point, the last general can say that he is a well-deserved model for our Great Tang army."

"If it's my Tang army, it's all like this, just like His Majesty's holy words, this momentum alone can make all the enemy troops weaker by three points."

"His Royal Highness King Yong is a great talent, and the last general respects him"

After Li Shimin applauded, a veteran stood up immediately, saluted Li Shimin, and then began to express admiration.In the end, he actually saluted Li Feng.

This person, Li Feng still knows, this is the famous military god Li Jing.Li Feng still knew what he was capable of, so he felt a little embarrassed when he praised the other party so much.Just when Li Feng didn't know how to reply, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Old General Li, in my opinion, it's too early to say this. On the battlefield, life and death are fought, and the winner is king. Whether it is good or bad, in my opinion, we still need to look at their combat effectiveness. It is not appropriate to judge success or failure based on these superficial skills."

However, the person speaking at this time, Li Feng knew, was Hou Junji who was knocked half to death by Li Feng in the court last time.After more than two months of recuperation, it is already healed.As the most valued and trusted general by Li Shimin, he also came here today.

Li Feng had seen Hou Junji a long time ago, and also noticed the resentment in his eyes looking at him.In this regard, Li Feng didn't care about him at all.As long as he doesn't come to provoke him, Li Feng doesn't have the time to talk to him.

actually.This general of the Tang Dynasty only looks majestic, but in fact he is just like that.Without the emperor's order, they couldn't mobilize a single soldier at all, they were completely toothless tigers.

"Hehe, this is also a person who can't achieve anything. He doesn't even bark a dog that bites. He doesn't understand such a reason. Also, this person's temperament is too arrogant. If it weren't for his military talent, he would be pretty good. The emperor also trusted him. He, he can get mixed up to this extent, that's a strange thing."

After that incident, Li Feng also learned about Hou Junji.How should I say this person?The ability to fight is still very good, and the ability to manage the army is not bad.It's a pity that his character is too arrogant and narrow-minded.The personnel are extremely bad.Among them, especially with those founding veterans, they are even more incompatible.

From Li Feng's point of view, perhaps, it was precisely because of this that Li Shimin used him so much.If he is at odds with others, then he can only completely rely on the emperor.Even in the future.If there is any dissent, it will be too lonely to support, and it will not be able to achieve any climate.

"General Hou, this statement is wrong. Observing how an army is, its combat effectiveness is of course the key. However, what is more important is to see whether the army has strict military discipline and whether it can enforce orders. This is the foundation of an army. , if not, it is likely that the more you can fight, the worse it will be. Besides, if there is no strict military discipline, how can the army be strong."

Although Li Jing usually doesn't like to talk too much, he looks like a good old man.However, now that Hou Junji contradicted him like this, his heart also burst into flames.The most important thing is that the other party is doubting his military philosophy, which is absolutely impossible.So, he went straight back to the past.

"That's true. As the saying goes, hooligans are not scary, but they are educated."

Hou Junji came here for himself, Li Jing was just getting hurt by Chi Yu.Li Feng doesn't have the habit of asking people to help him top the tank, so he can't do such an unkind thing.The most important thing is that he doesn't care at all whether he will offend others.

"Okay, let's make a judgment after reading it."

Li Shimin saw that the smell of gunpowder was coming up again, so he spoke immediately.But in his heart he sighed to Hou Junji that he didn't know how to live or die, he forgot to eat but not to call.

Regarding what these people think, Li Shimin knew in his heart that he just wanted to rule Li Feng through himself.However, how do these people know that this is almost impossible.At that time, it will only be him, the emperor, who will have a headache.Just like the last time.

However, he also desperately needs a capable and loyal person like Hou Junji.Therefore, I had no choice but to speak.

Following Li Feng's order again, soon all the horses were brought up.At this time, everyone's eyes once again gathered below.Because, as everyone knows, another assessment is about to take place.

"Get on the horse"

At this moment, Li Chengqian was also riding on a war horse. Following his order, all the soldiers once again rode on the war horse neatly and uniformly.Although they were riding on horses, the queue was still as neat as before.Under the control of the soldiers, the war horses did not panic.

"The first team goes out, the knife..."

Following Li Chengqian's password again, a group of people and horses came out from the team, and then the team members reached out and pulled out the Mo Dao clipped on the side of the horse's back.

"What? Mo Dao, how is this possible?"

As soon as the knives came out, Li Ji immediately yelled, looking at the long Mo knives that emitted bursts of cold light with disbelief on his face.They are no strangers to Mo Dao.The reason why Li Ji was so surprised was because it was the first time he had seen someone using this Mo Dao on a war horse.

Looking at those soldiers, one by one holding Mo Dao in one hand, the relaxed look surprised him even more. These guys weigh dozens of catties.

Except for Li Ji, everyone was surprised for a while.However, soon, everyone stared at the pair of soldiers, wanting to see what they were going to do.

Of course Li Shimin knew about these people assembling the Modao.However, he didn't know much about the specific situation. At this moment, he also looked at the soldiers below with curiosity.


Following Li Chengqian's roar, that team of soldiers immediately rode their horses, like an arrow flying off the string.rushed out.As the horse galloped all the way, the speed became faster and faster, and they all began to slowly raise their hands holding the knife high.Make an action that is about to be hacked.


As a louder sound came, Li Shimin saw that the galloping soldiers on horseback passed a row of wooden posts.At the same time, he swung the Mo knife in his hand and chopped it down.Then, I saw a piece of wooden stake flying up directly.The original wood pile.Short.

"Come here, take all those broken stakes and have a look."

Because the distance is too far, it is impossible to estimate the thickness of those wooden stakes.Li Shimin immediately ordered people to bring over the chopped wooden stake over there, wanting to see how big it was.From this, we can estimate the power of that knife.

"Zhi Zhi... Military division. You said that if the knife was cut on a person, would it directly split the person in two?"

Not long after, the stakes over there were delivered.Cheng Yaojin held a piece of wooden stake thicker than the mouth of a bowl in his hand, looked at the smooth incision, and took a deep breath in his heart.Then he said to Li Ji who was also shocked.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that these people can really use the Mo Dao so easily on the horse, and the power is so huge. Hehe, you want to know, you will know if you go down and try it Yes. The old man can assure you that as long as you ask your two boys to cut you, they will definitely dare to cut you."

Li Ji was really shocked. Before, he only knew about this Modao.All for infantry.Mainly used to deal with cavalry.Unexpectedly, someone would directly use it in the hands of cavalry today.What is even more unbelievable is that this knife is so powerful.

Looking at the neat incisions on the stake, when the knife goes down, everyone will die, and if the horse is chopped down, the horse will also die.The most important thing is that ordinary people can't stop it even if they want to.Perhaps, with one strike, the opponent's weapon can be split into two pieces.

"They dare. Besides, even if they hold Mo Dao in their hands, Lao Tzu's Xuanhua Ax is not a vegetarian. Hehe, but let's not say it, the power of this knife is really extraordinary."

Cheng Yaojin was surprised just now, not to say how scary it would be to cut down such a big stake all at once.For him, this kind of thing is a piece of cake.But, you know, these soldiers did it.What if it was replaced by a more fierce person?

Thinking of someone more fierce, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but turned his head away, glanced at Li Feng who was drinking there, and then immediately began to shake his head a few times.

"Hehe, why did you think of this little devil all of a sudden?"

Li Yuanba left Cheng Yaojin with only one impression, and that was that he was not human.

"Everyone, let's go, let's go down, get closer, and see how they use this Mo Dao when they get off their horses."

After looking at the wooden stake in their hands, everyone knew in their hearts, and they all understood the power of the knife just now, so there was no need to say anything.Even Hou Junji, with a serious face at the moment, closed his mouth, was thinking about something, and stopped talking.

Li Shimin even stood up directly, and was about to walk off the stage.He wanted to see how far this Mo Dao could be used in the hands of these soldiers.

"Dismount, line up"

When Li Shimin and the others all stepped down from the stands and came to the school field.Li Chengqian had already received the order, so he immediately ordered everyone to dismount.

However, at this moment, Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian in a daze.During these days, Li Chengqian's changes were really too great.As for moving forward, I just feel that he has become more stable and his temper has become much better.Especially when he heard that Li Chengqian knew that playing with his children at home made Li Shimin feel stupid for a while.

Knowing how to care for his children shows that Li Chengqian has realized the responsibility of being a father, and it also shows that he has grown up.

Therefore, although some of Li Chengqian's affairs in the East Palace did not conform to the rules, Li Shimin pretended not to know and did not mention it at all.

But now, Li Chengqian gave him a different feeling. His skin was dark and he lost a lot of weight.However, his demeanor has completely changed, especially his straight waist and resolute eyes, people will know that this must be someone from the army.Thinking of this, Li Shimin looked at the other soldiers again.

"Well, I finally understand what's wrong, the temperament is wrong. I'm sure that these people don't need to wear armor, as long as they stand in front of others, they will make people think that they are soldiers."

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, who didn't panic at all because he, the emperor, was in front of him, Li Shimin was extremely satisfied.Just because of this calmness and perseverance, he can be sure that this is the army that has always been iron.


Since Li Shimin and the others wanted to see how the soldiers used the Mo Dao when fighting on foot.Then just follow orders.With each swing of the knife, the soldiers shouted.

"The momentum is like a rainbow, invincible, haha..."

At close range, everyone finally realized that with the roars, there were also the blades of light.Everyone couldn't help feeling a sense of oppression, feeling stuffy in their hearts, and a little dry mouthed.

Mo Dao was domineering, and on top of that, everyone waved their swords and roared together. The aura in it was simply earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, which made Li Shimin not only burst out laughing with excitement.

"My mother, facing such a group of people, his mother, even ghosts and gods can't stand it, it scares me to death."

Feeling it at close range made Cheng Yaojin break out in a cold sweat.Think about it, if he faced this group of people, the thought would make him feel even more chilly.

"Invincible, invincible. Don't say it's a fight, as long as anyone comes in front of him, he will be scared out of shit. Your Majesty, the last general thought that our Tang army should have a large number of Mo Daomen. When the time comes, Once on the battlefield, just this cold knife light can make the enemy's heart tremble, and their momentum will be weakened by three points."

At this moment, Li Jing was full of praise for Mo Dao, and then immediately suggested to Li Shimin.

"Hehe, let's discuss this matter when we go back. Now, all the lovers have also seen it. How can such a brave army not have a name."

Now Li Shimin is in a very good mood, and he was overjoyed today, so let's not mention other things for the time being. The name of this army must be given, otherwise, he will be sorry for this army.


As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, he heard a roar of a tiger, and then, seeing Xiao Hei, walked slowly towards the school grounds.

"Black Tiger Army" (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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