Following Li Feng's order, those Turkic soldiers who thought they had escaped, before they had time to be happy, suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then their eyes went dark, and they lost consciousness.

"There is someone behind the horses..."

This sentence appeared in the minds of all the fallen Turkic soldiers.Although, they want to see and know who the Ma Qun are, but unfortunately, this can only be a last wish.

"Listen up, everyone. I'm about to enter the Turkic barracks. This time, everyone is following me. Don't leave the team. When I tell you to retreat, no one stays too long. Do you understand?"

Seeing that he was about to enter the Turkic barracks, Li Feng explained to everyone again.Because, Li Feng didn't know how much preparations there were in the Turkic army camp. Although there were tens of thousands of horses in front as cover, it was better to be careful.

It turned out that Li Feng had even been counted as entering the Turkic barracks.However, in that case, if no one chased the war horse, it would be meaningless.Once there is no one chasing them, they will soon be subdued by those people. In this way, isn't Li Feng and his team's work in vain?

Therefore, although it is a bit risky this time, I still have to go in for a walk anyway.


"Instructor, don't worry, we have all written it down. If we can win, we will fight. If we can't beat, we will withdraw. We all remember it."

Hearing Li Feng's words, everyone immediately replied.Anyway, with the cover of the sound of horseshoes, I am not afraid of being heard by others.Cheng Chubi even cheerfully added from the side.

"It's good to understand, we have small mouths. Therefore, we should not have too much appetite. After taking advantage, we will retreat when it is time to retreat. Don't worry, there are so many Turkic soldiers, you have something to play with."

When Li Feng heard it, he felt a little relieved, and after he finished speaking, he cheered up.Hiding behind the horses, eyes wide open, staring ahead.

"Brothers, pay attention, after you go in, use the Mo Dao directly. What a fool. They deserve to drink a pot today, and they are so courageous. I don't know if their chief general has water in his head. The number of guards is actually less than before, today, they deserve to be unlucky. Haha"

Driven by Xiao Hei, the horses are so fast.Without much effort, he had already begun to approach the barracks of the Turkic Army.What made Li Feng overjoyed was that in the barracks, there was no additional manpower as he had imagined before, and he was ready.On the contrary, the number of defenders actually decreased.

Li Feng was happy for a while.Immediately, they began to wonder if their chief general was showing off his head.Knowing that there is a situation, he is still so reassuring and bold.actually.How did Li Feng know that the opponent's general he scolded had already been killed by him with an arrow just now, and was trampled into a pulp by the horses.

However, Li Feng was right about one thing, that is, Ashinata Wang did not take them seriously at first.Because, according to various intelligence reports, it was only a small group of troops that attacked the racecourse.According to Ashinatawang's thinking, with the troops he leads, it is more than enough to deal with Li Feng and the others.

Who knows, the calculation was wrong, those Turkic soldiers were directly cleaned up by the war horses, and the rest of the fish were also killed by Li Feng and the others.Even Ashina, the chief officer in charge of logistics and defense, was also killed by Li Feng.In this way, such a situation will appear.

"Hehe, instructor, don't worry, it's a bastard if you don't take advantage of it. Since the other party doesn't take my Black Tiger Army seriously, let's let them take a good look today. The capabilities of our Black Tiger Army .”

Qin Huaiyu and the others on the side also saw the scene in front of them. This time, it was indeed a god-sent opportunity. Even Qin Huaiyu, who was unexpectedly joking, also said with a smile.

"Well, the old rules, first prepare the short crossbow, and after a salvo, replace it with your Mo Dao."

When we were at the racecourse just now, there were too few Turkic guards, which made Li Feng feel that he was not enjoying himself. Now, he suddenly became a little excited.

"Listen up, everyone, the sound of horseshoes, it seems something is wrong..."

The noise made by the horses approaching the Turkic barracks was actually heard by the guarding soldiers a long time ago.However, he doesn't really care.After this day, there are always such voices, and everyone is used to it.However, as the group of war horses slowly approached, someone suddenly discovered a problem.

"What's wrong, isn't it just the sound of horseshoes?"

Obviously, even if someone raises doubts, most people still don't think so.After all, this thing is nothing unusual for them.

"No, listen carefully. The number of horses is wrong. Also, when the general and the others passed by just now, there were definitely not so many people..."

The Turkic soldier who asked the question first, the more he heard the sound of horseshoes, the more he felt something was wrong.However, for a while, I couldn't think of anything wrong.However, he soon understood that the amount was wrong.

"Listen, well, according to the sound of the horseshoes, I guess there are at least [-] to [-] horses, and... [-] to [-]? Not good, hurry up and ring the alarm bell. Also, hurry up and notify the people in the tent People, let them all get up. Hurry up, a large number of Tang cavalry are coming."

It has to be said that this Turkic people is worthy of being a nation on horseback, and they can roughly judge the number of horses just by listening to the sound of horseshoes.However, after judging the number of horses, these Turkic soldiers were frightened to death.With [-] to [-] troops, this is definitely not Ashinatawang.

And now, they are at war with the Tang Dynasty, there is no doubt that these people are the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

"Wait a minute, look quickly. There is no one on those horses. Do you think it is the adults who brought back the horses from our racecourse? Besides, how could the Tang people appear behind us? Besides, the Tang people are not Maybe there are so many extra cavalry out of thin air. If I make a mistake and my lord will blame me when the time comes..."

At this time, the barracks in the war horse group was already very close.With the help of the bright moonlight, it can be seen with the naked eye.On those horses, there was no one at all.

Therefore, the Turkic soldier who raised the question at the beginning immediately stopped the panic-stricken people, and then began to analyze.If this is a mistake, they can't afford to walk around.

"Well... It is true that no one is on the horseback. I think it must be the Lord who brought the horses back. But why did the Lord bring back all the horses? Could it be that a general attack is about to be launched? I think that's it. Yes. Haha, you still have a good head, otherwise, something bad will happen. Well, no, hurry up and prepare a place for these war horses."

Obviously, the leader of the Turkic soldiers agreed with the statement of the Turkic soldier, and then, there was a burst of praise first.It was another burst of luck, though.Immediately, he hurriedly arranged manpower to open the door so that the war horses could come in.As a result, a group of Turkic soldiers began to panic.

"Instructor, what are those Turkic soldiers doing? From what I see, they seem to be making way for us. Is there any fraud in this?"

Because in the Turkic army camp.Relatively bright, therefore.Li Feng and the others could clearly see the movements of the soldiers inside.Qin Huaiyu, who was at the side, saw this situation, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Well... who knows what they are doing. Don't worry about them, let's rush in and let these horses clear the way, no one can stop them. Everyone is ready. Well, brothers, remember, No matter what time it is, as long as you hear Xiao Hei calling three times, everyone must retreat, do you understand?"

Now that they have arrived at the entrance of the Turkic barracks, it can be said that the arrow is on the string and has to be launched. Besides, with these horses clearing the way, Li Feng is not afraid at all, so let everyone start to prepare.And because the situation changed, Li Feng gave everyone an order to retreat.No way, Xiao Hei's voice is loud and special.

"Why don't these war horses slow down? Really, hurry up, inform the people over there, and help gather the war horses. If these war horses rush to the tent, be careful of your brains... Uh..."

When the horse arrived at the gate of the barracks, the leader of the Turkic soldiers saw that it was indeed their own horse, and felt relieved.However, what made him depressed was that these war horses had no intention of slowing down at all, so he yelled at the people on the other side.

However, he didn't say the last word, so he covered his neck with his hands in pain, and then fell down with a bang.I saw an arrow stuck in his throat at this time, and bursts of blood began to pour out continuously, and his eyes were wide open.

"My lord, what's the matter with you, ah... the enemy..."

A soldier beside him saw him fall and quickly helped him up, wanting to ask what was going on, and then suddenly saw the arrow stuck in his throat.So, the soldier immediately shouted to warn him, but unfortunately, a feathered arrow also made him unable to speak anything, so he fell down directly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, Tang army sneak attack..."

As a rain of arrows came, more than half of the guards here were knocked down immediately. At this time, seeing their companion lying on the ground with a sudden scream, and the feather arrows on his companion, the rest of them finally understood. Alright, what's the matter.Then, while yelling, he drew his weapon.

"Brothers, put on the Mo Dao and kill..."

Seeing the Turkic guards who had come to their senses, Li Feng yelled, and took the lead to replace the drum beating urn golden hammer in his hand, while the rest of them also held the Mo Dao in their right hands.

"I don't know how to live or die, let me die"

Riding on Xiao Hei's back, Li Feng saw a few Turkic soldiers slashing at him with knives, he sneered for a while, and then swung a giant hammer directly at the knives that were coming at him.As soon as the giant hammer touched the knives, those knives flew directly into the sky.Afterwards, the sledgehammer continued unabated and hit the head of the Turkic soldier in the front.

Since Li Feng was riding on Xiao Hei, he didn't slow down at all, so the sledgehammer swiped all the way, until it slid over the head of the last Turkic soldier.

After doing this, Li Feng continued to ride Xiao Hei and chased the horses without even looking at them.Behind him were the bodies of several Turkic soldiers who had no heads.

"You idiots, don't just cut people down, cut them down one by one, when will you cut them down. Burn them for me, set them on fire everywhere, especially those tents, they will burn a bunch of people to death at once, isn't it more efficient? Hehe, sleep Wake up? This is not acceptable, continue to sleep."

While Li Feng was yelling at those Black Tiger soldiers, he was about to set fire to a tent.Just at this time, a Turkic soldier rushed out in a hurry. Li Feng laughed and swung his hammer over.Immediately, there were several screams from inside the tent.Seeing the tent that was already on fire, Li Feng ran towards the next place again.

In an instant, the entire Turkic army camp was in chaos, with anger everywhere, and accompanied by bursts of screams, it was a scene of hell on earth.

The so-called is that the more chaotic people are, the more chaotic their minds are, the more chaotic they are, the more anxious they are, and the more anxious they are, the more chaotic they are.It happened so suddenly that even many Turkic soldiers died in their dreams.Even those who reacted were all panicked and killed by the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army.

There is another reason why these Turkic soldiers were unable to organize a resistance, that is, the method of killing the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army was too straightforward and terrifying.As soon as the Mo Dao in his hand slashed down, the heads began to move, and the blood rushed to the sky like a fountain, but the people hadn't fallen down yet.

He was so frightened that he even thought of resisting. Because of this, the killing was carried out very thoroughly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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