Datang violent otaku

Chapter 321 Bloody Battle in the Sky

Li Feng knew that their so-called swearing to the death to protect themselves was not just joking, but from the bottom of their hearts.As for the fear that no one will pay them pensions, of course it's just a joke.However, this evil word touched the depths of Li Feng's heart deeply.At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

At the same time, a wave of anger rose in his heart.Thinking about how long ago Li Feng was forced to such a situation where he needed the protection of those around him.No, absolutely not, not in the past, not in the future, and now, it is even more impossible.

With the emergence of this monstrous anger, a monstrous fighting spirit immediately spread all over Li Feng's body, even through the thick and solid Thor armor, the people around could feel that monstrous anger fighting spirit.The soldiers of the Black Tiger Army who followed behind him also became excited about fighting in an instant.

At this moment, in the hearts of all the people, apart from the high fighting spirit and the inexplicable raging anger, there is nothing else.

At this moment, the troops on both sides were full of an indescribable fighting spirit. Therefore, when they charged head-on, the two sides didn't even use bows and crossbows, and directly started a melee combat. It seemed that only this This kind of pure hand-to-hand combat, only this kind of knife-to-flesh style of play can make both sides feel happy. [

This group of Turkic soldiers, since Li Feng and the others appeared, they have been in a state of panic and very depressed.And when the panic reaches a certain level, things will often turn against each other, and the fear will turn into madness in an instant.Yes, at this moment, they are indeed crazy.

Do not know life and death.Not afraid of life and death, they only have one thought in their hearts, and that is to kill these demons who brought them nightmares.Even if it breaks his body to pieces, he will not hesitate.

And obviously.In this almost hopeless situation, the Black Tiger Army led by Li Feng became even more crazy.The Mo Dao in his hand, mixed with exhausted anger and domineering, slashed at one Turkic soldier after another.

And those Turkic soldiers also became more crazy.Every now and then, several people would surround a Black Tiger Army soldier and rush forward desperately.No matter what, he chopped it directly on the body of the Black Tiger Army.If you can't kill people, you choose to cut horses, in short.Even if they die, they still want to see a trace of each other's blood.

But at this moment, Li Feng had already got off Hei's back.His expression suddenly became crazy, and he was not like before, turning the beating drum, urn, and golden hammer into a long-range weapon, killing people in large numbers.Instead, hold the hammer directly.Engage in close combat with those Turkic soldiers.At this time, he also likes the feeling of pounding into the flesh, and the feeling of blood flying everywhere.

Although it was close combat, his lethality and the speed at which he killed were no slower than before.Because, in the giant hammer at this time, the power is even stronger.Every time the hammer hits, it has a force of ten thousand catties.

Going up, it can directly lift people to fly more than ten meters.Smashing down can directly smash people into meatloaf.The most powerful one is the horizontal one, and the people who are hit are often shot out like cannons.Then when they met those Turkic soldiers, they would often hammer down and kill one, and then another row of corpses would be killed.

When Li Feng got down to the ground, his moving speed suddenly became faster.Looking from a distance, I can only see a figure among the chaotic crowd, shuttling around like a ghost.Wherever he went, a huge vacuum space was formed in an instant.The bodies of several Turkic soldiers, corpses to be precise, began to fly away from that area.

Without restraint, Hei finally revealed his powerful might as the king of beasts.When he started to move, he was faster than Li Feng, and the two powerful front paws slapped the Turkic soldiers in front like flies.Wherever it went, corpses were also flying everywhere.

Because of its agility, few Turkic soldiers could touch it.Even if it is chopped off with a single knife, it can only be cut on the scales on its back, and it has no effect on it.

Due to the madness of the Turkic soldiers, some Black Tiger soldiers were injured at first.What's more serious is that the filial and crazy Turkic soldiers actually started to lower their bodies, or roll over and hurt their horses.The horse's legs and lower parts don't have any armor, and they don't have the bravery and agility of Hei.It didn't take long for dozens of war horses to die or be injured.

"All the team members dismounted, lined up, and fought on foot"

Faced with such a situation, Wang Daxiong roared decisively, and then all the Black Tiger Army began to get off their horses, and then they were arranged in a neat line.All the team members are familiar with the whole process, this is the Modao Formation, which they have practiced several times.

"go ahead"

Following Wang Daxiong's order, the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army held the Mo Dao aloft, and walked very neatly, unhurriedly towards the crazy and chaotic Turkic soldiers in front.

Listening to the orderly and powerful footsteps, those Turkic soldiers suddenly felt that they were very uncomfortable, as if they had stepped on their hearts.Look again, the faces full of cold expressions, and the giant knives that are held high and dripping blood continuously.Immediately, a terrifying expression appeared on the faces of those Turkic soldiers again.However, soon, it was replaced by a crazier look.

"Kill these demons..."

"Kill them..."

Afterwards, several Turkic soldiers, with a very abnormal expression on their faces, began to attack the Black Tiger Army's Modao formation.However, facing the Turkic soldiers pouring in like a tide, the faces of the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army were calm, but their eyes became colder. [


Following two bursts of icy voices that seemed to come from hell, the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army first slashed the Mo Dao fiercely, and then swung the Dao back the same way.Soon the Turkic soldiers who rushed up first became two pieces in an instant, and the blood was sprayed all over the soldiers of the Black Tiger Army.The ground in front was even more bloody, with various organs scattered all over the ground.However, for this bloody scene.The soldiers of the Black Tiger Army seemed to have not seen each one.Instead, he stared at the Turkic soldiers rushing forward again.

"The first row retreats, the second row moves forward, and raises the knife..."

See the players in the first row.After waving dozens of knives in a row, Wang Daxiong immediately started to order again.Following the order, the team members in the first row retreated holding their knives, while the team members in the second row stepped forward quickly, holding their knives high.


It used to be boring and boring.The training like a machine, at this moment, finally showed its power, but now it has become a mechanical killing.Soon, the front of the line.A huge corpse was piled up, and the grass in front became a swamp of blood.

However, soon more Turkic soldiers rushed up, and began to attack the Modao phalanx of the Black Tiger Army from all directions.However, with the encirclement of Turkic soldiers.The Modao phalanx is also different.The phalanx was still neat, but the four rows of soldiers on the four sides of the phalanx were indeed facing outward at the same time.

At this moment, the center of the phalanx was empty, and there were some wounded Black Tiger Army soldiers lying or sitting inside.The soldiers formed three squares, which can also be said to be three queues, so that they could be replaced in turn, and the corners of the squares were in charge of the squad leader.

This moment.However, this is a killing matrix.Following bursts of neat voices, rows of Turkic soldiers rushing up desperately fell down like harvesting wheat.

From a distance.The entire battlefield is divided into two parts.One of them is Li Feng and Xiao. The scene here is the most spectacular. Wherever the two figures go, corpses are flying all over the place.Moreover, those figures flew so high and so far away.If it weren't for the constant screams, I would have thought it was throwing people away for fun.

And the other section is the Modao matrix formed by members of the Black Tiger Army.When killing people here, although it is not so spectacular, the efficiency is not slow at all.Looking from a distance, one can see that the number of Turkic soldiers surrounding this matrix is ​​decreasing sharply.


Yang Qian in the distance, as well as Du Zhi, just stared at every move on the battlefield.Looking at it, Duo Zhi felt chills all over his body and began to shiver, his Adam's apple began to squirm non-stop, sweat from his forehead kept coming out, his face became pale, and his expression was full of terror.Unknowingly, I tremblingly wanted to say something.

And Yang Qian, who was on the side, just watched the scene on the battlefield quietly.Those big beautiful eyes don't even blink.Although her face was very plain, but in her eyes, there were bursts of very complicated expressions flashing from time to time, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Tuzhi, if you are asked to lead the troops, do you have the confidence to wipe out the Tang army below? Even if all 2 troops die, that's fine."

Suddenly, Yang Qian's brows began to wrinkle slightly, and then she turned her head, stared at Tu Zhi, and asked very seriously.

After hearing Yang Qian's words, Du Zhi immediately shuddered, and couldn't help shivering, but fortunately, he quickly adjusted his expression, and then wiped the sweat off his face.

"Commander Qi, the subordinates can't do it. Unless they don't ride horses to break through, the subordinates have no ability to stop them. Otherwise, give the subordinates enough food and grass, and then just besiege on the top of the mountain like this. Well, it seems to be too No, because, no matter what, the subordinates can't stop their leader. If he wants to break through, please forgive the boldness of the subordinates, no matter how many people there are, they can't stop him."

After hearing Yang Qian's question, Du Zhi thought carefully for a while, and then looked at the one man and one tiger over there, and began to be ashamed, and answered truthfully, and then carefully stood there with his head down.

"Well...well, I like honest people."

However, unexpectedly, Yang Qian didn't mean to blame at all, she still smiled coquettishly and said in praise.It was obvious that the soul was about to fly away, but soon, he lowered his head again and stood aside cautiously.

"Tell our warriors, no one is allowed to 'disturb'. It's almost over. I'm going to go down to meet the general of the Tang Army later. I don't need to send anyone to follow me. I can go alone." (To be continued. If you like For this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. For mobile phone users, please go to [Read]

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