Datang violent otaku

Chapter 340 Don't Guess The Emperor's Thoughts

"Well, fourth brother, do you have any good ideas, don't you?"

What Li Feng said was indeed too difficult.If you want soldiers, you really don't care about life and death, how simple is it.Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even his Xuanjia Army may not be able to achieve this level.However, Li Shimin soon realized it.

There must be a reason why Li Feng mentioned this matter for no reason for a few days.It is absolutely impossible to show off the record and ability of the Black Tiger Army.Thinking of the Black Tiger Army, Li Shimin's eyes lit up again.Isn't the Black Tiger Army a ready-made example?And they were trained by Li Feng.

"In my opinion, we can mainly start from the following aspects. First, let the soldiers have peace of mind and let them understand that even if they die in battle, their families can live a good life, and even live a better life." Good. Secondly, you can give them political lessons, brainwash them, and help them build up their beliefs. Finally, give those people enough honor and spiritual ideas. After all, they need spiritual food to support them. To reward them, we must give them spiritual food. rewards. I think that as long as these can be achieved, many people will be able to avoid death."

Before coming here, Li Feng had already considered these things. It would be absolutely impossible to convince Li Shimin that there was nothing that would tempt him.

"Appreciate further details"

Hearing that Li Feng really had a solution, Li Shimin couldn't sit still anymore.A strong army is the most basic guarantee for a country and a nation to become strong.

"The first is very simple. But it is also the most difficult. The so-called peace of mind for the soldiers is to strengthen the pension policy for the soldiers who died in battle. Let their families have life security after their sacrifices. Once this can be done, Soldiers no longer have to worry, how can they not be brave when they start to kill the enemy. However, to do this well, it requires a lot of money."

Speaking of the first article.Li Feng also felt sad for a while.It is very difficult to do this.Among them, the huge amount of money needed has become the biggest problem.There is another one, for domestic officials, regardless of ancient times.It is still modern, it is a virtue.These people are often the most ruthless, indifferent, and forgetful people.

Not to mention this ancient society, but put it in that era.For those soldiers who died heroically, the police and the like.Those who are in power, when will they really take it to heart.Bloodshed and tears, is it still rare?

In fact, it's not that the country doesn't have the ability, but that it doesn't have the heart.Think about it, why the famous Wei family army is so brave and good at fighting.One of the main reasons is their pension system.After the battle.The family has something to support.What can be done by an army, can't be done by a country?

Although everyone is talking about serving the country and the people, regardless of the dynasty, the existence of the country is ultimately only for the benefit of a small number of people.

Tracing back to the source, the reason is still that the low status of warriors is just a tool in the hands of those in power.Since it's a tool and it can't be used anymore, of course it's just thrown away, who cares so much.

"Hey, how can I not know these things, but what can I do? There is no money in the treasury, and..."

What Li Feng said was simple and clear, how could Li Shimin not know.However, when it comes to money matters, it is extremely difficult.

"Don't complain to me, it's useless to tell me these things, I'm just giving you advice."

Hearing Li Shimin's bitter expression, Li Feng immediately interrupted him.Regarding this matter, he only mentioned it. As for whether it can be done, that is Li Shimin's business.Otherwise, Li Feng would not say that this is the most difficult.He had no hope at all that Li Shimin would agree to this matter.

The strength of the Tang Dynasty lies only in its military strength. In other respects, compared with the subsequent Song Dynasty, the gap is very huge.Among other things, for example, some time ago, a small flood could cause Li Shimin and the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty to be devastated, and there was even no way to do it.

At least, in terms of economic construction, Datang is very fragile, and economic development is like stagnant water.And Li Shimin's ultra-low tax policy of hiding wealth from the people, although to a certain extent, has benefited the common people.However, the biggest beneficiaries are those rich and famous families.

The low taxation has caused a serious financial strain on the country.The country has no money, and many things cannot be done at all.For example, water conservancy project construction, infrastructure construction, education development, disaster resilience and so on.In the end, in turn, it severely restricted economic development.

Li Feng knew that the treasury had no money, so he was just talking casually.

"The second way is to carry out political and ideological education in the army. Don't just focus on training them, you must know that the loyalty of the army is more important than anything else. If the army is not loyal, the more powerful it is, the greater the harm. In short Well, it’s best to choose some eloquent and eloquent people. In the army, if you have something to do, talk to them about patriotism. Tell them what kind of soldier is the most qualified soldier. Anyway, it’s just brainwashing , is to let them slowly develop a common belief... Forget it, it probably means this. You should think about it yourself. You people must be good at this kind of nasty thing."

Originally, Li Feng wanted to tell Li Shimin about this so-called brainwasher, but when he saw Li Shimin was dumbfounded, and then looked at him with very strange eyes, Li Feng stopped talking immediately.

"Ahem... what the fourth brother said is very true. It really is a word to wake up the dreamer. This method is wonderful, um, we should do a good job in the ideological education of this army, haha"

Li Feng's words really shocked Li Shimin.He is an expert in this field, of course he knows what kind of effect it will produce if he follows Li Feng's method.However, after a burst of great surprise, he looked at Li Feng in disbelief.This idea contains more things, and it goes deeper.This is a kind of full grasp of human nature and human heart.

However, until Li Feng's last sentence.Li Shimin was embarrassed for a while, and said to Li Feng with a smile.

In fact, Li Feng had considered this matter when Li Feng first started training the Black Tiger Army.You know, when it comes to the army, Li Feng immediately thinks of the People's Liberation Army.Where the PLA is most powerful lies in their unique beliefs.The most successful place lies in ideological education.

In that era when an old man fell down, people all over the street ran away.You can often hear the news that a certain soldier of a certain army died unfortunately because of saving lives, which can be seen.

"Okay, let's talk about the last thing now. I think it should be for those soldiers who died in the battle. Build a monument square. This is my sketch..."

Having said that, Li Feng finally took out the sketch in his arms.You know, it took him and Qi Ye three days of hard work to make it.And today he came to Li Shimin for this matter.This is also Li Feng, within his power.The only thing that can be done for these dead soldiers.

Give them all the credit.Give them a name.Although, this thing doesn't have much practical significance.However, this is a kind of affirmation to them, and it is enough to give comfort to their families.In many cases, spiritual comfort.Although it is not as real as material compensation, but.But it is more worthwhile than material compensation.

Although it is very strange, why did Li Feng come up with this new thing.However, Li Shimin still hurried forward to listen to Li Feng's explanation of the so-called Monument Square.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, such a monstrous glory can be worshiped and admired by the world, enjoy the incense of thousands of families, and even be famous forever. Not to mention these ordinary soldiers, even civil and military officials, even the emperor, are tempted Endless. Facing such glory, it will definitely attract the envy of countless soldiers. At that time, once it goes to the battlefield, it will definitely..."

Listening to Li Feng explaining the purpose of this so-called monument square, Li Shimin became more and more excited.As for the effect brought by this thing, he just thought about it casually, and he knew it.The ancients all valued reputation, and such a thing of being famous through the ages is something that countless people dream of.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, ranks before profit.Look, those are the officials who have worked hard, how many of them are willing to leave a good name in the long river of history at all costs.

"Okay, don't get excited. Really, fortunately there are no outsiders here, otherwise, your image as an emperor will be completely ruined. Judging by your posture, you agree to build this monument square, right?"

Seeing Li Shimin's expression, Li Feng was speechless for a while.However, Li Feng didn't feel anything against it at all. After all, people always have selfishness.The reason why Li Shimin lost his composure in front of Li Feng was because he felt that there was no need to pretend.This is also the reason why Li Shimin will drive out all the servants as soon as Li Feng arrives.

"Well, there is no reason to disagree with such a good thing. When the time comes, I will go to worship in person. Afterwards, every Qingming and Chinese New Year, I will also worship. When the army goes out, I will order generals here, and the army will win When I come back, I will also award meritorious ministers here, and..."

This time, it was Li Feng's turn to be stunned, and then he began to sigh in his heart.The emperor is the emperor after all, Li Feng just gave Li Shimin a start, reminded him, he quickly drew inferences from one instance, and brought the role of this monument square to the fullest.

"Dead people have to be skinned by you. Forget it. I won't listen to you anymore. If I continue to listen, I will be polluted by you. Anyway, the matter is like this. You can do whatever you want to fix it."

Seeing that Li Shimin was still eloquent, Li Feng immediately spoke angrily.Then, he got up and walked towards the gate of the hall.He was really worried, if he continued to listen, he would turn bad even himself.


Seeing that Li Feng left without saying a word, Li Shimin immediately became depressed, thinking, it seems that these ideas were not thought up by him.

"Hehe, this fourth brother is really getting more and more interesting. No, we can't let him be so idle, but how can we let him come out to do things..."

Seeing Li Feng leave, Li Shimin immediately began to mutter to himself.

This may be the emperor's mind.You want it, but he just won't give it to you, and you don't want it, but he tries to give it to you. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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