Datang violent otaku

Chapter 426 Lively Court Hall

At this time, an official from Yushitai, surnamed Zhao, appeared on the list.Yushitai is the central administrative organ and also the central judicial organ. Its main responsibilities are to be responsible for the picketing and impeachment of hundreds of officials and the rectification of discipline.It is an authority directly responsible to the emperor.

Especially during the Zhenguan period of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, that is, after Li Shimin became emperor, the power of Yushitai became very large.The reason is that Li Shimin encouraged the officials of Yushitai to be brave and dare to expose the blasphemy, dereliction of duty or disrespect of officials in the court.

Among them, the most typical example is Wei Zheng, the boss of Yushitai, the doctor of Yushi.He even dared to confront the emperor frequently, pointing out the inappropriateness of the emperor, and often made Li Shimin unable to step down because of this, and became even more angry.However, that was the case, not only was Wei Zheng never blamed by the emperor, on the contrary, he was even more valued by the emperor.

The most frightening thing is that this official of Yushitai can not be convicted by speech.In other words, even if the things he impeached and the person he impeached, after the investigation, they were not as they were in the impeachment.Or because there is no evidence to prove these charges.These officials of Yushitai will not be accused of framing or anything because of this.At best, he would be reprimanded by the emperor.

Of course, this is also the emperor's move to encourage the officials of Yushitai to report and speak out.If not, if you accidentally say the wrong thing, you will lose your job, or even put yourself in jail.Just ask, who else dares to speak.How many people are willing to do such a thing that harms others and themselves?

Of course, like the unlucky ghost who was convicted last time.That's what you deserve.Who dared him to sneak Li Feng to this Tai Chi Hall without investigating clearly.This kind of person who violates the superiors, is disrespectful, eager for utilitarianism, and does not follow the corresponding procedures, deserves it.

"The ministers and other officials of Yushitai are deeply favored by the emperor. They shoulder the duties of picking up the officials and rectifying the court. The emperor's grace is so great that the ministers dare not slack in the slightest, lest they fail the emperor's favor. In recent days, the humble minister I have received reports one after another. It is said that His Royal Highness, King Yong, has misbehaved and abused his power. Using power for personal gain. After investigation by Wei Chen, the reports are all true."

"Therefore, I have to participate in the impeachment of King Yong. First, it is unfilial, which violates the ancestral etiquette. The body, hair and skin are taken care of by the parents. This is the ancestor's rule, and it is the beginning of filial piety. The world will cherish it. However, today, King Yong ignores the rules of his ancestors and discards them blatantly, which can be described as disrespectful and unfilial. Filial piety is the beginning of all good things, and it is also the foundation of the imperial court governing the world. It is also the most important thing for generations of kings One of the things is the foundation of the sage’s teachings. It can be said that it is the most important cornerstone of the court. Now, King Yong is blatantly ignoring it, which is a great crime of disrespect.”

"Secondly, private use of public equipment, private transfer of troops. According to the law of our court, if a non-war comes, if you want to transfer a soldier or a soldier, you must report to the Ministry of War, and you can only transfer after you get a document signed by the Ministry of War. And if you want to mobilize the army The number is too large, and it is necessary to obtain the imperial decree of our emperor. Although the Black Tiger Army is now part of the National Flag Guard, it is still an army of our Tang Dynasty after all. King Yong commanded the Black Tiger Army out of the city without the authorization of the Department of Deyi , is a serious crime."

"Third, it loses the dignity of the country and shames the royal family..."


Seeing that Li Feng, the rightful lord, had arrived, Mr. Zhao immediately began to state Li Feng's crimes again.The harshness of the words and the indignation of the expression, it is like being dug up the grave of the ancestors.

"Your Majesty, the old minister reconsidered. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been used to govern the world. It can be said that loyalty and filial piety are the foundation of governing a country. And filial piety is the beginning of all good things. How can we talk about loyalty without filial piety. King Yong is the prince of the country. Words and deeds represent the dignity of the country, the face of the royal family, and in the eyes of outsiders, they represent the dignity of our Tang Dynasty. But now, King Yong has made such a ridiculous move, which can be said to have completely lost my face in the Tang Dynasty."

"Therefore, King Yong should be punished for his behavior of disregarding the etiquette of the ancestors and the rites of the saints. Otherwise, how to make the people of the world submit, how to block the mouths of the world, and how to educate the people of the world after the court. If so Filial piety will never be restored, so how will I, Tang Dynasty, deal with myself..."

As soon as Mr. Zhao, the official from the Yushitai, finished speaking, Kong Yingda immediately began to speak in a heartbroken manner, and at the end, burst into tears.

"I also think that His Royal Highness Yongwang's previous actions are indeed very inappropriate."

"The minister also reconsidered"


After Kong Yingda's words, the hall was like boiling water, and many ministers began to express their opinions one after another.

As he listened, Li Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.Hearing now, he finally understood why these people impeached him.There are two reasons, one is that he called the Black Tiger Army to help him this time, and the other is because of his bald head.And obviously, the most important thing was because of his bald head.

Perhaps it was because these people knew that using Li Feng's private use of the Black Tiger Army as an example would have no effect at all.Because, as long as the emperor Li Shimin is willing, this reason is useless at all.Big deal, Li Shimin said, Li Feng has been authorized by him for this matter.

Therefore, these people, most importantly, still cling to the second point.To shave your head is disrespect to your parents, it is against the ancestral etiquette, it is against the dogma of saints, it is disrespect.For a long time, the foundation of governing the country is the word loyalty and filial piety. Violating any of these is a serious crime.

If ordinary people behaved unfilially and were reported to the government, they would be punished, at least, the crime of whipping was unavoidable.And if you don't change after repeated admonition, you can even be locked up directly, and you will be imprisoned.But now, Li Feng, a dignified prince, has actually committed such an unfilial thing, and the situation is even more serious.

Because, the whole world takes the royal family as an example. If a prince is not stopped or punished for such behavior, does it mean that the royal family allows this situation to exist, or does it mean that the court acquiesces to this behavior.If so, then the filial piety that has always been adhered to.Where should it be placed.And what should we say about the three cardinal principles and five constant principles that the country has always relied on to govern the people in the world.

It can be said that if this matter is to be taken seriously, it will be a big deal, because it has already involved the fundamentals of governing the country.

"My dear friends, do you have anything to say about this matter?"

Wait until the voices of these supporters have all stopped.Li Shimin saw that no one had spoken, so he looked at the officials below and began to speak slowly.In fact, despite his calm face now, he was a little anxious in his heart.He desperately needs another voice now.If not, seriously.It's really difficult for him.

In this matter, if you say big, it will be big, if you say small, it will be small.To say that it is small, it is nothing more than a matter of shaving its head, there is really nothing to say.However, it can rise infinitely.By extension, it can involve governing the country.It involves the foundation of the country's stability and the ancestral teachings of sages.And when it comes to these things, things can go awry

However, it was a pity that no one spoke this time, even Fang Xuanling, who had always been very observant and often helped him solve problems.None made a sound.The way of loyalty and filial piety has lasted for so many years, and it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.not to mention.Fang Xuanling and the others are also people who read books. Although they are not the purest kind, they still follow the way of saints very much.

But at this moment, if they refuted Kong Yingda and the others, they would be on the opposite side of the world's scholars and the sage's learning. They couldn't help but think carefully about such a matter.

"Isn't it just a shaved head? Is it so serious? If it's so serious to lose two hairs, then our soldiers in the Tang Dynasty dare to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. It's either an arm or a leg. That's not it It made my ancestors [-] generations mad, didn't they?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Cheng Yaojin finally couldn't sit still, and began to complain there.There was no way, in fact, he didn't want to make such a move.But, not to mention the closest relationship between him and Li Feng, let's just talk about the two boys in his family. Now they are also bare-headed and working in the Black Tiger Army.

What's more, from the perspective of an old general, this long hair is indeed a burden to soldiers, and there are too many inconveniences.Relatively speaking, this bald head is much better.Moreover, this looks very sturdy.

"That's right, if this is the case, how dare you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. In my opinion, this matter is not so mysterious. Isn't it just a little hair cut? It won't be long before it will grow back."

"That's right, that's right, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come. Besides, this long hair is indeed very inconvenient for soldiers like me. I think His Royal Highness Yongwang looks good. It's just going to the battlefield to kill The enemy will come much more quickly, everyone said, isn't it?"

"That's right, like once on the battlefield, it was because the long hair suddenly fell loose..."

As soon as Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth, all the generals began to echo him.Not to mention, many of them are basically like Cheng Yaojin, and there are children in the family who are in the Black Tiger Army.It is said that since ancient times, civil and military rivalry and competition have made civil servants and military commanders definitely not as close as a family.If you want to help, of course you have to help the people on your side.

"Absurd, extremely absurd, how can these two things be confused. Going to the battlefield, throwing your head and blood, it is to protect the family and the country. Although it is a bit unfilial to the family, but it is loyal to the country and the king..."

"According to Master Kong, what our Royal Highness the King of Yong has done is not to be loyal to the country, but to the king. Then go to the battlefield to resist the Turkic people, and develop Chinese pinyin so that everyone in the world can read, and The national flag, the national anthem, etc. are not acts of loyalty to the country, to the king..."


He, Cheng Yaojin, was not afraid of anyone when he quarreled. When he saw Kong Yingda standing up, he refused to give an inch, and went up directly. .

Although Kong Yingda is a great Confucian of the generation, even if he is full of knowledge and principles, how can he be Cheng Yaojin's opponent when it comes to this quarrel.

The matter was far from over, Kong Yingda saw that Kong Yingda was not an opponent, of course someone immediately helped, but the military commander is not a vegetarian.So, needless to say, the entire court hall suddenly became like a vegetable market. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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