When Li Feng walked through the narrow and cold ice cave again and came to the valley, he found that after a month, the place has changed a lot.When I came here last time, it was still a scene of early spring, but now, it seems to be full of vitality and everything is revived.There are lush flowers and leaves everywhere, which immediately makes Li Feng start to become poetic.

"The red apricot branches are full of spring, um..."

Li Feng, who was in a good mood, unknowingly uttered such a line of poetry.

It wasn't that he wasn't in a good mood, or that he wasn't passionate about poetry, and it wasn't that he didn't want to read the whole poem.But, the point is, Li Feng only remembered this sentence.As for what the last sentence and the next sentence are, he has no memory at all.Not to mention which era this poem is from and which poet wrote these things.

"Hey, what a disappointment, the evil exam-oriented education. Why do you only take a famous saying in the college entrance examination? If you take a silent ancient poem, maybe I can memorize the whole poem. Or Don’t take the exam, I can’t even remember this sentence. Now I’m getting stuck, isn’t this torturing people?”

After spending countless brain cells and thinking about it, Li Feng still couldn't remember the whole poem, which made him feel depressed.

"It's still good, don't worry. But, you say you are a big tiger, and you go chasing those butterflies all day long. Is it interesting? You are really a guy who attracts bees and butterflies."

Looking at Xiao Hei who was chasing and playing with butterflies on the grass and among the flowers, Li Feng felt envious, jealous, and hated, and came up together.But, there is no way, life is good.

After muttering for a while, Li Feng didn't care about Xiao Hei, let him have fun if he wanted to play, and walked directly towards the thatched cottage.However, he didn't go into the house immediately, but walked directly to the field outside the house.

"Well, these peppers are already ripe. Let's pick them all today, which is also the last crop. Just choose some that look good, and keep some seeds. When the time comes, take them out and plant them outside. Otherwise, if you want to eat some peppers, you have to travel dozens of miles to pick them, which is too troublesome."

Seeing that all the peppers had turned red, and even some peppers had fallen off the ground, Li Feng knew that all the peppers had to be picked off, otherwise, if it rained, it would all be ruined.

Therefore, Li Feng quickly took off the bamboo basket on his back, and then began to pick the peppers one by one. Anyway, there is no need to worry about whether the pepper trees will be hurt, so just pick as soon as possible.

After working for at least half an hour, the big basket was more than half full, and only then did I pick all the peppers.Next, Li Feng pulled out all these pepper trees one by one, and it was useless to keep them.

After finishing all these tasks, Li Feng stood still, scanning the ground with his eyes.Unfortunately, to his disappointment, he didn't find anything new.The only thing that made him a little excited was that the sweet potato seedlings had become more lush after a month of growth, and the seedlings of the corn scattered on the ground had also grown stronger. .

"Well, no, we can't let them all huddle together and grow freely, we have to move them and replant them."

Based on Li Feng's previous experience, as soon as he saw these scenes, he immediately knew that they had to be moved and replanted, otherwise, all of them would be crowded together, which would be very unfavorable for growth.

As soon as he said it, Li Feng trotted into the small thatched cottage, and when he came out again, he already had two wooden barrels and a hoe in his hand.

First, he used a hoe to loosen all the soil, and then smashed some large pieces of soil. After finishing this, Li Feng immediately began to ridge the soil again, making two long field ridges.Anyway, that's all the conditions are, and Li Feng doesn't want to spend any more effort.The corn seedlings and sweet potato vines were directly transferred and planted directly.

However, when transferring those corn seedlings, Li Feng did bring a piece of soil directly to them and transferred them together.After all, this is just a one-shot deal, Li Feng doesn't have that time, even if he has that time, Li Feng doesn't have that mood, he just runs into this valley to take care of them if he has nothing to do.Bringing soil to their roots is just to ensure that their roots are not harmed and the survival rate is guaranteed.

After the two ridges were planted with sweet potatoes and corn, Li Feng immediately picked up two buckets, went to a small mountain spring not far away, and began to carry water back and forth until the sweet potato seedlings, and After watering all the corn seedlings, he stopped and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"That's all I can do. It's up to you whether you live or die, and whether you look good or not."

Li Feng is quite a bit, let him fend for himself, and he is a bit sad when he talks about it.Actually, that's all he said. Given the climatic conditions in this valley, it's hard to live with these things.

After finishing all these tasks, Li Feng came to the edge of the small mountain spring again, washed his hands and face with water, cleaned the hoe, and walked towards the thatched cottage.

Putting these tools back to their original positions intact, Li Feng came to the table where the two sledgehammers were placed.

"Well, there is a package. This should be the uncle brought back this time. I don't know what kind of weird things he brought back this time."

As soon as he got to the table, Li Feng found that there was a package on the table.So, Li Feng immediately started to open it.The package was quite well wrapped, inside and out, wrapped in several layers.On the last floor, Li Feng found some gadgets wrapped in oiled paper.

"Hey, why are they all seeds? I thought that what this uncle brought back was some kind of good stuff. It made me happy for nothing. Let me see, there are seeds of something. This, no I know, I don’t seem to know this one...how come I don’t know it.”

After reading all these seeds carefully, Li Feng was extremely depressed that he didn't recognize any of them.

However, when I thought about it later, I was right, this uncle, running around all over the world, was actually just studying various medicines.Among these seeds, most of them are medicinal materials that he thinks may be useful, so he brought the seeds back.How could I know these things myself?

"Hey, it made me come here in vain. Forget it, don't worry about it, these things, no matter what, they were all brought back by my uncle. This thing has been stored for a long time, and if it breaks, it will be bad. Yes. Anyway, this spring is coming soon, and I am idle, whenever I have time, I will plant all these seeds."

After complaining for a while, Li Feng could only admit that he was an uncle.

After wrapping these things again, Li Feng threw them into the big back basket and didn't care about them anymore.

But at this moment, Li Feng put all his attention on the table, on top of the pair of sledgehammers.This time, Li Feng decided to take this pair out.

And when Li Feng stared at the pair of sledgehammers for the first time, an indescribable intimacy arose in his heart naturally, a kind of intimacy like seeing an old friend.Similarly, Li Feng also felt that he had become a little excited.

"Hey, after all, I have been with this body for countless years. Okay, then we have to remember the past, let alone let you, the magic weapon, be buried like this. Even if you can't take it out and hit people , It’s good to make the best use of everything by hitting wooden piles and stones, isn’t it?”

After speaking, Li Feng immediately stretched his hands towards the pair of sledgehammers.

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