My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1005: Being kicked out of the gym

Chapter 1005: Being kicked out of the gym

Gu Cangtian's eyes almost bulged out.

They couldn't recruit anyone even if they offered money, but the other party was able to recruit people despite charging such a high price. This made his eyes bulge and he asked: "Which sect is this Sihe Martial Arts School?" It’s open, who is in charge of them?”

Obviously, this is the thing that Gu Cangtian wants to be most concerned about now.

If the opponent is a big sect, the advantage is indeed greater than them, but he can't figure it out, there is no reason for any big sect to recruit people in such a small city, those big sects will go to some big cities to recruit people, after all, people from big cities The flow is larger and the coverage is wider, which is more conducive to these large sects recruiting outstanding disciples.

"This Sihe Martial Arts Gym is not run by the sect on our mountain. They are run by an organization called Sihehui."

Qi Chuan said somewhat depressedly: "I don't know what magic power this Sihe Martial Arts Gym has, but they are so willing to pay for it. By the way, Master, what should we do now?"

Now that they can't recruit anyone, if this continues, the goal of going down the mountain will be completely defeated.

"Let's go, take me to find their manager. If we can take over their Sihe Martial Arts Hall directly, then our disciple problem will be solved."

Although Gu Cangtian didn't know how the Sihe Martial Arts Hall recruited people, it didn't matter anymore. If he could incorporate the Sihe Martial Arts Hall into his own power, then in fact, he could solve the problem of his own power's disciples .

If Sihe Martial Arts Hall was an organization on the mountain, then he would definitely be more cautious, but if the other party was an organization under the mountain, that would not exist.

The martial arts gym at the foot of the mountain, if they swallow it, they will swallow it, and if they destroy it, they will destroy it.


Qi Chuan looked a little excited, his master was finally recruiting someone.

You must know that the people he recruits will all belong to his master's lineage in the future, and as his master's direct disciple, he will have many disciples in the future. If he has more disciples, his status will naturally rise.


During this time, Zhao Qing managed the martial arts gym with great care, coupled with the appeal of his former Siad Association, the progress of recruiting students was very fast.

Moreover, after these students are recruited, he will conduct initial training for these students, so that these students can feel the charm of studying with them.

Therefore, many students did feel the benefits of practicing martial arts with them, so they introduced their friends to them.

Now Sihe Martial Arts Hall is like a snowball, with the number of students increasing through constant referrals.

This was something Zhao Qing himself had not thought of.

Now there are many capable people under him. Not to mention those who are at the entry level of martial arts, there are dozens of first-class warriors. These people are all great masters and can stand alone.

One of the masters is in charge of the Eastern Branch Branch, and his name is Liu Fu.

Liu Fu is a strong man who has only half-stepped into martial arts. He is only a little short of being able to take that step. What he needs now is time to accumulate.

Soon after, Gu Cangtian appeared at the East Branch Branch with Qi Chuan.

After arriving, Gu Cangtian nodded to Qichuan.

Qi Chuan understood immediately, then flew up and kicked down the signboard of the East Branch of Sihehui Martial Arts Hall.

Things like kicking a plaque are considered a big deal.

So, after Qichuan kicked off the gym, many students inside consciously surrounded them.

These students recognize Sihe Martial Arts Hall, so they all approve of Sihe Martial Arts Hall. Now if someone comes to destroy the stage, they will naturally not agree.

"A bunch of rabble."

Qi Chuan saw these people surrounding him and his master. He stretched out a finger and waved it in the air. His gesture was particularly arrogant.

"Your Sihe Martial Arts School is rubbish."

Then, Qikawa spoke again.

"If you are looking for death, don't talk about our Sihe Martial Arts Hall."

One student had a very high opinion of Sihe Martial Arts Hall, and now he saw that Qi Chuan had smashed his own sign, but he was still so arrogant.

So, he took action directly towards Qichuan.

"I'm afraid you won't take action."

Qi Chuan saw the other party taking the initiative to attack him, with a smile in his eyes.

This is what he wants.

When this person rushed out, Qi Chuan slapped him with all his hands. The person didn't even react, and was directly slapped away by him.

After all, this student has just come into contact with martial arts. Although he has a certain physical foundation, he is only a little better than ordinary people. He is no match for Qi Chuan.

Therefore, in just a moment, he was knocked over.

"Zhu Jin."

Seeing that this person was injured, the other people had anger on their faces, and one of them shouted: "Everyone join me and drive them away."

This person usually has good connections, so after his words came out, he was very appealing instantly, so everyone rushed towards Qi Chuan.

When Qi Chuan saw these people rushing over, the smile on his face became even wider.

He began to rush into these people, and then killed one of them and turned his horse upside down.

These people are only a little stronger than ordinary people, so who are Qichuan's opponents?

So, in just 5 minutes, everyone was lying on the ground.

Qi Chuan stepped on one of them and said, "Call the person who can make the decision here."

"Go, call instructor Li and Master Fu."

The Master Fu they mentioned was the owner of the East District Martial Arts Hall, and he was responsible for all matters here.

The people below couldn't defeat Qi Chuan, so they had no choice but to call for help.

Soon, Liu Fu and Instructor Li were invited over.

"Who are you?"

Liu Fu looked at Qi Chuan and the others, his face was a little ugly, and he asked.

"Who am I? Let me tell you, I am Qi Chuan, the proud disciple of Gu Cangtian, the deputy sect leader of the Kaishan Sect. If you are not convinced, all of you in the Sihe Martial Arts Hall can come and pick on me. But just you guys, all of you You are rubbish and can never be my opponent." Qichuan replied proudly.

He wants to use his name to frighten these people and make them frightened.

"Dare you ask me where Sihe Martial Arts Hall offended you, so much so that you wanted to injure so many of my students?" Liu Fu asked coldly.

"They have no ability and deserve to be beaten."

Qi Chuan said coldly: "Of course, if you don't have the ability, you should fight. Now you listen to me, my master has taken a fancy to your martial arts school and wants to annex your martial arts school. Call all the disciples in the martial arts hall back, we will select talented disciples to train as elites."

"Haha, are you looking for trouble? Let me tell you, our Sihe Martial Arts Gym will never take the initiative to look for trouble, but if trouble comes, we will not back down."

Liu Fu replied coldly: "In addition, you injured so many students in my martial arts gym today. You must give an explanation for this matter, otherwise you may not be able to find an apartment today."

(End of this chapter)

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