My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1007: Leave your life here

Chapter 1007: Leave your life here

"I bet you."

Qi Chuan thought about it and realized that he had come down from the mountain, while Lu Chen looked like a person who usually lived in the city.

Although the environment of heaven and earth has changed now, and spiritual power has begun to recover weakly, this is only the beginning of recovery.

It is much more difficult for people in these cities to break through to the entry level of martial arts than them. Even if Lu Chen breaks through to the level of entry to martial arts, it is only the early stage of entry to martial arts, and he is in the later stage of entry to martial arts.

Two levels, completely crushable.

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and said, "Since you agreed, let's take action first. If I take action, you won't have the slightest chance."


When Qi Chuan heard Lu Chen's words, he couldn't help but smile coldly.

However, he didn't talk to Lu Chen anymore, but directly drew his sword at Lu Chen.

I have to admit that those who came down from the mountain usually practice swordsmanship, and this swordsmanship is indeed very exquisite.

Even some students in the martial arts school became excited when they saw this set of swordsmanship.

Because there is a faint light on this sword.

This light is Qichuan's true energy.

The sword energy surrounds him and dances up and down, making him look particularly majestic and beautiful. If you practice this swordsmanship for girls, you will definitely be able to pick them up with ease.

However, when Lu Chen saw such swordsmanship, he smiled coldly and said, "This swordsmanship is really flashy and has no offensive power at all."

While speaking, Lu Chen held Qi Chuan's sword between his two fingers, and the smile on Qi Chuan's face immediately froze.

He never thought that someone could clamp his sword with two fingers. Even his Gu Cangtian might not be able to do it, right?

"who are you?"

At this time, Qi Chuan realized that he might have underestimated Lu Chen and asked.

"Don't you know who I am?"

Lu Chen said coldly: "Now, you have lost the bet. According to the rules, you are betting on your own life, so you just keep your life here."

While speaking, Lu Chen moved his hands, and then the sword broke into two pieces.

After Qi Chuan escaped from Lu Chen's control, he quickly flew into the distance.

He just shot out, but Lu Chen curled his finger and shot, and the dagger flew towards Qi Chuan.

Qi Chuan didn't guard himself at all. One of his legs was broken by Lu Chen and he fell to the ground.

Lu Chen came not far from Qi Chuan, looked at him condescendingly, and said, "Are you going to do it yourself or should I do it? If I do it, the death process may be a little painful."

"Brother, I beg you to let me go. As long as you are willing to let me go, I swear to you that I will never trouble you again." Qichuan was afraid and began to beg for mercy. The most important thing is to survive now.

"Do you think you can still come to us in trouble in the future?"

Lu Chen smiled coldly, and then stepped on Qi Chuan's neck. Then he exerted a slight force, and the sound of bones breaking was heard from the neck.

Qi Chuan's eyes immediately widened, and he tilted his head unwillingly.

After Lu Chen killed Qi Chuan, he looked at the other disciples of the Founding Sect and said, "Take his body back and tell the people behind you that it is best not to cause trouble in our martial arts hall, otherwise, this will What happens to one person now is what will happen to others in the future.”

Those disciples of the Founding Sect had long been frightened by Lu Chen. Their master had been instantly killed by a single move. How could they dare to be enemies with Lu Chen?

So, they returned to the sect with Qi Chuan's body.

Gu Cangtian was not in the sect. He went out to Guiyuan City to see the market today. He was also thinking about the reason why he couldn't recruit people.

Of course, another reason is that the modern world is colorful and the temptation is very great.

For example, those interesting places with feasting and entertainment now made him reluctant to leave.

Every time Gu Cangtian came back after going out, he felt particularly comfortable. However, after he came back today, he didn't feel as comfortable as he imagined.

The reason was simple, because after he came in, he found Qichuan's body lying in the hall.

Qi Chuan was his disciple, he could be said to be his right-hand man, but now he was dead. How could he accept it?
"Who did it?"

At this time, Gu Cangtian asked in a deep voice.

To be honest, he had never thought that anyone in Guiyuan City could beat his apprentice, so he was very relieved when Qi Chuan went out to perform the mission.

As a result, there was only one body left in Qichuan today.

"Master, this matter was done by Sihe Martial Arts Hall, and I heard that it was their ancestor Lu Chen who did it. You want to take revenge on our master."

At this time, some disciples spoke back.

Because these disciples were recruited by Qi Chuan, they were all under his name and became his disciples, and he became the master of these people.

"Oh, the founder of Sihe Martial Arts Hall?"

When Gu Cangtian heard this, he thought about it in his mind, and his face immediately turned cold.

"It seems that there is no need for the existence of this Sihe Martial Arts Hall." Gu Cangtian murmured to himself.

Originally, he heard Qi Chuan say that the other party was going to annex Sihe Martial Arts Hall, but now Qi Chuan only came back with corpses, which meant that they were incompatible with Sihe Martial Arts Hall.

In this case, he doesn't have to worry about the life or death of Sihe Martial Arts Hall.

Now, he just wants to kill this person named Lu Chen.

After he finished speaking, he ordered the younger brother below: "Lead the way, Sihe Martial Arts Hall."

After receiving his instructions, the disciples below quickly led Gu Cangtian towards the East Branch of Sihe Martial Arts Hall.

Because this is where Qichuan got into trouble.

They must also give priority to destroying the museum.

Lu Chen did not leave the East Branch of Sihe Martial Arts Hall. It was not easy for him to come here just once. These students all wanted to ask him for martial arts lessons and wanted to take photos with him...

So, he simply stayed here and started teaching these people martial arts.

Just as he was instructing these people in martial arts, a huge roar suddenly sounded outside, and then a loud voice came over.

"Lu Chen, get out of here."

"come yet?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen raised his drooping eyelids.

To be honest, when he asked those disciples to take Qichuan back, he knew that there might be someone more powerful coming to trouble him.

However, Lu Chen is not afraid of trouble. He wants to solve these troubles at once, so that the martial arts gym will be stable enough when it is opened. At least no one will cause trouble to the martial arts gym overtly or covertly.

While Lu Chen was thinking, Gu Cangtian appeared with disciples from the Kaishan Sect.

"Who is Lu Chen, stand up for me." Gu Cangtian asked again.

Lu Chen stood up and said calmly: "Are you Qichuan's master?"

"Hmph, you are not too stupid. I am indeed his master. My apprentice died in your hands. Give me your life today, otherwise I will go on a killing spree and destroy your entire martial arts hall. They were all slaughtered." Gu Cangtian shouted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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