My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1018 Persuasion

Chapter 1018 Persuasion

After Lu Chen hid his memory in his soul, he finally passed through the transparent layer and entered another world.

As soon as he arrived in this world, Lu Chen felt a breath of fresh air blowing into his nose, giving him a refreshing feeling.

This is because there is a lot of spiritual power in it, which makes the quality of the air here very high.

Lu Chen even felt like he had returned to the original world of cultivation.

"This feeling is back again."

Lu Chen muttered to himself.

While he was mumbling to himself, he felt that his body formed a vortex, and then the vortex began to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This is because his physical body is actually strong enough, but it has always been in a sub-healthy state.

This is like the feeling of a person who has been walking in the desert for a long time without drinking water and suddenly sees drinking water and wants to have a full meal.

This is his body's natural reaction now.

When Lu Chen entered the mountain, Wu An next to him also followed.

When Wu An entered, he saw the movement caused by Lu Chen next to him, and his face was full of horror.

To be honest, Lu Chen was not the first person to connect to the secular world on the mountain, because he was in the secular world to discover geniuses.

There were other people who were led to the mountain by him, but after these people passed through the light curtain next to them for the first time, they only caused a weak change in the spiritual power here.

But now Lu Chen is different. The difference between Lu Chen and Lu Chen has actually formed a vortex of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of the nearby world is rushing toward Lu Chen crazily.

These spiritual powers of heaven and earth even formed a huge vortex, making heaven and earth seem to be experiencing strange phenomena.


At this time, an old man with a white beard seemed to feel the strange movement here, and then he quickly flew over here. When he flew not far from Lu Chen, he immediately stopped, and then looked at this person with the same horror. One scene.

The anomaly caused by Lu Chen now is really too big.

They stayed on the mountain, and except for those who broke through to a higher realm, they had never seen such a huge vision of heaven and earth.

Although Lu Chen has a physical body for cultivation, his body contains explosive power, so now his body is like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

And Lu Chen's strength continued to make breakthroughs.

Originally, his strength was only equivalent to the early stage of Xiantian at the beginning, then he reached the middle stage of Xiantian, and in the later stage, he stopped at the perfection stage of Xiantian.

In other words, as long as he saves a little more now, he can reach the state of three flowers gathering at the top.

There are not many people of this level in the mountains.

There are less than twenty experts in total who are above the Three Flowers Gathering.

Now Lu Chen is in the single realm, and has been firmly ranked in the top fifty on the entire mountain top.

"Wu An, did you bring this here?"

At this time, the old man with a white beard came to Wu An and asked, pointing at me, Lu Chen, who was still absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth not far away.

"Back to Elder Chen, it was indeed me who brought him here."

Wu An nodded and replied.

The old man with a white beard in front of him was Chen Yuanxiu, the Supreme Prince of Qiankun Palace, one of the three palaces.

His strength dared to reach the point of perfection. Wu An didn't know exactly what level he had reached.

He only knew that Chen Yuanxiu was very powerful.

"Haha, how about bringing this little guy to our Qiankun Palace, and I can help you break through the current bottleneck?" Chen Yuanxiu seduced Wu An at this time.

Although Lu Chen's strength has now reached the realm of innate perfection, in front of Chen Yuanxiu, he is really just a little guy.

Of course, this is because Chen Yuanxiu doesn't know Lu Chen's true identity. If he knew, how could he dare to call Lu Chen a little guy?

When Wu An heard this, he said with some embarrassment: "Elder Chen, I introduced him to the forces on the mountain. After he listened, he decided to go to Taishang Sect. Now I will ask him to go to your Qiankun Palace. , he may not be willing to go."

He didn't expect Chen Yuanxiu to appear here at first. If he had known about it, he would probably have persuaded Lu Chen to enter the Qiankun Palace directly.

You know, now he has also reached the bottleneck period. They want to break through the current bottleneck period by themselves. They don't know how many years it will take.

But if they have the help of a peerless master like Chen Yuanxiu, it will be much easier for them to break through.

"That's it."

When Chen Yuanxiu heard this, he frowned slightly, and then he ordered: "Let's do this. You can hand him over to me later, and I will communicate with him. If we can communicate with him, I will still give you what I promised you." cash."

"Thank you, Elder Chen."

When Wu An heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Now the conditions offered by Chen Yuanxiu are very tempting. If he practices normally, he doesn't know how long it will take to break through to the next level.

While the two were talking, Lu Chen's body reached a saturated state. He adjusted his state and finally woke up.

"Not so far."

Lu Chen couldn't help but murmur.

He is indeed still a little short of breaking through to the realm of three flowers gathering at the top.

However, he is very satisfied now.

If he had just stayed at the foot of the mountain, he estimated that he would not have been able to break through to his current level in a year. But now that he was on the mountain, he had broken through in just an hour without even using it.

"Hello, little friend."

When Lu Chen was thinking about something, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

Lu Chen looked towards the voice and found an old man with a white beard opposite him. He looked at Wu An next to him in confusion.

Wu An immediately introduced with a smile: "Brother Lu Chen, let me introduce to you. This is Elder Chen Yuanxiu and Chen of Qiankun Palace."

"I have seen Elder Chen."

When Lu Chen heard this, he saluted Chen Yuanxiu.

Chen Yuanxiu nodded slightly, then smiled and said with narrowed eyes: "Young friend Lu, right? You must have just gone up the mountain. Are you interested in going to my Qiankun Palace?"

"If you are willing to go to my Qiankun Palace, I will train you as the next palace master, and all the resources in the palace will be fully devoted to you. How about it?"

Lu Chen's talent was indeed worthy of his decision.

Lu Chen was obviously stunned, and then he said apologetically: "Senior Chen, I'm glad to have your favor, but when I was at the foot of the mountain, I learned from Captain Wu that the largest sect on our mountain is the Supreme Sect. , so I still want to go to Taishang Sect.”

"Little friend Lu, do you really not think about it anymore? I can tell you that the Supreme Sect has several talented people. After you go to the Supreme Sect, the Supreme Sect may not use all its resources on you. "

Seeing that Lu Chen was still unwilling to go to Qiankun Sect, he continued: "There is a saying you should have heard, it is better to be a pig's head than a phoenix's tail."

"Now, you come to my Qiankun Palace, you are just a pig head, don't you want to?"

(End of this chapter)

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