My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1020 0 Stars

Chapter 1020 Sporadic
As the bell rang, a figure appeared from the back mountain.

This voice was just a thought, as if he had crossed the distance of time and space, and then appeared in front of Lu Chen and the others.

"Elder Xiao, what do you want from me?"

This figure looked at Xiao Mingcheng and asked.

Xiao Mingcheng immediately replied: "Back to the suzerain, another genius appeared in the secular world, and now he is brought here to check his qualifications."

Anyone who can be called a genius in the secular world must be a genius. Any person introduced from the secular world will be valued by the people on the mountain.

There are two most important reasons. The first reason is that the base of people at the foot of the mountain is very large. With a large base of people, the probability of producing a genius is definitely higher than that of a genius on the mountain.

The second point is that there is no spiritual energy at the foot of the mountain. If it can still be discovered under the mountain, such a person will be even more unnatural.

Therefore, any genius will be treated with special attention by the people on the mountain, and the sect master will personally test the other person's qualifications.

"Oh, it's him?"

After listening to Xiao Mingcheng's words, Huang Haotian immediately focused his eyes on Lu Chen, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

Lu Chen actually hid his actual strength. Most people couldn't tell what stage his strength had reached, but Huang Haotian was No. 1 on the mountain, and he could instantly tell what strength Lu Chen was.

Lu Chen's strength has actually reached the late stage of Xiantian.

If it were on the mountain, there would be many such people who had broken through to the late Xiantian stage. Huang Haotian would certainly not be surprised, but the key point was that Lu Chen was from the mountain.

He understands that there is almost no possibility to break through to innateness at the foot of the mountain, but now that Lu Chen has broken through, it shows that Lu Chen's aptitude is very heaven-defying.

"Under 30 years old."

Lu Chen opened his mouth lightly.

He did not tell his actual age. He was afraid that if he told his actual age, he would scare Huang Haotian to death.

Now his real age is only 26 years old.

"haha okay!"

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Huang Haotian immediately smiled.

Under 30 years old, let alone at the foot of the mountain, even if he broke through to innate at this age on the mountain, he is still a genius among geniuses. If Lu Chen broke through at the foot of the mountain, he would be a peerless genius.

Huang Haotian also sensed that a disaster might be coming, so he wanted such a genius very much, so that the Taishang Sect could develop better and possibly survive the disaster.

Of course, there was an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Elder Xiao, please bring the refining stone over and test his aptitude."

Although Lu Chen's current strength surprised Dehuang Haotian, according to the formal procedures, Lu Chen still had to test his qualifications.

"Okay, suzerain."

Xiao Mingcheng responded, and then moved the refining stone next to him.

This refining stone is a huge stone, and it looks black.

However, Lu Chen knew that as long as he used his palms on it, he could test his aptitude.

One to three stars, inferior qualifications, three to six stars, medium qualifications, seven to nine stars, genius qualifications.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, please."

Xiao Mingcheng said to Lu Chen after moving the refining stone.

Lu Chen nodded, came to the side of the refining stone, and then he took a deep breath.

To be honest, he also wanted to know what the cultivation qualifications of this loser Lu Chen were.

He took a deep breath and punched the refining stone.

Wu An looked at Lu Chen with his eyes fixed.

Huang Haotian next to him looked at Xiao Mingcheng and asked, "Elder Xiao, how many stars do you think he can achieve?"

"According to my guess, he should be able to hit seven stars." Xiao Mingcheng replied to Huang Haotian.

Huang Haotian smiled and said, "I think he can achieve eight stars."

He could feel Lu Chen's strength, and Lu Chen was still so young, and his qualifications were much higher than his own. When he tested his qualifications before, he got seven stars, so in theory Lu Chen could get eight stars. Qualifications come.

If Lu Chen really achieved eight stars, then the opponent's qualifications would be the same as those of the founder, and they would even invest all their qualifications in Lu Chen.

While the two were discussing, Lu Chen's fist came into contact with the refining stone.

However, after the punch was thrown, the refining stone did not change at all, which shocked everyone.

Even Lu Chen himself was stunned.

No matter how poor the deceased Lu Chen's qualifications were, he had a one-star talent, right?

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you haven't touched the refining stone, have you?"

Xiao Mingcheng, who was next to him, said to Lu Chen uncertainly: "How about you give me another punch?"

Lu Chen was sure that he hit the refining stone, but now he nodded and punched the refining stone twice.

This time, everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Chen and Lian Lian Shi.


This time, Lu Chen hit harder, and the clear sound made it clear that he had hit the refining stone, but there was still no change in the refining stone.

Everyone froze there.

"Sect Master, do you think there is something wrong with the refining stone?" Xiao Mingcheng next to him asked again.

After hearing this, Huang Haotian next to him thought for a while and realized that this was the only possibility.

He told Xiao Mingcheng: "Come and try."

Xiao Mingcheng nodded, and immediately punched the refining stone, and lines began to appear on the refining stone.

The lines continued to appear until the fifth line, and finally the sixth line lit up and then went out.

This shows that Xiao Mingcheng's qualifications are between five stars and six stars.

"Sect Master, this thing is not broken."

At this moment, everyone was not calm.

Because everyone understands that it is possible that Lu Chen does not have the qualifications to practice at all.

However, Lu Chen's strength has now reached the innate realm. If he had no cultivation qualifications at all, it would be impossible for him to reach the innate realm.

"Sovereign Emperor, do you think it's possible that Fellow Daoist Lu has some hidden aptitude? I remember that there is a hidden aptitude. Although it can't use the refining stone to measure the specific aptitude, once it breaks through its own boundaries, its cultivation is comparable to A peerless genius."

At this time, Wu An next to him suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Huang Haotian nodded.

He was in a bit of trouble now.

If it were according to the rules of our sect, then it would be impossible for Lu Chen to join the Taishang Sect, because Lu Chen did not have any qualifications, but now Lu Chen's strength has reached the innate level.

"Sovereign Emperor, isn't there a mirror stone on our mountain? If you can't test Fellow Daoist Lu's aptitude with the refining stone, I suggest you use the mirror stone to test him."

When Wu An saw Huang Haotian in trouble, he couldn't help but suggest something.

He is responsible for transporting secular talents to the mountain. Once secular talents join the corresponding sect, they can receive excessive rewards.

Now that he has introduced Lu Chen to the Supreme Sect, he naturally does not want Lu Chen to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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