My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1022 9 Forbidden

Chapter 1022 Nine Prohibition
The young man who came out was a shadow, and I couldn't tell what it looked like.

But it stood there, signaling Lu Chen to take action against it.

Lu Chen understood that he had to defeat himself in every realm before he could get out of here.

Thinking of this, he began to attack the shadow.

When he attacks the shadow, the shadow attacks him.

The moves the two used were exactly the same.

In the end, the two of them exchanged moves, and they were evenly matched.


A smile appeared on Lu Chen's lips.

He found that the shadow's moves were exactly the same as his, and the other party seemed to be able to guess his moves, just like him in Jingzi. Whatever moves he used, the other party would use them.

In this case, it would be an evenly matched situation.

Lu Chen started to fight the shadow. After he fought the shadow, he found that the shadow had all the moves he had.

"This shadow must have read my memory. It has all the moves I have. I have to innovate a move. This move must be able to unexpectedly defeat the moves I am using now."

Lu Chen discovered that the people on this mountain really wasted this mirror stone.

This mirror stone is not used to test aptitude at all, but to practice a person's combat skills.

That is to say, a person's fighting skills here must have a breakthrough before he can defeat himself in the current state.

Humans have nine taboos, and nine are heaven.

And that shadow is equivalent to being in the Nine Forbiddens. Only by breaking the Nine Forbiddens can he break through his current self. That shadow is no match for him.

"Star Picker."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen began to replay the memories of his previous life.

From the memories of his previous life, he had acquired too many incredible combat skills. These combat skills could even kill enemies beyond his level, and their power reached another level.

His star-picking hand seemed to be able to pick off all the stars in the sky.

His two fingers plucked towards the shadow like this.

The shadow also showed the gesture of the star picking hand at this moment.

However, this kind of fighting skill that breaks the nine prohibitions is not something that shadow can imitate at all, it can only have a shape without meaning.

To pick it off, you have to gather all your energy and energy on two fingers. Pointing out the two fingers, it seems that you can even pick off the stars.

When Lu Chen used his star-catching hand, he shattered the shadow in an instant.

The situation was shattered immediately.

Then, the suppressed aura on Lu Chen's body began to rise, and soon rose to the level of a first-class warrior.

When his aura rose to the level of a first-rate warrior, another shadow appeared in the mirror, and the aura of the shadow in the mirror also reached the level of a first-rate warrior.

At this time, the shadow came out.

When Lu Chen saw the shadow coming out, he didn't hesitate at all and directly used the Star Reacher. However, the shadow also used the Star Reacher.

At this moment, the two of them were evenly matched.

"It seems that this mirror stone has recorded my moves, so there is no use for me to use the Star Picker anymore."

Lu Chen had a guess in his heart.

He thought for a moment and realized that if he wanted to break through to the next level, he would most likely need to create new moves that could transcend the nine forbidden areas.

For ordinary practitioners, it is very difficult to create moves, not to mention creating moves that require transcending the nine forbidden areas, which is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

But this is not a difficult problem for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen struck out with the Qiankun Palm, as if the heaven and the earth were between the Qiankun and the Qiankun. This was also a move that transcended the Nine Forbidden Zones. After this move came out, the image of a first-class warrior disappeared again.

Next, there is the introduction to martial arts and the first glimpse of martial arts.

Lu Chen easily passed through these two realms by using the move of overcoming the nine forbidden realms.

At this time, Lu Chen's own realm had reached the innate realm, and the shadow in the mirror had also reached the terrifying innate realm. The two sides were evenly matched.

"Star picker!"

Lu Chen hit a star picker, but the opponent also hit a star picker, and the two were evenly matched again.

Afterwards, Lu Chen once again used moves such as Qiankun Palm and Buddha Jumping over the Wall.

However, the shadows in these moves were also known, and Lu Chen had no chance of defeating the opponent.

Lu Chen even used a new move to break through the nine forbidden areas, but he found that this move could not break the shadow into pieces. The shadow was still the same shadow.

"Could it be that the move that surpasses the nine prohibitions is no longer acceptable? It must be the move that surpasses the ten prohibitions?" Lu Chen's expression became strange.

Lu Chen knew about the ten taboos.

But to be honest, even in his previous life as the Immortal Emperor, he only created one move with ten forbidden moves.

It is very difficult and almost impossible to create the Ten Forbidden Moves.

Because nine is the ultimate number. If nine is broken, heaven and earth will not tolerate it.

He created the Ten Forbidden Techniques. When he defied heaven and became an immortal, he refused to recognize his relatives and killed his lover to become an immortal.

This is also why he was ruthless in the previous life, and he was determined to become immortal and live forever, forgetting about Lin Qinghan.

He knew how to perform the Ten Forbidden Techniques, but now that he was emotionally bound, and because his current strength was not up to par, he simply couldn't perform such a move.

"The Ten Forbidden Moves, aren't you kidding me?"

Lu Chen was speechless.

He began to think about how he could reach the level of ten bans.

"What happened when I broke through to the innate realm?"

Lu Chen began to think about what he could use when he wanted to break through to the innate realm.

The reason is very simple, from mortal to spirit, from spirit to immortal, is a sharp change of life body, and only at this time can it be possible to comprehend the tricks of the ten prohibitions.

"By the way, Jiuding."

Lu Chen suddenly remembered that the reason why he could break through to the innate realm despite the suppression of heaven and earth was because he used the Jiuding to refine his body.

It was also because of this that his physical body was able to break through the limitations and become an innate powerhouse.

"I forged myself as a magic weapon, and finally broke through the limitations of heaven and earth. The Ten Forbidden Techniques also broke through the limitations of heaven and earth."

"So, can I find a way to break through the limitations of heaven and earth? Since my body is like a magic weapon, what if I refine the Jiuding into my own body?"

"Perhaps, then my physical body can break through the level restrictions and directly be able to perform moves that surpass the Nine Forbidden Rules. Coupled with the moves that I perform that surpass the Nine Forbidden Rules, then my moves should be able to enter the Ten Forbidden Rules, right? "


Lu Chen started talking to himself alone.

But what he said to himself seemed very reasonable.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen took out the Ji Ding and began to refine the Ji Ding into his body.

Once a person reaches the level of martial arts entry, there is Qi in the body, and this Qi can continuously warm a weapon, and the weapon will slowly be refined into the body.

(End of this chapter)

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