My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1027 Press and fight

Chapter 1027 Press and fight

This Immortal Killing Technique is extremely powerful.

When Yin Donghao performed this move, Huang Haotian's expression changed.

This is a chargeable attack.

As the sword energy becomes stronger and stronger, the sword energy will absorb the spiritual energy floating in the air, and then the sword energy will increase to meet the spiritual energy, and its power will also increase to meet the spiritual energy.

This move can only be performed when one has reached the state where three flowers gather at the top, because only when one reaches this state can one understand the essence of the changes in the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Although Yin Donghao suppressed his realm to innate perfection, he took advantage of his understanding of Tao.

Just like now, strictly speaking, the move he performed had crossed the line.

"Lu Chen, get out of the way, you can't take this move." Huang Haotian couldn't help but say aloud at this time.

"No, I want to try!"

Lu Chen looked at Huang Haotian, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Now he has reached the realm of innate perfection, but there is still some distance before he can break through to the stage of a holy general. However, if he is in crisis, there is a possibility of a breakthrough.

So, now he wants to put pressure on himself to break through in danger.

Seeing the smile on Lu Chen's face, Huang Haotian had a hallucination for a moment. He felt as if Lu Chen could really follow this move.

So, he stood there and did not persuade Lu Chen anymore, but there was spiritual power brewing in his body. If he felt something was wrong, he would take action immediately.

Lu Chen stood there and let the spiritual power between heaven and earth converge on the giant sword above his head. The giant sword was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a terrifying pressure coming from above.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect that you would dare to stand there and let me complete this move. Now that I have completed this move, I'm afraid you won't survive."

Yin Donghao was a little surprised when he saw Lu Chen standing there without moving, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

The power of his move can be great or small, it just depends on the time he releases this move, the later he releases it, the greater the power of this move.

Originally, he thought that Lu Chen would dodge when he used this move, so he didn't think that this move could really defeat Lu Chen. As long as the opponent could be beaten into a mess and let him have the upper hand, he would have the upper hand mentally. Just defeat the opponent.

But he didn't expect that Lu Chen wouldn't dodge and had to bear the blow forcefully.

He has now completed this attack, and the power of this attack is no less than that of an ordinary person in the early stage of the Three Flowers Gathering.

It was simply impossible for Lu Chen to carry out this blow now.


Yin Donghao let out a low snort, and then the Immortal Executioner Sword, which was transformed that day, fell towards Lu Chen like this.

Lu Chen saw the Immortal Killing Sword attacking.

He closed his eyes, and then the surging breath in his body began to seem to be burning. A fiery red light actually formed on the surface of his body, and his blood rushed into the sky.

"It's physical cultivation. This kid is actually physical cultivation."

Only now did Huang Hao finally see clearly Lu Chen's specific practice method.

At first, he thought Lu Chen was a Dharma cultivator and didn't care. It was only after Lu Chen showed off his monstrous Qi and blood that he finally realized that Lu Chen was a Physique cultivator.

Dharma cultivation has a very systematic system, that is, cultivating immortals.

However, physical cultivation is different. The ultimate destination of physical cultivation is to become a god.

Immortals and immortals, one is a god and the other is an immortal, they have different cultivation systems.

Compared to becoming an immortal, becoming a god is more difficult.

Because becoming a god involves cultivating the physical body, and there are not many ways to cultivate the physical body. No one knows how to cultivate the physical body in the later stage.

Now, Lu Chen turned out to have a physical body that had been cultivated, and the opponent's physical body was now powerful enough to reach the stage of becoming a saint. He was only one step away from becoming a holy general. How could Huang Haotian not be shocked?

"Picking the star finger!"

At this time, Lu Chen's energy and blood surged all over his body, and then he directly performed a move that surpassed the Nine Forbidden Skills.

Breaking the Nine Forbidden Rules means that his moves can break through a large realm. With this move, his power has also reached the level of Three Flowers Gathering on the Top.

His hand seemed to grow bigger out of thin air, and the power of Qi and blood turned into a big hand, and he picked it up towards the chopped off Immortal Killing Sword.


Then, the Star Finger and the Zhuxian Sword were intertwined.

A storm instantly blew up in the sky, and there were some cracks in the fighting arena made of special stone. This showed how terrifying the aftermath of the collision between the two attacks was.

Lu Chen's current strength was still a little inferior to Yin Donghao's. After the Immortal Killing Sword chopped off the Star Picking Finger, it still had enough power left to slash directly on Lu Chen's head.

However, because the Star Finger began to consume a lot of energy from the Zhuxian Sword, and Lu Chen's physical body was now very powerful, after the Zhuxian Sword struck Lu Chen's head, it was as if the fireworks in the sky had dispersed. , Lu Chen's shirt was torn, exposing his lean muscles, but no one was injured.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so powerful because of your physical skills. But even so, so what. Next, let's see my more powerful moves."

At this time, Yin Donghao's voice rang again, and then he began to use his moves.

"It seems that you have been attacking me. I haven't had the chance to attack you yet. Now let me take the initiative to attack you."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, and then he almost teleported, appeared in front of Yin Donghao, and then punched Yin Donghao in an unpretentious way.

Yin Donghao never thought that Lu Chen would attack him in an instant, so he did not react at that moment. Then in desperation, he could only hold his sword across his chest.

Lu Chen's punch hit Yin Donghao's sword.

Then, Yin Donghao felt a huge force coming, and he flew backwards and coughed violently.

However, Lu Chen had no intention of sparing Yin Donghao. He quickly appeared in front of Yin Donghao and punched out again.

This punch was blocked again by Yin Donghao with his sword, but Yin Donghao's internal organs were hit again, and he flew backwards again, even his hair became fluffy, like a madman.


Yin Donghao didn't expect that he would be pressed down and beaten by Lu Chen. He seemed particularly aggrieved. He roared wildly, and a violent breath came from his body.

He instantly unlocked his suppressed state, and then attacked Lu Chen with the state of three flowers gathering at the top.

Lu Chen felt a huge crisis and quickly retreated.

Huang Haotian above was about to stop Yin Donghao because Yin Donghao had already violated the rules, but he found that Lu Chen actually followed Yin Donghao's first attack.

This was an attack from a powerful group of three flowers. Lu Chen actually followed it. Huang Haotian's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Therefore, he was not going to stop Yin Donghao, but wanted to see how much shock Lu Chen could give him.

(End of this chapter)

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