My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1029: Alchemy in Public

Chapter 1029: Alchemy in Public
"Yin Donghao, you are so shameless. It was obviously you who killed the young sect leader, and now you are shameless enough to say that it was the young sect master who wanted your life."

"He was only in the innate realm at the beginning, but you are a strong man among the three flowers. Who bullied whom?"

"Also, do you think what you said is fart? You just said that as long as the young sect master defeats you, you will recognize him as the young sect master. Why do you suddenly refuse to recognize him now?"


When Yin Donghao said this, everyone started talking.

In fact, everyone has always been dissatisfied with Yin Donghao, but they just didn't have the opportunity to complain together.

"Yin Donghao, do you remember what you just said?"

At this time, Huang Haotian asked.

Facing Huang Haotian, Yin Donghao felt tremendous pressure, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "Sect Master, our sect's contribution value must reach a certain stage before we can become an elite disciple. Now that he has just climbed the mountain, he doesn't even have the most basic contribution value." , why should we give the position of Young Sect Master to the other party?"

I have to say that Yin Donghao is very sharp, because the contribution value is indeed a very important assessment for the disciples of the sect.

Even the monthly salary payment among sect disciples is based on the monthly contribution of these sect disciples.

Now Lu Chen has made no contribution to the sect at all. He should not be the young sect leader and is not qualified.

Hearing this, Huang Haotian frowned slightly.

He can now force Lu Chen to become the young sect leader, but if he forces Lu Chen to become the young sect leader, he guesses that many people will be unconvinced.

His head was a little big, because he didn't even think that anyone wanted to cause trouble.

If the issue of contribution value is not resolved today, then Lu Chen will definitely not be able to secure his position as the young sect leader.

When Lu Chen heard Yin Donghao's words, he couldn't help but smile. He looked at Huang Haotian and asked, "Sect Master, if I start making contributions to the sect now, is it in a hurry?"

"You can get contribution points if you start to contribute to the sect now, but the accumulation of this kind of contribution points is very small. If you want to reach the contribution points of becoming a young sect leader, I guess it will not be achieved in less than 20 years." Huang Haotian began to explain to Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled instantly.

Because he also knows how to contribute.

Now the easiest way to make contribution points is to help others break through to the innate realm.

The Supreme Sect does not know how many people have been stuck in the realm of martial arts for a lifetime. These people are unable to break through to the innate realm because of insufficient qualifications.

And if Lu Chen could make these people break through to the innate realm, then Lu Chen would have made an unprecedented contribution to the sect.

After Lu Chen understood something, he suddenly looked at Huang Haotian and said, "Sect Master, can I lend you the 'clock' in the back mountain?"

Lu Chen only said it was a bell, not a cauldron. He was very careful about his choice of words.

Once Huang Haotian knew that he was searching for Jiuding, he would be in big trouble.

"Haha, what kind of clock is that? It's a cauldron. By the way, what do you want to borrow it for?" Huang Haotian asked doubtfully.

Lu Chen grinned and said, "Sect Master, I'm going to use it to refine the elixir. I want to refine the realm-breaking elixir."

"Breakthrough Dan?"

Hearing this, Huang Haotian's pupils shrank slightly, and then he confirmed: "You don't know how to refine the realm-breaking pill, do you?"

The Breaking Realm Pill is simply a supreme elixir for practitioners.

Because this elixir is very helpful for people to break through their current realm.

For example, those characters who have just glimpsed the perfect realm of martial arts have been practicing hard, but the final results are not ideal, because these characters who have just glimpsed the realm of martial arts cannot break through to the innate realm.

The innate realm is a gap, which is difficult to overcome.

Just like there are strong men in the Taishang Sect who have just glimpsed the martial arts. If they don't have the help of external objects, they will only reach this level in their lifetime.

Now the Mirror-Breaking Pill can quickly allow them to break through.

The Taishang Sect has been running for a long time, and there are at least five thousand disciples of the sect who are currently in the realm of martial arts, and most of them are stuck at this stage.

Therefore, once Lu Chen really researched the legendary Po Jing Pill and let everyone break through, then according to the probability of fifty to one, at least hundreds of strong beginners in martial arts would be able to be achieved, allowing them to break through to the innate realm.

How big a deal is this?

Originally, there were only over 100 powerful people above the innate realm on the mountain, but now Lu Chen suddenly added hundreds of innate powerful people to the Taishang Sect, then his contribution would definitely be unparalleled if not mentioned. Unprecedented.

"Not only can I refine the Mirror-Breaking Pill, but I can also refine many other elixirs. In addition to being a physical practitioner, I am also an advanced alchemist."

Lu Chen stood in the wind and said calmly: "Now please arrange for the sect master to arrange someone to help me get the spiritual medicinal materials I need."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Huang Haotian asked excitedly: "Please make a list of the medicinal materials I need."

If the Supreme Sect can add hundreds of innate experts, then even if chaos comes in the future, the Supreme Sect will be more likely to survive.

Even he never thought that Lu Chen could bring him such a big gift.

Immediately, Lu Chen began to report various medicinal materials and asked the people below to get them.

As long as there were any medicinal materials, he ordered the other party to move them all from the warehouse.

Because Lu Chen wanted to refine a lot of pills here, all the medicinal materials were moved to the site.

Huang Haotian arranged for another person to transport the tripod to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Huang Haotian at this time and said: "Sect Master, I may need to trouble you. I can't cast the flames now, and I can't refine this elixir."

"Okay, don't you just want me to provide you with flames? Can I set up the fire for you myself?" Huang Haotian was a little depressed when he said this.

His dignified sect leader was now acting as a fireman in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen began to make elixirs on the spot, then put various medicinal materials into the cauldron provided by Huang Haotian in an orderly manner, and then told Huang Haotian to pay attention to the heat.

Lu Chen previously used a gas stove to refine the elixirs, and the quality of the elixirs refined in that way was only average. Now Huang Haotian is burning his own Nascent Soul Fire to refine the elixirs, making Lu Chen more comfortable .

Therefore, during the first alchemy refining, six realm-breaking pills were produced directly.

These six Broken Mirror Pills were filled with a faint medicinal fragrance. When those around them smelled this medicinal fragrance, they felt as if their bottlenecks were loosening.

"This kid really refined the Broken Mirror Pill, so his contribution to the sect is much higher than mine. I'm not convinced."

At this time, Yin Donghao was almost crazy.

But yes, he wanted to be the young sect leader wholeheartedly, but Lu Chen suddenly showed up halfway, leaving him completely hopeless now. He hated Lu Chen deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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