My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1032 Besieged and Killed

Chapter 1032 Besieged and Killed
As Yin Donghao spoke, two strange-looking humans appeared next to him.

The reason why they look weird is because their ears are slightly longer, and their mouths have two fangs.

This fits well with the deaths of some people who died in the two villages, because many people who died in these two villages had fang bite marks on their necks.

Moreover, there was a disgusting aura emanating from these two people, and this aura seemed to have a corrosive smell.

This is one of the powers of magic.

When Lu Chen saw these two weirdos, his heart sank instantly.

It seems that demons have sneaked in not only in the world, but also in the mountains.

It seems that there is a demon cave in the mountain that no one has discovered, otherwise these demons would not be able to get out.

"Yin Donghao, you actually cooperated with these demons just to deal with the young sect leader?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mingcheng looked at Yin Donghao in disbelief.

Yin Donghao has always been a person with a strong sense of justice in the sect, and he has also made many contributions to the sect. However, now that the other party is walking with the devil, he cannot accept it at all.

"If Lu Chen doesn't die, how can it be my turn to be the young suzerain? Originally, the young suzerain belonged to me. It was his sudden appearance that took away what should belong to me. Naturally, I want to snatch it back. ." Yin Donghao said bitterly.

"Yin Donghao, the position of young suzerain is related to the future of the sect. Since ancient times, this position has been occupied by capable people. Lu Chen is better than you, so he should take this position."

"When you competed with him, you violated the agreement and used the strength of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm. As a result, you still failed to defeat him. What do you have to say?"

"He can refine elixirs, and he has refined so many realm-breaking elixirs for the sect, can you?"

"He is the only person in history who has walked out of the Mirror Stone. Do you have the courage to go in?"

Xiao Mingcheng asked three questions in a row, making Yin Donghao almost unable to answer the questions.

Yin Donghao's face became ferocious and twisted, and he said: "I don't care how talented he is, but only living geniuses are real geniuses. If he dies, the word genius will have nothing to do with him. In short, I will decide on the young master of the sect."

Xiao Mingcheng reminded in a cold voice: "Yin Donghao, I advise you that it is still too late to rein in the precipice. If you really cooperate with these demons to attack the young suzerain, then I will definitely tell the suzerain about it. In that case, don't tell me Once you become the Young Sect Master, it is impossible for you to continue to stay in our Taishang Sect."

"Haha, Xiao Mingcheng, I said you are really naive. Since I touched Lu Chen in front of you, didn't you think that I would kill you too?"

"As long as you two die here, the sect will definitely think that you died in the hands of the devil. No one will believe that you will die in my hands."

"At that time, I was the sect's best candidate for Young Sect Master besides Lu Chen. I could also become the Young Sect Master of Taishang Sect."

Yin Donghao's face became a little distorted.

Xiao Mingcheng's expression immediately changed and he said, "Yin Donghao, do you dare to kill your fellow sect?"

"Hmph, let alone fighting against each other, even if my master stops me from becoming the young sect master, I can still kill him."

Yin Donghao said crazily: "I've told you what needs to be said, now prepare to die here."

While speaking, Yin Donghao felt a strong aura coming from his body.

Then he ordered the two demons next to him: "Let's kill them together. This one in particular is our young sect master. His talent is extremely powerful. If you devour him, it will be of great help to you." big."

When the two demons heard this, their eyes lit up.

They can swallow human blood. After swallowing, their strength will be improved differently depending on the strength of the human and the strength of their genes.

If it is a genius like Lu Chen, it will be of great help to them. They can greatly improve their strength and even their talents.

This is also the most real reason why they are willing to work with Yin Donghao to attack Lu Chen, because they can improve their own strength.

At this time, they also showed their own momentum, and their momentum was also very powerful, reaching the level of the Demon Commander.

The Demon Commander level is the realm corresponding to Three Flowers Gathering at the Top.

Now, three masters with three flowers gathered together attacked Lu Chen at the same time.

"Fei Ping, hold Xiao Mingcheng down. After we kill Lu Chen, we will come to help you."

At this time, Yin Donghao said to Fei Ping.

"Yes, Senior Yin."

After hearing Yin Donghao's words, Fei Ping immediately agreed.

"Fe Ping, it turns out you are a traitor too."

Seeing that Fei Ping was about to take action with Yin Donghao, Xiao Mingcheng realized that Fei Ping had already been bribed by Yin Donghao.

"Hey, if someone doesn't do it for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth."

Fei Ping smiled faintly and said, "Senior Yin said that as long as he becomes the young sect master, he can immediately take me back to the sect and make me an elder."

Fei Ping's qualifications are average, so even if he is in the innate realm now, the sect will not let him become an elder, but it will be different once Yin Donghao has the right to speak.

While speaking, he launched an attack on Xiao Mingcheng.

Although Xiao Mingcheng is stronger than him, they are both innate, so it is not difficult for Fei Ping to drag Xiao Mingcheng down.

Yin Donghao led two demons to surround Lu Chen, and said with a sinister smile: "Lu Chen, you never thought that it was me who was planning this, right?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "What can you do even if you make a plan? With Jue's strength, no matter what kind of plan you plan, it will be useless. I can deal with three of you, and I can't deal with thirty of you." Can handle it.”


When Yin Donghao heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Today I want you to pay for your arrogance."

While speaking, he took the lead in attacking Lu Chen. The other two people saw him attacking Lu Chen and rushed towards Lu Chen's direction.

For a moment, Lu Chen had one against three, fighting with the three of them.

Although the three of them are all powerful men with three flowers gathered together, Lu Chen is now in the stage of a holy general after becoming a saint in his body, and his strength is comparable to the three of them.

And because he is in the flesh, he is even more resistant to blows.

So now when he saw the three people attacking, he was not afraid, but fought with the three of them with his powerful body. For a while, the three of them were evenly matched.

This is the power of physical cultivation. It can basically be said to be invincible in the same realm.

Xiao Mingchen was a little worried about Lu Chen, but now he saw that Lu Chen actually blocked three people with one against three, and he was completely relieved.

However, he guessed that Lu Chen wouldn't be able to hold on for long, so he began to exert his strength, use secret methods to stimulate his potential, and then started to attack Fei Ping.

(End of this chapter)

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