My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1040 Condensing the Battle Formation

Chapter 1040 Condensing the Battle Formation
"I can cooperate with you, but all wolves including you must obey my command."

Lu Chen looked at the Wolf King and said calmly.

"What kind of strength do you have that you want to command us?"

The Wolf King looked at Lu Chen. He couldn't see through Lu Chen's strength.

Because Lu Chen had a special way of controlling his aura, it was normal for him not to be able to see through Lu Chen's true strength.

Lu Chen said with a smile: "My realm is not as high as yours. I am only a strong man at the Saint General level. You are a level higher than me, but if you want to kill me, you can't do it."

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is that I know a kind of battle formation. In this battle formation, I can gather the power of all your wolves together, and then work together to send out a blow. The power of this blow can be compared to that of a demon." A strike from a handsome level strong man, and I can teach you to practice for a period of time. After a period of time, your strength will be improved. At that time, I can use the attack that you can deliver to reach the level of the Demon Commander. At the peak, approaching the Demon Emperor, does this give me a chance to defeat the Demon leader here?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the Wolf King was tempted.

He knew what Zheng Shuai's strength was, and the opponent was a peak-level Demon Commander. If Lu Chen formed a battle formation and could achieve such a level of attack, they might not be able to compete with the opponent.

"Can you show me the power of your battle formation?" The Wolf King still had some doubts about Lu Chen's strength and asked Lu Chen.

"Okay, you can let five hundred wolves stand out, and I will use five hundred wolves to demonstrate. But let me make it clear to you. This kind of battle formation is the aggregation of everyone's will, so everyone must work together, and there can be no other Otherwise, I would not be able to gather their willpower." Lu Chen said to the Wolf King.

When the Wolf King heard this, he nodded slightly, and then he called to the group of wolves next to him, and five hundred of them came out in an instant.

The strength of these five hundred wolves is very unified, and they are all equivalent to the realm of the strong at the beginning of human martial arts.

"Okay, now you can show your strength."

At this time, Lu Chen looked at the wolves, and a strange sound came out of his mouth.

When he made this sound, the Wolf King in the distance was stunned.

Because this is wolf language.

How did Lu Chen know the wolf language?
But he didn't know that Lu Chen was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor. Before becoming the Immortal Emperor, Lu Chen had been in contact with hundreds of tribes and he knew the languages ​​of the hundreds of tribes.

This wolf clan is only one of hundreds of clans.

As Lu Chen communicated with these five hundred wolves, he began to teach these five hundred wolves how to inspire fighting spirit, and then how to gather these fighting spirit together.

It took almost a day for these five hundred wolves to gradually use their fighting will to fight. However, their fighting will is very weak now, and they might as well fight with their own bodies.

However, after Lu Chen saw that they were able to release their fighting spirit, a smile appeared on his face.

Because he knew that now he could use these wolves to gather his fighting spirit together.

On the next day, Lu Chen used the battle formation in the fighting spirit to gather these fighting spirits together. In the sky, a huge heavy sword was instantly formed, and then the heavy sword was pointed towards the distance. The mountain top split over.

"They were actually able to launch such a powerful attack."

Sensing the sense of oppression coming from the sword intent, the wolf king was very shocked.

That blow could make his heart palpitate, which meant that the palpitation could threaten his life.

His strength was much greater than that of Lu Chen. Lu Chen could actually use five hundred wolves to unleash a blow that threatened him. It was simply terrifying.

Now there are only [-] wolves. What if there are [-] or [-] wolves?

If there were [-] wolves, he felt that Lu Chen might really launch an attack that threatened Zheng Shuai. Lu Chen was not lying. The other party would really manipulate the war to attack.


As he imagined, the heavy sword condensed with huge fighting spirit slashed directly towards the mountaintop next to it. The mountaintop next to it was immediately cut into two halves, and even the ground nearby was cut until a line appeared. Gully.

After Lu Chen struck this blow, he frowned slightly.

Because this blow did not reach the ideal state, he could actually use this blow better.

He came to the Wolf King and asked: "Wolf King, I wonder if my attack can still penetrate your eyes?"

"Your attack is already very powerful."

The Wolf King said calmly: "You can indeed unleash the power of my wolves to the greatest extent."

"But human brothers, don't be angry if I say anything. I don't dislike your identity. Since I agreed to cooperate with you, I will definitely cooperate with you sincerely."

"I'm just thinking, my strength is higher than yours. If I organize this attack, will the effect be better?"

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled and said: "Wolf King, this battle formation cannot be controlled by ordinary people. I can give it to you without reservation. You can feel its cultivation method for yourself. If you If you can complete it within half a month, then I am willing to let you lead your tribe. After all, your leadership can indeed display a stronger fighting spirit than mine."

"But if you still can't practice within half a month, there are only two situations. One situation is that you have no talent in this area at all, and the second situation is that you are too stupid. Then I will take over. Well, my time is limited and I can’t possibly give you two or three years.”

Now that the demons may invade, it is impossible for Lu Chen to stay here for two or three years. By then, the human world may have been occupied by these demons.

Therefore, Lu Chen must try his best to leave here as quickly as possible.

"Okay, I agree to your request."

The Wolf King was very confident in his own strength to be able to become the king of his clan. Now when he heard what Lu Chen said, he nodded and agreed.

After the two reached an agreement, Lu Chen pointed directly at the center of the Wolf King's eyebrows and taught the Wolf King the training methods of the battle formation without reservation.

For the next fifteen days, the Wolf King practiced the battle formation, but he did not find any tricks.

As for Lu Chen, during these fifteen days, he has been using this extremely cold environment to start refining his body.

Even though it was only a short period of half a month, Lu Chen's physical strength had increased again. His current physical strength had reached the middle stage of the Saint General.

Half a month later, the Wolf King looked decadent.

The reason is very simple, because he has not learned the so-called battle formation now, he just condensed his fighting spirit.

He estimated that if he wanted to completely control the battle formation, he would have to learn for more than five years. At this time, Lu Chen would definitely not be able to wait.

"Human brother, you win. I, including the wolves below me, are all under your command. I have only one request. Kill or drive away all these demons. Do you dare to accept my offer?"

The Wolf King said to Lu Chen at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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