My cold CEO wife

Chapter 1048 Only One Ending

Chapter 1048 Only One Ending
Lu Chen quickly appeared next to Huang Haotian, and then punched Huang Haotian.

His fist was not very powerful, but it distorted the air.

A layer of light appeared on the surface of Huang Haotian's body. This layer of light was his protective light. Lu Chen's attack hit him, and his protective light was destroyed in an instant. broken.

The mask of light was blasted, and Huang Haotian spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

"What a powerful body!"

Huang Haotian didn't expect that Lu Chen would break his light shield with one attack and even hurt himself. However, he was not afraid, but instead filled with excitement.

As long as he can get Lu Chen's body, then he will get huge benefits.

Thinking of this, he quickly distanced himself from Lu Chen, and a sword appeared in his hand.

"Heavenly Slash!"

After putting some distance between him and Lu Chen, he quickly used his strength and struck down at Lu Chen with a sword from a long distance.

A huge sword-shaped light wave formed instantly and slashed towards Lu Chen.

Seeing his attack, Lu Chen did not retreat. Instead, he stepped forward and struck the opponent's sword-shaped light wave with his fist.

Lu Chen looked so small in front of the huge sword-shaped light wave, but at this moment, his body was exuding an unrivaled power.

He punched the light wave, and the light wave burst into pieces like a realm, turning into stars all over the sky.

"How come this kid's body is so powerful?"

Huang Haotian had a bad premonition. He felt that he might not be able to suppress Lu Chen anymore. If this continued, it would be him, not Lu Chen, who would die.

The blow just now was already the ninth level of power he had summoned, but it was easily exploded by Lu Chen.

"It was you who took action just now, now it's my turn."

After Lu Chen exploded the light wave, he grinned, then flashed and appeared in front of Huang Haotian, and then punched the opponent.

"not good!"

Huang Haotian never expected that Lu Chen would be so fast, and that the opponent's speed was even faster than his.

Now Lu Chen's fists were already attacking him, and it was too late for him to evacuate.

As soon as he thought, the heavenly dragon on his body instantly shrank in size and turned into normal size. It coiled around his body, as if it added a layer of defense to him.


Lu Chen shouted softly, and then punched the dragon hovering over Huang Haotian's body.


After this punch, a huge roar sounded.

Then the sky dragon was directly beaten by Lu Chen until it revealed its original shape, and its aura was a little weak at this time. It looked at Lu Chen's eyes with some fear.

It knew very well how powerful its defense ability was, but with such a defense ability, Lu Chen broke through the defense in an instant.

Tianjiao felt uncomfortable, and Huang Haotian also felt uncomfortable.

Although Huang Haotian was protected by the heavenly dragon, the counter-shock force of Lu Chen's punch just now made him very uncomfortable.

At this time, he was flying in the air and looking at Lu Chen from a distance, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

He felt that he was no longer Lu Chen's opponent.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect you to have grown to such an extent. It really surprises me. Now I can't do anything to you, and you can't kill me. Why don't we shake hands and make peace." Huang Haotian said calmly.

"Shake hands and make peace?"

When Lu Chen heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Now you come and tell me to shake hands and make peace?"

"If it wasn't for my strength being stronger than yours, I'm afraid you would put me to death?"

"Today, you have only one ending, and that is to die here"

While speaking, Lu Chen launched another attack on Huang Haotian.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Huang Haotian began to escape deeper, and at the same time said: "Lu Chen, I advise you not to be impulsive. The demon world will invade soon, and the two of us are now the leaders of mankind. If we have If one person dies here, it is a huge loss to the entire human race.”

"Sorry, I'm not sure about you." Lu Chen shook his head lightly and said.

While speaking, he attacked Huang Haotian again.

"Are you really going to die?"

Seeing Lu Chen rushing towards him again, Huang Haotian couldn't help reminding.

Now he no longer had the arrogance he had when he first treated Lu Chen.

"When a fish dies, the net breaks? You think too highly of yourself. The fish dies, but the net may not break."

As Lu Chen spoke, he rushed towards Huang Haotian.

Huang Haotian noticed that Lu Chen was getting closer and closer. He knew that Lu Chen's speed was faster than his own, and he would definitely have no chance to escape.

That being the case, he might as well give it a go.

"Okay, okay, Lu Chen, you forced me to do this."

While speaking, Huang Haotian closed his eyes, and a very powerful aura arose on his body. This aura was more than 50.00% higher than when he started to hit with all his strength.

At the same time, the Tianjiao also turned transparent at this time, and then wrapped around Huang Haotian's body. This method is called pet channeling.

That is to say, after Tianjiao is psychic now, he can give part of his power to Huang Haotian, and Huang Haotian will launch a stronger attack.

"Secret method, violent!"

At the same time, Huang Haotian activated his secret method. As his secret method was activated, his momentum increased again. Now his strength has almost doubled.

He is a Dharma cultivator, and the magic power in his body is limited. Although he can use the spiritual power of the sky to restore himself, it will take time.

Lu Chen is different. Lu Chen is a physical cultivator. The physical body of the physical cultivator is very powerful. The power of Qi and blood cannot be easily consumed unless he is injured.

Therefore, the longer the battle lasts, the less advantage there will be for practitioners like them.

In this case, he was ready to decide the outcome with Lu Chen in one move. Only one move would determine the outcome.

"An attack like yours is somewhat interesting to me. If it were an ordinary attack, to be honest, I wouldn't look down on it at all."

Seeing the opponent's attack, Lu Chen's lips curved.

Then, nine tripods suddenly flew out of his body. The nine tripods emitted golden light and surrounded him. He was like a god.

As the Jiuding sacrifice came out, Huang Haotian in the distance lost his voice and said: "Oh my god, Jiuding, it is Jiuding!"

Then his eyes showed greed.

He didn't know how Lu Chen gathered the Jiuding, but there were rumors that once he obtained the Jiuding, he would gain the luck of the entire China.

In this way, cultivation will not only go smoothly, but there will also be great opportunities.

He finally understood why Lu Chen's cultivation speed was so fast. It turned out that the other party was blessed by Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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