My cold CEO wife

Chapter 107 Ancient boxing champion Qin Chen

Chapter 107 Ancient boxing champion Qin Chen

"Pork King Qi Jie."

Ding Yi began to name the second person.

"The subordinates are here."

A fat middle-aged man walked out from the crowd. His upper body was bare, and a huge pig's head was embroidered on his chest.

He is Qi Jie, the Pork King.

The city's pork market has long been monopolized by him, and he has a great reputation in Guiyuan City.

No one knew that he was Wu Lan's subordinate and he was very good at martial arts.


Then, the ship king, the condiment king, etc. all came out of the darkness one by one.

There are no less than ten big-shot figures in the city present tonight.

However, now these ten people stood respectfully in front of Wu Lan, their eyes showing unprecedented fanaticism.

"Everyone, Nie Long is coming tonight, and his target is me, Wu Lan. Do you have the confidence to stop him?"

Wu Lan glanced at everyone and asked.

"Miss, who is this Nie Long?"

Qi Jie asked, asking everyone's thoughts.

Only Wu Lan would call all of them together at the moment of life and death.

Now that everyone has been called together, they must face a life and death enemy.

"The person who killed my uncle, the Nie Long mercenary organization ranked No. 90 and eighth in the world's mercenary organizations, is Nie Long's organization."

Wu Lan's expression remained unchanged and she replied calmly.

But after she spoke, the expressions of everyone below changed severely.

As affiliates of the Wu family, they knew how powerful the Wu family was, and they also knew that the head of the Wu family was killed by a mysterious man in the Wu family some time ago.

They didn't expect that this mysterious man turned out to be Nie Long.

"Miss, our strength is acceptable. We can definitely crush some social forces. But facing people like Nie Long, we don't have the slightest confidence."

Zhao Kun replied: "Miss, why don't you run away and keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

"Zhao Kun, don't worry, I have personally invited the ancient boxing champion. The ancient boxing champion will definitely be there within an hour."

Ding Yi knew that if the enemy was too powerful, it would definitely make Zhao Kun and others doubt their lives, and it would definitely shake the morale of the army. Now her words would undoubtedly inject a dose of tranquilizer to everyone.

"The ancient boxing champion? Girl, are you talking about Qin Chen, who entered martial arts with his fists and became the ancient boxing champion?"

Qi Jie asked in shock.

Qin Chen is a legend in the society, a pair of ancient fists, invincible in the world.

Three years ago, because he had no opponents, he went into seclusion and announced that he would no longer take action.

No one knows Qin Chen's whereabouts, and no one can ask Qin Chen.

However, Wu Lan actually invited this person here today, so it would be absolutely easy for them to deal with Nie Long.

"Yes, the young lady has great magical powers. She owes the ancient boxing champion a huge favor. The ancient boxing champion must repay this favor tonight." Ding Yi said proudly.


When a group of big guys heard Ding Yi's words, their faces turned red with excitement.

As long as Qin Chen is here, let alone one Nie Long, even two Nie Longs will come tonight.

"Miss, the ancient boxing champion has arrived at the villa."

At this time, Ding Lai came to Wu Lan and whispered.

"Come on, come with me to greet you."

Wu Lan gave instructions to Ding Yi and walked down the path to the bottom of the villa. Ding Yi followed Wu Lan.

"It's really hard to find Tianyi Villa today."

After the two women left for a moment, Lu Chen appeared outside Tianyi Villa.


As soon as he was about to step into Tianyi Villa, he was stopped by the gatekeeper.

Lu Chen threw out the Supreme Card and ordered: "Let it go."

The boy below carefully looked at the Supreme Card thrown out by Lu Chen, his face turned pale with fright, and then he respectfully handed the card back to Lu Chen and said:

"Please come in, sir."

With the Supreme Card, it would be like Wu Lan coming in person, and he wouldn't dare to stop him.

Lu Chen took back the Supreme Card and walked towards the central square of Tianyi Villa.

"come here!"

At this moment, a beautiful woman appeared next to Lu Chen and pointed at Lu Chen.

"Is something wrong?" Lu Chen asked in shock.

"Here, here is the kettle. Take it and pour tea for everyone. I feel sick in my stomach and need to go to the toilet."

As soon as Lu Chen finished asking, the beauty put a bottle of water into his hand and ran away quickly, leaving a scent of fragrance behind.


When Lu Chen saw the kettle, he couldn't help but smile. Did he regard himself as a handyman?
However, Lu Chen didn't care about his identity. He came here tonight mainly to see if Wu Lan needed help. He would take action if necessary.

It is also a good thing to keep a low profile and act as a pour boy down below to prevent Wu Lan from discovering him.

Thinking of this, he walked slowly towards the central square of Tianyi Villa while carrying the kettle.

"Come here and pour me some water."

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Lu Chen was directed over.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Chen began to pour water for this person and others.


Soon after, everyone's eyes were focused on the distance, and they saw three people coming hand in hand.

The one walking in the center is a bald man, and on the other two sides, two beauties are making amends.

Of course, what attracted everyone the most was not the man's bald head, but the faint copper-colored luster of his right arm, which was a sign that the arm was almost turning into copper after it was hardened to the extreme.

Once the arm is fully coppered, it becomes truly invulnerable.

"It's the ancient boxing champion Qin Chen. It's indeed him."

The crowd burst into loud cheers and admiration for the strong man.

Then everyone stepped forward, bowed slightly, and said, "We have met the ancient boxing champion."

When Lu Chen saw everyone bowing, he also bowed.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Chen laughed loudly and swaggered into the most distinguished position, taking Wu Lan's place.

After all, there was a request from Qin Chen, so Wu Lan could only pretend not to take it to heart, and said: "Come here, pour tea, wine and food for the ancient boxing champion."

"Boy, what are you doing here? Go get some tea." Zhao Kun lightly kicked Lu Chen and gave him an order.

In order not to reveal his identity, Lu Chen did not have a seizure, but came to Qin Chen obediently and started pouring tea for Qin Chen.

"Play the video."

Wu Lan's attention was not on Qin Chen, and he did not see Lu Chen beside him. Instead, he gave instructions to Ding Yi and stared at the big screen in the distance.

She said: "King of Ancient Boxing, this is the scene when my uncle was killed by Nie Long. I hope you will have a way to deal with Nie Long after watching this scene."

This video is very precious and is generally not shared with others. Wu Lan also spent a lot of time to get this video.

Now in order to be [-]% sure of dealing with Nie Long, Wu Lan must release this video so that everyone has a certain understanding of Nie Long's strength, so that they will not suffer a disadvantage when fighting Nie Long.

Soon, the video was played by Ding Yi.

Everyone’s attention was instantly attracted to the big screen.

Even across the screen, they felt a domineering figure coming from the screen, almost suffocating them.

"Everyone in your Wu family is useless. I, Nie Long, want to kill anyone in your Wu family. You can't stop me."

Nie Long made a brutal charge, tore a hole in the crowd, arrived directly next to Wu Zhan, the former head of the Wu family, and punched Wu Zhan.

Wu Zhan punched to block, but when his fist collided with Nie Long, it shattered in an instant. Nie Long's fist remained strong and punched Wu Zhan's head.

Wu Zhan's head exploded like a flower, and the scene froze.

(End of this chapter)

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