My cold CEO wife

Chapter 111 Your face is really exciting

Chapter 111 Your face is really exciting
"Uncle, help me."

Zheng Hao was fooled by Lu Chen and staggered back while begging Nie Long for mercy.

"Boy, that's enough."

Nie Long shouted violently.

Lu Chen took care of his nephew in front of him, and didn't take him seriously.

Lu Chen didn't listen to Nie Long at all and slapped Zheng Hao on the face again. Zheng Hao staggered back a few steps.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Lu Chen still didn't stop, Nie Long finally couldn't stand anymore. He stood up and punched Lu Chen casually.

"Lu Chen, retreat quickly."

When Wu Lan saw Nie Long taking action, she quickly shouted to Lu Chen that she really didn't want anything to happen to Lu Chen.

Qin Chen had no choice but to be tortured and killed by Nie Long. If Lu Chen took action, the result would be even worse.

Lu Chen did not retreat. The five fingers of his left hand formed into claws and grabbed Nie Long's fist. His right hand still slapped Zheng Hao.

"This kid really overestimates his abilities. Did you know that our boss's palms have been modified? Even the ancient boxing champion can't withstand the power of the boss's slap. This kid's palms may not be saved."

When the mercenaries saw that Lu Chen actually chose to confront Nie Long head-on, their eyes were full of teasing.

"This kid is so crazy. He even grabbed Nie Long's fist with his palm. Even the ancient boxing champion's fist couldn't block Nie Long's fist. Does he think his fist is made of titanium alloy?"

Zhao Kun and others cried because of Lu Chen's stupid behavior.

"It's over!"

Wu Lan closed her eyes in pain, and Lu Chen was now paralyzed.

However, the next scene shocked everyone's jaws to the ground.

I saw Lu Chen holding Nie Long's fist firmly in the palm of his hand. Nie Long's fist could not move at all.

Everyone had a ridiculous feeling, as if the two were acting, and Nie Long seemed to be deliberately setting off Lu Chen's awesomeness.

Could Nie Long's fist be caught so easily?

Then, Lu Chen's right hand slapped Zheng Hao mercilessly on the face.


The most shocked person was Nie Long.

He regarded Lu Chen as an ordinary person, so he only used [-]% of his strength. However, even with [-]% of his strength, Qin Chen would not be able to grasp his fist.

Lu Chen actually caught it, and he caught it so lightly.

While grabbing his fist, he was also able to slap Zheng Hao with ease.

"Boy, you are trying to die."

Zheng Hao was actually slapped by Lu Chen when he made a move, which was a great shame and humiliation, "I only used [-]% of my strength just now, but now I use [-]% of my strength, how dare you take another punch from me."

Nie Long retracted his fist and then exerted force. The punch was powerful and heavy, and the air was filled with explosions and roars.

Everyone heard that Nie Long only used [-]% of his strength, and secretly thought that the two of them were acting just now. With [-]% of his strength, they should be able to follow it.

Now when they heard Nie Long say that he should use [-]% of his strength, everyone remembered the scene where Nie Long also used [-]% of his strength to blast the ancient boxing champion Qin Chen with one punch.

"Lu Chen, please retreat quickly. What happens tonight has nothing to do with you. Everyone, come with me and escort Lu Chen down the mountain."

Wu Lan was the first to speak out and gave instructions to a group of big guys below.

"Everyone follow me."

Although Zhao Kun and others were afraid of Nie Long, they were absolutely loyal to Wu Lan and were prepared to die tonight.

Following Wu Lan's order, they all rushed towards Nie Long.

When Nie Long's mercenaries saw that Zhao Kun and others were about to attack Nie Long, they flew out and stopped Zhao Kun and others, and the two sides fell into a confrontation.

"Lu Chen, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have handed Xiaoyue over to you. You wouldn't have come to Tianyi Villa."

Wu Lan felt quite regretful when he saw that all his men were stopped by the mercenaries.

According to her estimation, Ding Ke must have told Lu Chen in advance that Nie Long was going to attack her, so Lu Chen came here.

"Ding Yi, let me take action. Even if we both die here today, we must let Lu Chen come down safely."

With his subordinates unreliable, Wu Lan took action himself.

She is from the Wu family, so she naturally has kung fu skills.

"Hahahaha, Lu Chen, you are so stupid that you dare to slap me. You will end up like the ancient boxing champion. You will be blasted in the chest by my uncle. You will be punched to death by my uncle later. I am inciting you. A corpse will be slapped ten times, and I, Zheng Hao, am not that easy to slap."

When Zheng Hao saw Nie Long exerting strength, he endured the pain on his face and laughed.

"Then you are wrong, your face is really easy to incite."

Faced with Nie Long's attack, Lu Chen's face remained unchanged. He fisted his left hand and punched Nie Long. He stretched out his right hand and slapped Zheng Hao.

"court death!"

A cruel smile appeared on Nie Long's face.

His hands have been processed by modern technology and are extremely hard. Even the fists of ancient boxing champions are not so hard.

Lu Chen fought with him with fists. Wasn't this self-destruction?
The two fists intertwined again.

Then, a terrifying scene appeared.

I saw that the clothes on Nie Long's right arm began to twist, and even his muscles were twisted. In the blink of an eye, his muscles were twisted into several circles as if they were wrung out of clothes, and they were the same as Nie Long's just now. When Qin Chen was bombarded with [-]% of his strength, there was no difference.


Nie Long's right arm exploded inch by inch, spraying blood mist all over the sky, and the night sky was stained with splashed blood.

Nie Long's right arm was completely useless and fell on his shoulder. He looked at Lu Chen with a pale face and a faint look of fear in his eyes.

Where did this young man come from?Why is it so powerful?

He was actually crippled like this.

Zhao Kun and others in the confrontation were shocked by this sudden change, and then their eyes showed ecstasy.

Lu Chen actually defeated Nie Long, so they wouldn't have to die?
Wu Lan stopped on the way to save Lu Chen, her beautiful eyes shone with gleaming light, and her eyes looked at Lu Chen as if they were looking at rare treasures.

"How strong is this guy? He actually abolished Nie Long."

At the same time, Lu Chen's right hand fell mercilessly on Zheng Hao's face again. Zheng Hao's face was swollen into a pig's head.

Lu Chen looked at Zheng Hao with a half-smile but said jokingly: "I told you, your face is really easy to incite, isn't it?"

Zheng Hao's face, which was already red with blood, turned even redder.

Nie Long felt very uncomfortable. He felt Lu Chen's violent force enter his arm, and even passed through his arm to his internal organs.

Not an opponent. He was definitely not Lu Chen's opponent.

Now the only way to save life is to escape.

Thinking of this, Nie Long took advantage of Lu Chen to teach Zheng Hao a lesson and ran away secretly.

"I didn't say anything, how dare you leave?"

However, just when he was about to leave, Lu Chen's playful voice sounded,

"You just used [-]% of your strength to kill Qin Chen, and I am using [-]% of my strength now. If you can catch it, I will let you go. If you can't catch it, then just keep your life."


As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he shouted softly, and then he punched Nie Long like a tiger coming out of the mountain.

He punched out like a dragon, and green light seemed to surge from his fist, tearing through the air and heading straight towards Nie Long.

(End of this chapter)

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