My cold CEO wife

Chapter 120 I am your president

Chapter 120 I am your president
Shenglin Pharmaceutical.

The name comes from Shengyao Group and Lin Group, which are combined from the first characters of the two groups. It is simple and easy to remember.

Ouyang Qing has prepared everything for Shenglin Pharmaceutical, including the decoration of the office space and the scheduling of office staff.

The office space is an unused office building of Shengyao Group.

The office staff are those transferred directly from the Holy Medicine Group.

In order to show the importance to Lu Chen, Shenglin Pharmaceutical will open today and there will be a major opening ceremony.

This opening ceremony is also a welcome ceremony for the president of Shenglin Pharmaceutical.

However, until now, all employees of Shenglin Pharmaceutical do not know who the incoming president is.

This president is a mysterious guest.

"Mr. Wu, I think the position of president of the new company must be yours."

"No, you have already reached the position of general manager in the Holy Medicine Group. Now that you are transferred to a branch that cooperates with the Lin Group, you can only be promoted, but not demoted."

"Mr. Wu, please take more care of us in the future."


On the red altar of Shenglin Pharmaceutical, stood a group of middle and high-level figures from Shenglin Pharmaceutical, all of whom were waiting for Ouyang Qing's arrival.

Everyone is complimenting one person now.

Wu Yingbin.

Because Wu Yingbin is the general manager of Shengyao Group and is now transferred to the branch. He is the best candidate for the president of the branch.

The people below will naturally take advantage of this period to flatter Wu Yingbin enough, so that they will have more room for promotion in the future.

"Everyone, please don't say this too early. Although I was transferred from the position of general manager, there is no guarantee that I will be able to become the president of the branch."

Wu Yingbin smiled, showed modesty at first, and then said to everyone:

"But if I really become the president, then I will definitely use my strength to conquer everyone, and lead everyone to make the branch stronger and bigger, so that everyone can make money on this platform."

"I will definitely spare no effort, take the lead, and lead everyone to fight together."

Wu Yingbin spoke impassionedly, as if the position of president was already within his grasp.

"Haha, under the leadership of Mr. Wu, we are willing to bring the company to a new height and usher ourselves to a new height."

"Yes, following Mr. Wu, life will become more and more prosperous."

"Mr. Wu, I have already ordered a feast for you. We congratulate you on becoming the president of the branch tonight."


Everyone started to praise Wu Yingbin again.

"Everyone give way, everyone give way."

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded.

Then everyone noticed that a young man riding a shared bicycle in the distance rushed towards the red carpet where they were.

Moreover, the position where the shared bicycle came was directly facing Wu Yingbin.

"Boy, stop, stop quickly."

Everyone was worried. If this car hit Wu Yingbin, he wouldn't have to take office today.

Although everyone told the shared bicycle to stop, no one stopped the shared bicycle. Instead, they stepped aside and allowed the shared bicycle to hit Wu Yingbin.

Wu Yingbin panicked and shouted: "Boy, what are you doing? Stop the car quickly. If you don't stop, I will call the security guard."


The shared bicycle finally stopped.

A young man jumped out of the car and apologized: "I'm sorry, the brakes of this car don't work. It didn't stop just now."

"Humph, is the reason why the brakes are not working? Did you kill someone in a bad mood, and the judge will be lenient?"

"Do you know that you almost hit me? Who am I? What is your identity? If you hit me, can you afford to pay for it?"

"What are you still standing here for? Get out of the way. Push your shared bicycle and get out of the way. Don't you see that we are about to hold an important ceremony here? You delayed the ceremony. You can afford it." ?"

Wu Yingbin was in a good mood, but it was ruined by Lu Chen who suddenly rushed in. He yelled at Lu Chen.

"Sorry, I will definitely pay attention next time."

After all, it was his fault in this matter. Even if Lu Chen was scolded, he admitted it. He obediently pushed the shared bicycle and walked out of the red carpet.


However, just when he was about to leave, Wu Yingbin stopped him and shouted coldly:

"Next time, do you think there will be a next time? Have you seen our red carpet? It has opened a hole for you. How can the ceremony be carried out later?"

"You stand aside right now. When Miss Ouyang comes over, I will punish you."

"Are you sure she will punish me when she comes here?" Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Originally, he thought that he was responsible for this matter, but when faced with Wu Yingbin's scolding, he chose to deal with it silently.

But the opponent still pressed forward step by step.

Today, he wanted to see how this person would step down.

I'm afraid these people don't know that the person they want to welcome is themselves, right?

Wu Yingbin scolded: "Stop talking back to me and get out of here. Don't delay the ceremony."

"Damn, Lu Chen, it turns out to be your kid. Did you hear what Mr. Wu said? Get over there, yes, that corner."

"I think he is not only a prodigal son, but also a bastard. On the first day our company opened, he made it like this."

"No, he actually dared to talk back to Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu, do you want me to call security to come over and slap him?"


After everyone heard Wu Yingbin's scolding, they looked at Lu Chen carefully and recognized him immediately.

Lu Chen was originally a street rat, and everyone shouted to beat him up. Now that everyone had the opportunity, they all started criticizing him verbally.

"Call the security guard to slap me twice? Didn't Ouyang Qing tell you that I am the incoming president of Shenglin Pharmaceutical?"

Lu Chen was ready to endure it, but when he heard these people's increasingly unpleasant words, he finally couldn't help but speak.


After his words came out, everyone almost laughed out loud.

"Lu Chen, you didn't even look at your appearance, but you said you are the president of our new company? Do you think the position of president is so easy to take?"

"Don't forget your nickname of prodigal son. You can ruin the Lu family. Who dares to hire you as president?"

"Why, after being scolded by Mr. Wu, are you angry? Are you talking without thinking through your brain? Are you talking nonsense?"

"Let me tell you, the president of this company can only be Mr. Wu, and we only recognize Mr. Wu."


Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Lu Chen's words.

I've seen stupid people, but I've never seen such stupid people.

"Then take a look at this appointment document."

Lu Chen handed over the appointment documents jointly issued by Shengyao Group and Lin Group.

Wu Wenbin was stunned for a moment, then took the appointment document, opened it and looked at it, and suddenly became suspicious.

This document seems to be genuine.

"Are you really our president?"

Wu Yingbin asked uncertainly.

Lu Chen nodded seriously and said, "I am your president."

(End of this chapter)

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