My cold CEO wife

Chapter 122 Thanksgiving Dade

Chapter 122 Thanksgiving Dade
"He is the president. He was appointed by my grandfather. Do I have time to joke with you?"

Ouyang Qing replied coldly.

At this time, all the middle and high-level officials looked bad.

Wu Qingbin's face was even uglier than his dead parents. Now he was finished, and his career might be over.

While Ouyang Qing was talking, she scanned the surrounding area, and then she discovered that Lu Chen was standing in front of a shared bicycle, playing with his mobile phone.

She walked over quickly and asked, "Brother Lu, why didn't you let them hold the opening ceremony and welcome ceremony after you arrived?
Didn’t I tell you?There is an important ceremony this morning, and you are the protagonist. I ask you to come here first. "

Even in front of so many senior executives in the company, she just called Lu Chen Brother Lu. She just wanted to let the world know that she liked Lu Chen and she wanted to pursue Lu Chen.

"I told them that I was the president of the new company, but they didn't believe me. Oh, by the way, that person is your Mr. Wu who really wants to be the president. He told me to get out here. I’m waiting for you to punish me after you come over.”

Lu Chen looked innocent, and then pointed at Wu Yingbin not far away.

Wu Yingbin wanted to slap him for being such a big mouth. Why would he talk about Lu Chen when he had nothing to do?
If you were polite and courteous just now, wouldn't the world be harmonious?

"Wu Yingbin, get over here, and all of you, get over here."

When Ouyang Qing heard this, her pretty face turned pale, and she yelled at this group of middle and senior management.

A group of middle and high-level people felt as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling. They came tremblingly in front of Ouyang Qing and said almost in unison:

"Miss Qing, we really don't know Mr. Lu... No... Mr. Lu is our president. We have not received any written notification or verbal notification from you."

"Documents? Brother Lu, where is the appointment letter I gave you?"

Lu Chen pointed to the scraps of paper in the distance, shrugged and said, "Well, everyone said the appointment letter was fake, and then you, Mr. Wu..."

Ouyang Qing was furious, slapped Wu Yingbin on the face, and shouted: "Wu Yingbin, I declare that you are fired."

"Miss Qing, listen to me, I am really not to blame for this matter. Think about it, who is Lu Chen?

The prodigal son of the Lu family bankrupted the Lu Group, and he is a scumbag. It is impossible for our group to hire such a person as president. "

Wu Yingbin was so frightened that he was scared to death and explained in a hurry.

Ouyang Qing's chest rose and fell, and she pointed at Wu Yingbin and said, "Are you a pig? He knows that we have a new company to set up? He also made a fake appointment letter in advance?"

"Normally, I would be present at this ceremony. Who would be stupid enough to bring such an appointment letter to make trouble and then be retaliated by our group?"

"Or are you the only one who's such an idiot? I'm wondering, how did you get the position of general manager of the Holy Medicine Group? Don't you think about things with your head?"

"I...I...Miss Qing, I beg you to give me a chance. I will definitely use my head to think about problems in the future."

Wu Yingbin was speechless by Ouyang Qing's question. Her words hit the key points.

"It's useless to beg me. Please ask, please, Brother Lu. If he is willing to let you go, I will let you go. If he wants you to get out, I won't let you stay until the next minute."

Ouyang Qing understood in her heart that Wu Yingbin was actually a person who valued power very much, but he also had abilities, and it depended on how the people above him used them.

I must have been too obsessed with the position of president today, so I made such a stupid mistake.

Wu Yingbin instantly turned his attention to Lu Chen with an extremely sincere attitude.

"Mr. Lu, I beg you to give me a chance. I am willing to work with you in the future. I will try my best to do the things of the new company well. I am willing to issue a military order and pay 500 million in bets. If within one year I If I can’t build the company, I don’t want the 500 million, and I will resign from the company voluntarily.”

The groups under the Ouyang family are all powerful companies in the city. Anyone who can be the general manager of this group will have an annual salary of at least 200 million.

Moreover, there are great opportunities for future development. He would rather spend 500 million in gambling funds to keep this position.


Lu Chen did not expect that Wu Yingbin would dare to issue a military order.

Not to mention that the other party would dare to make a bet. This is not something that ordinary people can do unless they have enough confidence in their own abilities.

Lu Chen unconsciously turned his attention to Ouyang Qing, wanting to see what Ouyang Qing's opinion was. After all, he didn't know Wu Yingbin very well.

Ouyang Qing nodded to Lu Chen calmly.

"Since you are willing to establish a military order and sign a gambling agreement, then I will give you a chance."

Since Ouyang Qing had no objection, Lu Chen boldly used Wu Yingbin once.

It is impossible for him to have free time to manage the company's corresponding matters every day. If he is not here, it is a good thing that Wu Yingbin can manage the company well.

"Thank you Mr. Lu, thank you Mr. Lu!"

After securing his position, Wu Yingbin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Lu Chen said nothing, his eyes fell on the other middle and high-level managers with amusement in his eyes.

These people were all the ones who talked bad about him just now.

Seeing Lu Chen seeing himself and others, these middle and high-level executives immediately broke out in cold sweat.

In Guiyuan City, it would be an honor to enter the Ouyang family's company, and the treatment would be very good. Being able to reach the middle and senior levels of the Ouyang family's company would be a leader in society.

At the same time, the salary for this position is also very generous. If you leave this company and go to another company, the salary for the same position will be reduced by at least half.

If Lu Chen fires them because of what happened today, let alone whether they can find a job in time, even if the salary is reduced by half, they will not be able to accept it.

"Mr. Lu, we are also willing to write a military order. Please let us go."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lu, we are also willing to write a betting agreement. I am willing to bet 100 million."

"Mr. Lu, I am willing to serve you in the future. If you say go east, I will never dare to go west."


A group of people began to swear to Lu Chen, just so that they could stay in Shenglin Pharmaceutical.

"Okay, since you are so sincere, I will let you stay in the company, but your military order and gambling agreement must be signed. When the company cannot continue to operate, the gambling deposit will not be refunded, and you can pack up and leave. "

When Lu Chen heard that everyone was setting up military orders here, he didn't bother to argue with these people anymore. To argue with these people would in vain lower his status.

Moreover, once these people issue a military order and sign a gambling agreement, they will definitely have to go all out.

By then, he will hardly have to manage this pharmaceutical company, because he doesn't care about this position. Even if the company collapses, he doesn't care, but these people can't afford to lose, so they must go all out.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for giving us the opportunity."

When everyone heard that Lu Chen stopped blaming himself, they all bowed to him, feeling quite grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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