My cold CEO wife

Chapter 131 I remember the two of you.

Chapter 131 Remember what you two said
Everyone looked at Lu Chen with a playful look, like a group of cats playing with a mouse.

Lu Chen was just a loser, he had lost his body by playing with women.

Anyone present could slap him over.

The person who made the move was a young master from Chaoshe. He could punch through the door panel with one punch. Now, a random slap was definitely not something Lu Chen could bear.

When everyone was lost in thought, there was a sound of palms and flesh in the air, and then a figure flew out backwards.

Everyone looked like they were taking it for granted, Lu Chen should really be incited to fly away.


However, the actual scene shocked everyone's attention.

The little expert was thrown away by Lu Chen's slap, and fell to the ground with half of his face swollen into five ham sausages.

Moreover, several of his teeth were missing and he was vomiting blood on the ground.

"Lu Chen, I didn't expect you to have some strength. It seems I made a mistake. If you can take care of Leopard Three, can you take care of all my brothers?"

Duan Lang was the first to come to his senses, and said to Lu Chen in a calm voice, "Everyone, come together, give him a good beating first, and give Bao San a breath."

As soon as he spoke, the remaining twelve brothers brought by Duan Lang all rushed towards Lu Chen.

Wan Baishan stood nearby leisurely, watching this scene with interest.

Although Lu Chen's slap against Bao San just now made him a little surprised, but as Duan Lang said, if Lu Chen can take care of one person, he can also take care of all the brothers Duan Lang brought?

"Boy, go to hell."

A younger brother punched Lu Chen in the chest.

Lu Chen stood far away without moving. He stretched out his right hand, opened it, and then grabbed the man's fist with his five fingers.

"Boy, do you think I'm a kid throwing punches? If you really catch my fist, I'll lose."

Seeing that Lu Chen despised him so much, the younger brother roared in dissatisfaction, and the force on his fist became stronger, and there was a faint sound of friction in the air.


As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen firmly grabbed his fist. No matter how hard he tried, he found that his fist could not be withdrawn from Lu Chen's hand.

Lu Chen gradually exerted his strength, and there was a faint sound of bones breaking from his younger brother's fist.

"It hurts, brother, I beg you to let go, I hurt."

The younger brother screamed until tears came out.

"You only know that you are in pain. When you hit someone else with your fist, do you consider whether it hurts the other person?"

Lu Chen sneered, and pressed his palms harder.

The little brother's face was distorted because of the pain.

"Let go of Xiao Zhao."

At this time, someone else rushed in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen just glanced at the person, grabbed Xiao Zhao's fist and pulled it back, then kicked Xiao Zhao on the chest. Xiao Zhao flew backwards and collided with the person rushing towards him. The person followed. Xiao Zhao flew out upside down.

"If you want me to take a step away, I will lose."

Lu Chen glanced coldly at the other Chaoshe people who were rushing over, his eyes mocking.

The remaining ten boys were stimulated by Lu Chen's arrogant words, and they roared and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Boy, you are crazy enough. I will stop you from being crazy later."

"You think you are invincible just because you defeated two people? You idiot!"

"I'm here to teach you what legwork is."


Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, standing there like a sword.

No. 1's younger brother arrived in front of Lu Chen and kicked him. Lu Chen's kick was like lightning, and he kicked him out quickly, hitting the other person's feet together.

Then, the sound of bones breaking appeared in the air.

Then the boy flew out upside down and fell to the ground holding his legs and wailing. A trace of blood flowed from his legs and dyed the ground red.

The No.2 boy appeared on the left side of Lu Chen. Lu Chen's five fingers on his left hand formed a sword and pointed directly at the opponent's chest. When he almost reached the chest, he bent his five fingers, pinched his fingers into a fist, and punched the boy's chest. .

Then, a muffled sound came, and the young man immediately flew backwards. While he was still talking, he vomited blood wildly. When he fell to the ground, he had no idea whether he was alive or dead.

Brother No. 3 also took action. This boy attacked Lu Chen from behind. A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he kicked Lu Chen in the back.

Lu Chen seemed to have eyes on his back. When the person kicked him, he twisted his waist. The person's kick was in the air and his legs were stretched out in front of him.

He grabbed the other person's leg and struck it down with a fierce palm. The person screamed, and then Lu Chen grabbed the person's leg and threw him out as a weapon, knocking them over.

In the blink of an eye, out of the ten people who took action, five fell down immediately. The other five were frightened by Lu Chen's methods and did not dare to move at all.

Wan Baishan was also shocked.

He had seen Duan Lang's men attack, and every one of them was a good player, but now in front of Lu Chen, these people were no different from children. Their moves were too slow and they did not pose any threat to Lu Chen.

Isn't Lu Chen a prodigal, a scumbag?

How could he have such great strength?
Duan Lang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Chen. He also did not expect that Lu Chen was so good at fighting. If he had known it, he would have called everyone over and killed Lu Chen directly.

"Lu Chen, you surprised me. You do have some abilities, but that's it. I'll take action myself, and there's no chance of you surviving."

Duan Lang stood up and walked towards Lu Chen.

He understood that if he didn't make a move tonight, he would definitely not be able to take down Lu Chen.

"Boss, kill this kid and avenge Brother Bao San and the others."

"Boss, don't kill him later. My beating will not be in vain. I will slap him until he dies later."

"Boss, help me cripple his third leg."


Everyone became excited when they saw Duan Lang taking action.

When Wan Baishan saw Duan Lang taking action, he regained his worried look and became proud at the same time.

"Lu Chen, when you die later, I will burn the little book to you and let you take it to hell. Do you think I am particularly good to you?"

Duan Lang appeared in front of Lu Chen and did not take action immediately.

"You have to admit defeat now and let my people arrest you and hand over the secret of picking up girls. I still say that I am willing to let you die a happy death. If you really wait for me to take action, then I may have no choice but to You gave it to the person below me as a male favorite."

"Thank you boss."

The strong man next to him who was a man and woman who killed men and women heard Duan Lang's words, licked his lips, and laughed evilly.

"I remember what you both said."

Lu Chen raised his low eyelids, and there was a fascinating light in his eyes.

Facing Lu Chen's eyes, Duan Lang was distracted for a moment, and he actually had the illusion that he wanted to surrender.

Then he forcefully shook off this illusion, shouted loudly, and rose into the air, like a tiger descending from the mountain, or like a roc spreading its wings, descending from the sky, with his toes pointed directly at Lu Chen's temple.

"it is good!"

Even a person like Wan Baishan, who didn't know how to fight, couldn't help but applaud after seeing Wan Baishan's kick.

This kick is sharp and domineering...

Lu Chen will definitely lose.

(End of this chapter)

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