Chapter 133
"Okay, everything depends on Mr. Lu's arrangement."

Wan Baishan agreed without hesitation.


Lu Chen stopped talking, hailed a car and went straight to Chulin New Energy Development Company.

Chu Lin New Energy Development Company is a newly established company between Lin Group and Chu Group.

Lin Qinghan now works at Chulin New Energy Development Company, and Lu Chen went here to pick her up from get off work.

In the morning, Chu Nanming sent Lin Qinghan to work in the company, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. If he asked another man to send Lin Qinghan home after get off work, where would he put his face?
"Lu Chen, how could I really be controlled by you? You are really too naive."

After separating from Lu Chen, a look of ferocious cruelty shot through Wan Baishan's eyes.

He never lets his fate be in the hands of others.

Especially what Lu Chen had in his hands was enough to prevent him from ever making a comeback, which made him even more frightened.

The only way is to deal with Lu Chen.

Although he was surprised that Duan Lang fell into Lu Chen's hands.

But in his eyes, Duan Lang was just a usable chess piece.

If Duan Lang can't do it, then replace him.

Money can make all the difference. As long as the money is in place, what he wants to do will definitely be accomplished.

Wan Baishan took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Yang's number.

"Mr. Wan, what brought you here? You actually had the time to call me."

As soon as he dialed the phone, Jiang Yang's joking voice sounded from the other side.

Jiang Yang is very famous on the road, nicknamed "Jiang Yang Thief".

Sihe is the overlord of Guiyuan City, but compared to Jiang Yang's power, it is far inferior.

Jiang Yang's force, called the Thieves Alliance, is very famous throughout the province and is a higher level force than the Sihehui.

The reason why the Sihehui was able to dominate Guiyuan City was because several large organizations in the province looked down upon such a small place and were unwilling to devote their energy here.

"Master Jiang, we have not cooperated once or twice. It is meaningless to say these polite words. I want to kill two people now, and each person is 5000 million. I can pay 5000 million as a deposit first. After the matter is completed, the other 5000 Wan will be credited immediately."

Wan Baishan spoke without any delay and got straight to the point.

"Haha, Mr. Wan, I like a direct person like you. Tell me who these two people are. If I can take on this task, I will take it."

In the past, Wan Baishan asked him to do tasks, and the maximum reward he gave was 5000 million, but this time it suddenly increased to [-] million, which made him a little wary.

Although his power has a certain reputation throughout the province, it is not weak.

But that doesn't mean there aren't people more powerful than him in society.

He's going to hit the wall, not only won't make any money, but he may also put himself in a dangerous situation.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

This is his motto and the most fundamental reason why he can live such a good life.

"Lu Chen, the loser of the Lu family, and Zhao Qing, the boss of the Sihe Society."

Wan Baishan quickly reported two names.


Jiang Yang was a little surprised and said in surprise: "Mr. Wan, this Zhao Qing is worth 5000 million, but the Lu family's loser, is his worth comparable to Zhao Qing?"

Lu Chen's name is very famous in Guiyuan City. Even in the whole province, many men know his name and his interesting and uninhibited stories.

This is a useless second generation who has ruined his whole family.

Jiang Yang looked down upon such a person, and really couldn't figure out why Wan Baishan offered a reward of 5000 million yuan, and why he was ranked ahead of Zhao Qing.

"Master Jiang, Lu Chen's ability is beyond your imagination. Today I experienced life and death in his hands. Duan Lang fell into his hands. Even Zhao Qing is his little brother.
So if you want to deal with him, you'd better investigate his information in detail. If you feel that nothing can be done, tell me then and I will find someone else to take action. "

Wan Baishan briefly told Jiang Yang what happened today.


Jiang Yang squinted his eyes slightly and licked his mouth, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

In Guiyuan City, neither Zhao Qing nor Duan Lang was weak. Such a character, to be killed by Lu Chen, really had some tricks.

"In three days, I will reply to you whether I want to accept this deal or not."

After a while, Jiang Yang gave Wan Baishan a reply.

"it is good!"

Wan Baishan agreed.

He understood that Jiang Yang never fought an uncertain battle. Now Jiang Yang was going to investigate Lu Chen's information. If he could accept the deal, then Lu Chen would die.

If he couldn't accept the deal, Jiang Yang would definitely tell him the reason so that he could remember it for a long time.

After Jiang Yang hung up Lu Chen's phone, he looked at the middle-aged man with a broken arm next to him and said, "Can Jian, you go to Guiyuan City. Within three days, I want Lu Chen's detailed information, if possible. , to test his strength.”

"Master Jiang, don't worry, your subordinates will take care of things well."

A soaring sword intent surged from the body of the middle-aged man with a broken arm, and then it disappeared into his body. He seemed to have become an ordinary middle-aged man with one arm again.


In the office of the co-president of Chulin New Energy Development Company.

"Master Chu, are you satisfied with what happened last time? What do you think of this reward?"

A ruffian stood opposite Chu Nanming, nodding and bowing. Chu Nanming was sitting in the co-president's seat, gently sipping the coffee in the cup, and tapping the fingers of his left hand regularly on the desk.

Lin Qinghan is the president of the new company, and Chu Nanming is the co-president of the new company. General affairs can be handled by Lin Qinghan.

If you encounter a big issue, two people need to work together to handle it.


Chu Nanming opened the drawer next to him, took out two stacks of red banknotes from the drawer, threw them in front of the little ruffian, and ordered: "I don't want anyone to know about this matter. In addition, I need you to perform another show today. If the performance is good, the salary will be doubled."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chu. This teasing of beautiful women is definitely true to our brothers. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

The little ruffian laughed evilly.

Chu Nanming reminded: "Just act as you are. Remember not to touch me in any way. If you let me know that you have touched Lin Qinghan, I will take your hands and feet."

"I understand, I understand, Lin Qinghan belongs to Young Master Chu."

The little ruffian showed a look of understanding, smiled sinisterly, and said, "Then I'll go out and get ready?"


Chu Nanming waved his hand, leaned on the boss's chair, and murmured: "Lin Qinghan, although this routine of a hero saving a beauty is a bit cliche, but as long as it works for you, you will be mine sooner or later, and no one can take it away from you. Walk."

"In Guiyuan City, only I, Chu Nanming, are worthy of you."

"Scumbags like Lu Chen are not your type."

After saying that, he took another sip of coffee, thinking about how to further create opportunities to increase his favor in Lin Qinghan's heart.

Thinking of this, he walked to the door of the office, deliberately opened the door of the office, and then took out a management book from the bookshelf next to him and placed it on the spot.

Chu Nanming took out a Parker pen, opened the book, and began to read and take notes seriously on the book. His serious appearance made him blind.

A serious man is very handsome. At this moment, he can definitely attract a woman's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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