Chapter 135 bite back

The voice on the left is Lu Chen's voice.

The voice on the right is Chu Nanming's voice.

After the two people spoke out, their eyes suddenly intertwined in the void, as if a burst of fire exploded in the void.


Seeing Chu Nanming appear, Da Huangya, who was about to lose his mind, came to his senses, called the other two younger brothers back, and ordered: "Let's go."

"Leave? You scared my wife, and you just want to leave like this. Don't you take me too seriously?"

Lu Chen took a few steps and stood in front of several people.

"Fuck him." Da Huangya ordered the two brothers.

When the two brothers heard this, they rushed towards Lu Chen with a roar and kicked him at the same time.

Chu Nanming watched this scene coldly and did not stop it.

If Lu Chen was really beaten by these little ruffians, it would be because Lu Chen's incompetence was just enough to make the other party embarrassed in front of Lin Qinghan.

Later, he will personally defeat Dahuangya and the others. Doesn't it prove that he is stronger than Lu Chen?
clap clap!

However, just when he thought of this, two slaps shattered his beautiful imagination into pieces.

Lu Chen simply slapped the two boys on the face twice, and the two boys were thrown to the ground without any resistance.

Then Lu Chen kicked Da Huangya in the chest, and Da Huangya flew out and hit the ground next to him, wailing in pain.

Chu Nanming was stunned.

How could a scumbag like Lu Chen, whose body had been drained dry by women, have such powerful kung fu?
Then, a gloomy look appeared in Chu Nanming's eyes.

Today's hero-saving game was originally designed by him to gain performance in front of Lin Qinghan, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would take advantage of him.

He withdrew that haze, came to Lin Qinghan, and asked with concern:

"Mr. Lin, are you okay? It's all my fault. I was supposed to leave the company with you just now and take you home on the way."

"I'm fine, thank you."

Lin Qinghan politely replied to Chu Nanming, and his eyes fell on Lu Chen. He found that Lu Chen was fixing these little ruffians, and ordered:

"Stop fighting. If you break them, you will still have to bear the responsibility. Report the crime."

Her previous reply to Chu Nanming was really official and polite, which was in sharp contrast to the slightly caring way she spoke to Lu Chen.

Chu Nanming's face looked a little gloomy. In Lin Qinghan's heart, he was no match for a prodigal and a scumbag.

"Hey, listen to your wife."

Lu Chen didn't expect that Lin Qinghan would care about him. He smiled, stepped on Da Huangya's ankle, and ordered:

"Call and report the crime yourself, hurry up."

Dahuangya was tortured so much by Lu Chen that he didn't dare to hesitate, quickly took out his cell phone and started to report the crime.

"Mr. Lin, I don't think you should report such a trivial matter. The patrol comrades are very busy."

Chu Nanming was a little anxious when he saw that Dahuang Ya was going to report the crime.

If the police were to conduct an in-depth investigation and Dahuang Ya confessed to him in order to protect himself, it would not be good if Lin Qinghan heard about it.

As for being taken away by the police, he was not afraid, because he did not leave any evidence to ask Da Huangya to take action.

"Mr. Chu, these people are the trash and scum of society. If they are not handed over to the police, they will endanger society. Now that we have encountered this kind of thing, we cannot condone it." Lin Qinghan said firmly.

Chu Nanming argued: "I think we should give them a chance. If they really report the crime, their lives will be over. Otherwise, teach them to me. I will convince and educate them, and they will definitely not do similar things in the future." Something happened."

Lin Qinghan frowned slightly when he heard this.

These people were all plotting against her. What did Chu Nanming mean when she was still unwilling to report the crime?
"Mr. Chu, they all tried to attack me yesterday. If it weren't for you, I would have been in danger yesterday, but today they are coming to trouble me again. I don't think these people have any bottom line, and they may be unfavorable to me in the future. I In order to protect ourselves, we must send them in." Lin Qinghan was firm.

"Okay, let's report the crime."

Chu Nanming saw Lin Qinghan's resolute attitude and knew that he couldn't stop it. If he continued talking, it would make her suspicious, so he had to understand Lin Qinghan's intention.

He gave Da Huang Ya a stern warning look and ordered: "Report the crime immediately."

Only then did Dahuangya quickly report the crime.

Soon after, the patrol appeared.

He began to understand the relevant situation. After understanding the situation, he took Dahuang Ya and others and walked towards the patrol car.

Chu Nanming couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the big yellow teeth didn't shake him out.

When Dahuangya got into the car, he asked: "Comrade patrolman, how many years in prison will I be sentenced to in a situation like mine?"

"You are the mastermind, and you will be sentenced to at least three years."

Patrol returned.

Da Huangya was startled when he heard what the patrolman said.

He had to stay there for three years and he went crazy when he came out. He waved his hands repeatedly and said:

"Comrade Patrol, listen to me, I am not the mastermind, he is the mastermind, it was Chu Shao who gave me money to scare Lin Qinghan, and then he came to save the beauty with a hero."

At this time, he didn't care about Chu Nanming. He had to save himself first.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Nanming.

Chu Nanming's expression changed slightly, then returned to normal, and denied:

"You're talking nonsense. How could I, Chu Nanming, do such a thing?"

At the same time, he cursed Dahuang Ya half to death in his heart.

This guy is like a pig-like teammate. If he is not handed over to him, he can still find a way to fish him out.

Now even if he has the ability to fish out the big yellow tooth, he doesn't want to fish it out.

"Master Chu, you were the one who asked me to harass Lin Qinghan yesterday and gave me a sum of money. Now the money is still with me."

Da Huangya continued.

After hearing what Da Huangya said, the patrolman searched his body and found that there were indeed two wads of money on his body.

Lu Chen looked at this scene jokingly.

Lin Qinghan looked at Chu Nanming with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Chu Nanming had regained his composure after the initial panic, and he said:

"Friend, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. If you say that I am the mastermind, then please come up with evidence. If you can't come up with evidence, I will sue you for frame-up."

He was extremely meticulous in his work. When he contacted Dahuangya, he had eliminated all traces of possible contact between the two parties. Even when he contacted Dahuangya, he used an intermediary to take the message, and the two parties did not even get through the phone.

For example, the money given to Dahuang Ya today was all in cash, and there was no record of any transfer.

It is impossible for Dahuang Ya to provide evidence of his mastermind.


Da Huang choked on his words and found that he really couldn't provide any strong evidence.

"You can't tell, can you? Because I haven't hired you at all, so of course you can't provide evidence."

Seeing this, Chu Nanming smiled coldly and continued: "I think you may have been invited by someone else just to help this person achieve the goal of being a hero and saving the beauty. Now you have seized this opportunity and want to bite me back. "

Anyone who understands can tell that some people Chu Nanming is talking about are Lu Chen, because it was Lu Chen who came forward to save Lin Qinghan just now.

In an instant, Lin Qinghan's eyes fell on Lu Chen again, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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