My cold CEO wife

Chapter 144 Reminder

Chapter 144 Reminder
"Hello, Miss Qing."

"Miss Qing, good morning."

"Greetings to Miss Qing!"


At 8:40 in the morning, the employees of Shenglin Group were coming and going. At the gate of Shenglin Group, there was a very charming and beautiful woman standing.

People passing by greeted her respectfully, and looked at her from time to time after greeting her.

Ouyang Qing had never come to the company so early before, nor had she been so dedicated to her work, why did she change her temper today?

And looking at her dressed like this and standing in front of the company, she seemed to be waiting for someone important.

Could it be that the company has a big customer coming today?

Just when everyone was full of imagination, a modified car parked at the entrance of Shenglin Group.

This car instantly attracted everyone's attention. When everyone saw the six-eight license plate number, they straightened up instantly.

This is Mr. Ouyang's special car, which must mean that Mr. Ouyang is here.

It seems that Mr. Ouyang attaches great importance to this newly established group.

Everyone stopped where they were, ready to welcome the old man down.


The car door opened and a young man got out of the car.

"Mr. Lu?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell to the ground.

Because the person coming was Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was a talent promoted by the partnership company Lin Group, so how could he own Mr. Ouyang's special car?

This unscientific!

When everyone was confused, Ouyang Qing came to Lu Chen's side in a few steps, bowed almost ninety degrees, and showed all the beauty on her chest in front of Lu Chen.

"Good morning, brother Lu Chen. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Breakfast has been placed on your desk for you. There are braised eggs, porridge, fried dough sticks, soy milk, milk, burgers...whatever do you want to eat? They will choose it for you later.”

A group of male employees in the distance had nosebleeds from watching it. They followed Lu Chen and became addicted to the sight.

They had never seen the beauty of Ouyang Qing before, but today they caught a glimpse of it by accident, it was too glamorous and exciting.

Many employees' jaws almost dropped to the floor.

They originally thought Ouyang Qing was greeting some important client, but they didn't expect that she was actually greeting Lu Chen.

Moreover, Ouyang Qing actually took the initiative to prepare breakfast for Lu Chen, and it was so rich.

This is the apple of the Ouyang family's eye.

Who in the entire Guiyuan City could be treated like this?
They originally thought that Lu Chen became president because of the Lin Group, but now it seems that it is very likely that this was the intention of the Ouyang family.

Lu Chen's surname is not Ouyang, but he drives Mr. Ouyang's car, and Ouyang Qing treats him so well.

In an instant, everyone made a bold guess.

Lu Chen has been attracted by the Ouyang family or Ouyang Qing, who is very likely to become the son-in-law of the Ouyang family.

When they thought that Lu Chen was now Lin Qinghan's husband, and would soon become Ouyang Qing's husband, everyone felt envious and jealous.

He is worthy of being the playboy of their Guiyuan City. After playing with the most beautiful woman in Guiyuan City, he now wants to play with the richest beauty in Guiyuan City.

Facing Ouyang Qing's active temptation and gentle words, Lu Chen frowned slightly and said coldly: "Remember, I don't like to be greeted at work. Besides, you don't have to prepare breakfast for me after breakfast."


After everyone heard what Lu Chen said, they scolded Lu Chen for being stupid for daring to talk to Miss Qing like this. Isn't this seeking death?
If it weren't for Lu Chen being their president now, they would have yelled this sentence out loud.

However, something that shocked their eyes happened again. Ouyang Qing put her face on her face and said with a smile, "Brother Lu, don't be angry, people already know."

Those whispering words made everyone feel numb all over their bodies.

"Oh my God, this world is so crazy." An employee said with emotion.

"So, this is the difference between you and Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu has a way with women. Do you really think of him as a fool? You are the fool. A truly awesome man will definitely have his own aura and make women risk their lives. Yes." Someone else replied.


Not long after, Lu Chen appeared at the president's office and found a pile of breakfast on the desk. There was no doubt that this was Ouyang Qing's masterpiece.

Ouyang Qing laughed, threw the breakfast into the trash can, gave Lu Chen a wink, and asked softly: "Brother Lu, how about I make you a cup of morning coffee?"

"If you want to drink it, make it yourself. Don't disturb my work." Lu Chen replied coldly.

This morning, Lin Qinghan refused to let him go to work, which made him feel quite unhappy. If Lin Qinghan hadn't asked him to stay in Shenglin Group, he would not have wanted to come.

"They are preparing to discuss work with you."

Ouyang Qing didn't show any annoyance because of Lu Chen's words, she sat opposite Lu Chen with her cheeks on her hands, and showed a large piece of beauty in front of him again.

"I'm worried that your body will collapse after working hard every day. As the president of the company, if you collapse, the company will be finished. So I want to arrange for you to go to the resort to relax. Do you think it's okay?"

"Not interested in."

Lu Chen squeezed out three words coldly.

Ouyang Qing immediately choked up, why did this guy not have enough food and salt? He was really not easy to drink.

But she didn't believe it anymore. She was so beautiful and rich, and she still couldn't believe that she couldn't catch up with Lu Chen, a playboy who was always a playboy.

The other party must be playing hard to get, and she will never give up.

Ouyang Qing adjusted her mood and continued: "You really don't want to go? I can tell you, we are going to Fairy Resort, and it is possible that your wife Lin Qinghan will also go."

Lu Chen's gaze focused on her in an instant, and he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "How do you know she might be going?"

"I arranged an informant at Chulin New Energy Development Company, and he told me that Chu Nanming is planning to organize the company's senior executives to go to Fairy Village for a vacation." Ouyang Qing rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

Lu Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and he asked: "It seems that I still have to thank you for inviting me to Fairy Village for vacation?"

"It's okay if you want to thank me. How do you plan to thank me and pledge yourself to me?" Ouyang Qing chuckled.

Lu Chen warned in a cold voice: "Ouyang Qing, I advise you not to be smart, otherwise you will bring disaster on yourself. Your little tricks are not enough in front of me."

"Do you think I really didn't know that you teamed up with Chu Nanming to deal with my wife and me?"

"Do you think this can separate me and my wife? You are really too naive."

There are many resorts near Guiyuan City. How could Lin Qinghan go to Fairy Resort with him at the same time?

The only possibility is that Ouyang Qing and Chu Nanming have already reached an agreement.

"Brother Lu, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Ouyang Qing's expression changed slightly. She didn't expect that Lu Chen actually knew that she had a private agreement with Chu Nanming.

"Can you understand that you know what you are thinking? I won't bother to mention it to you anymore, otherwise I will end up being unhappy and your Ouyang family won't be able to bear it."

Lu Chen snorted coldly and stopped talking.

He didn't tell lies. There were countless ways to destroy the Ouyang family, but now that the Ouyang family was generally treating him well, he didn't care too much.

But if Ouyang Qing keeps pushing the envelope, it might be hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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