My cold CEO wife

Chapter 146 He refused

Chapter 146 He refused
"Old man, if you need any help from me, just ask." Lu Chen didn't like to beat around the bush and said simply and directly.

Ouyang Yuanxiu had already seen Lu Chen's character. He laughed twice and said, "Can we change the place to talk?"


Lu Chen nodded lightly.

"this way please."

Ouyang Yuanxiu led Lu Chen and appeared in the side hall.

He took the initiative to make a cup of tea for Lu Chen, and then continued: "Mr. Lu, I want to entrust Qing'er to you."


Lu Chen took a sip of tea and raised his head, a little surprised.

How did Ouyang Yuanxiu act like Tuogu? Is the crisis of the Ouyang family so serious?
"Old man, if you need me, Lu Chen, to help your Ouyang family, I am willing to take action, but if you want to entrust Ouyang Qing to me, I will not accept this move."

Lu Chen simply and directly rejected Ouyang Yuanxiu.

He only had Lin Qinghan in his heart, and there was no way he could really accept Ouyang Qing and make Lin Qinghan unhappy.

"Mr. Lu, are you dissatisfied with my Qinger? Do you think she is not beautiful enough? Or do you think her character is not up to par? She does not have enough cultivation?" Ouyang Yuanxiu was very surprised and couldn't figure out why Lu Chen refused to accept Ouyang Qing.

Lu Chen explained calmly: "Old man, you have misunderstood. Ouyang Qing is very beautiful and has no problem with her character. She also has the qualities that a lady should have. But you should know that I already have a wife, so you There’s no need to mention it again.”

Ouyang Yuanxiu smiled and explained: "Mr. Lu, I think you have misunderstood. I have no intention of forcing you to divorce and then marry Qing'er. Qing'er will be your little one or even a bed warmer." Girl, there’s no problem, as long as you’re willing to accept her.”

"Mr. Ouyang, I repeat once again, except for Lin Qinghan, I have no interest in other women. I am willing to come to see you for the sake of my wife, because her Lin Group and your Ouyang family are both prosperous and prosperous. Everyone loses, do you understand?"

Lu Chen's voice couldn't help but become louder.

The Ouyang family wanted to force Ouyang Qing to him, but he really didn't have any interest in Ouyang Qing. Now he had to show his attitude, otherwise the Ouyang family would still give Ouyang Qing to his heart.

Ouyang Yuanxiu was stunned for a while.

Whether Lu Chen was a descendant of a big family in Kyoto or a person from the mountains, he should be able to accept three wives and four concubines. Why did he refuse now?

Of course, the most important reason why he guessed that Lu Chen was a descendant of a large family in Kyoto or from the mountains was also based on the evidence he collected.

The fact that the Ouyang family has grown so powerful is inseparable from their ability to collect intelligence.

Seeing Lu Chen's refusal so resolutely, Ouyang Yuanxiu didn't dare to make him unhappy anymore. He nodded lightly and replied:
"Yes, I have remembered Mr. Lu's words. If our Ouyang family can survive this disaster this time, I will do my best to help the Lin Group develop."

Because he didn't know who the enemy the Ouyang family was facing, Ouyang Yuanxiu was not sure he could survive this battle.

If it cannot be preserved, there will be no cooperation with the Lin Group.

"Well, if you need me to take action, just ask."

Lu Chen opened his mouth lightly.

"If Mr. Lu is needed, I will call you in advance, Mr. Lu."

Ouyang Yuanxiu agreed, but he didn't have high hopes for Lu Chen's help.

No matter how powerful Lu Chen is, he is just a person. The Ouyang family has no relationship with Lu Chen. Once Lu Chen encounters danger, he can retreat at any time.

And with this important status, it is impossible for hostile forces to embarrass Lu Chen.

This is why he just wanted to entrust Ouyang Qing to Lu Chen. Once entrusted, Lu Chen would be the son-in-law of his Ouyang family, and the relationship between the two parties would be completely different at that time.

"That's it."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked directly out of the side hall and out of the Ouyang family.

"Dad, what did Mr. Lu say?"

When Ouyang Yuanxiu reappeared in the main hall, Ouyang Ming was the first to ask.

The eyes of other Ouyang family members were also fixed on Ouyang Yuanxiu, and even Ouyang Qing's eyes were also focused on him.

Everyone actually knew in their hearts what Ouyang Yuanxiu was talking to Lu Chen about.

"He refused." Ouyang Yuanxiu glanced at everyone, finally fixed his eyes on Ouyang Qing, and spoke with difficulty.

He is very satisfied with his granddaughter Ouyang Qing.

Regardless of life experience, appearance, talent and cultivation, it can be said that no one can match her in the entire Guiyuan City. However, such an outstanding granddaughter was rejected by Lu Chen without any room for rejection.

When Ouyang Qing heard this, her body trembled uncontrollably.

During this period of getting along with Lu Chen, she devoted her feelings to him wholeheartedly. Now that he was rejected, she didn't know whether she was unwilling to accept it or because she really liked him and couldn't get it.

Her mood is very complicated.

"Brother Lu, I will not give up on you." Ouyang Qing clenched her fists with firm eyes.

Ouyang Yuanxiu caught a glimpse of her eyes and sighed unconsciously.

His granddaughter is serious, but it is a pity that Lu Chen is not interested in her. Her relationship may be very difficult.

But this is Ouyang Qing's choice, and he will not interfere.

Take the path you choose and walk it yourself.

"Dad, what shall we do now?"

Under normal circumstances, Ouyang Ming takes the decision in matters concerning the Ouyang family, but this incident has a great impact on the Ouyang family, so only Ouyang Yuanxiu can make the decision.

"What we are most afraid of now is not knowing the identity of our opponent. You ask the secret agents to seize the time to check for clues and make sure to find out the identity of the opponent."

"In addition, transfer the assets of my Ouyang family overseas as much as possible, and send all the fourth generation of the Ouyang family overseas."

"Since the other party is well prepared, the personal power of my Ouyang family is not enough to deal with the other party. Please ask Master Fu to take action and take control of my Ouyang family."

Ouyang Yuanxiu quickly issued orders one after another.

Nowadays, what scares the Ouyang family most is not knowing their opponent. If they know that the opponent is average, then they can defeat the opponent. If they know that the opponent's strength is too strong and they cannot compete, they will give up resistance directly.

The most fearful thing is not knowing anything about the opponent, the fear of the unknown, which makes people suffer the most.

Now the Ouyang family is preparing for the worst, preparing to send their family's future overseas and inviting experts they know to take charge.

Master Fu is a master of entry-level martial arts. Only with such a master in charge can the Ouyang family feel secure enough.

"Yes, dad." Ouyang Ming heard Ouyang Yuanxiu's arrangement and nodded quickly in response.

When the other tribesmen heard Ouyang Yuanxiu's arrangement, they also put aside their worries.

The Ouyang family will soon be arranged like an iron barrel. Unless the enemy has the power to overwhelm everything, there will be no way to destroy their family.

(End of this chapter)

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