My cold CEO wife

Chapter 148 Remember Your Chapters

Chapter 148 I remember all your words
"Oh, Miss Lan, when did you arrive?"

Only then did Jin Songheng notice Wu Lan and asked.

Wu Lan was so angry that her delicate breasts almost trembled. When such a big beauty came in, no one even noticed her.

She took a deep breath and replied: "I have just arrived. Head of the Jin family, I heard that the old man is ill, and I brought a miracle doctor here. How about letting him take a look at the old man?"

Hearing that Wu Lan also brought the miracle doctor, Zhong Anjie's expression changed slightly.

She knew that Wu Lan had a good relationship with the Jin family. If Wu Lan really brought a genius doctor, then the Jin family would definitely give priority to letting Wu Lan bring the genius doctor to treat the old man.

Moreover, Wu Lan arrived here before him. Even if there was no friendship, according to chronological order, the miracle doctor Wu Lan should bring to treat the old man first.

That way he would have no chance of establishing friendship with the Jin family.

Jin Songheng asked curiously: "Oh, you also brought a miracle doctor. Where is this miracle doctor?"

"Master Jin, Lu Chen is the miracle doctor I brought here." Wu Lan pushed Lu Chen forward and said calmly.


As soon as her words came out, a group of people couldn't help but laugh even in this depressing atmosphere where the old man was seriously ill.

"Miss Lan, are you kidding me? A man like Lu Chen who only knows how to play with women, do you think he is a miracle doctor?"

Jin Songheng was the first to ask, vaguely angry.

His father was seriously ill, but Wu Lan was still in the mood to joke with him.

Zhong Anjie next to him heard Wu Lan say that the miracle doctor was Lu Chen. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and then said with a smile:

"Master Jin, Miss Lan is really humorous, but to make such a joke with you when your father is seriously ill, doesn't it mean that you don't take your Jin family seriously?"

"Dad, that's right. Wu Lan made such a joke today. It's really too much. Ask the security guards to kick her out. Our Jin family will not have any contact with her in the future."

"Sister Lan, you really went too far. I have always regarded you as a good sister. My grandfather is seriously ill now, but you still have the thought to entertain us."


For a time, Wu Lan was attacked by everyone because of Lu Chen.

Wu Lan seemed to have expected such a result. She defended:

"Master Jin, please don't get excited. Listen to me. Lu Chen can really be called a miracle doctor. My daughter Wu Yue had a car accident some time ago. Even the city hospital and the miracle doctor Li Tuo couldn't do anything. It was Lu Chen who saved my daughter. rescued."

"Also, old man Ouyang was seriously ill not long ago. Even the miracle doctor Li Tuo failed to cure him. It was Lu Chen who took action to cure him."

"If you don't believe in his medical skills, you can call Mr. Ouyang or Li Tuo..."

She believed that as long as Jin Songheng was willing to call Mr. Ouyang or Li Tuo, he would be able to confirm Lu Chen's outstanding medical skills, and then Lu Chen would be asked to treat Mr. Jin.

"Wu Lan, that's enough."

Before Wu Lan could finish speaking, he was stopped by Jin Songheng.

"You take Lu Chen away now, and I will pretend that what happened today never happened. From now on, our Jin family will remain on good terms with you, Wu Lan."

Wu Lan has a lot of energy, and Jin Songheng is not willing to offend easily, but the fact that Wu Lan brought Lu Chen here today really made him very angry.

He secretly guessed that it might be that Lu Chen used the beauty trick to charm Wu Lan, so Wu Lan did this impulsively today.

However, whether Wu Lan liked Lu Chen or not was Wu Lan's own private matter, and it was inconvenient and unwilling for him to remind Wu Lan not to be fascinated by Lu Chen.

"Master Jin, listen to me, I..."

Wu Lan didn't expect Jin Songheng to be so angry, so she continued unwillingly.

"Stop talking, please."

Jin Songheng stretched out his hand to interrupt Wu Lan and pointed to the door.

"Master Jin, since you don't want to make this call, I'll make it."

Wu Lan thought that based on her relationship with the Jin family, she could call Ouyang Ming or Li Tuo on the spot, and both of them could prove that Lu Chen was a miracle doctor, and Lu Chen could treat Mr. Jin.

But now it seems that Jin Hengsong will not give her such a chance at all.

If Wu Lan had only come here today, she might have swallowed this breath, but she brought Lu Chen here, and she didn't want Lu Chen to return without success.

"Wu Lan, are you trying to overshadow the guest?"

Jin Hengsong's voice suddenly turned cold when he heard Wu Lan's words.

He had clearly rejected Wu Lan, but Wu Lan persisted because he did not take his Jin family seriously.

Wu Lan's eyes suddenly shot out a sharp light.

To be honest, she really didn't take the Jin family seriously. If the Jin family didn't have something Lin Qinghan wanted, she wouldn't even bother to bring Lu Chen to the Jin family.

"Wu Lan, if we leave, they will beg me to treat the old man."

Just when Wu Lan was about to run away, Lu Chen suddenly spoke.

He understood that if Wu Lan got angry, their relationship with the Jin family would be completely deadlocked. He also wanted to help Lin Qinghan obtain the Jin family's new energy patent authorization, so naturally he did not want the two sides to embark on a hostile path.

"Lu Chen, you..."

Wu Lan looked at Lu Chen in disbelief. According to his violent personality, shouldn't he directly suppress the Jin family now?
Why did Lu Chen give in?

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Jin Hengsong was the first to sneer, "A prodigal son of the Lu family actually brazenly said that we would beg you to treat the old man. Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Then, other members of the Jin family also spoke.

"Do all the young people today brag like this? You have blown away your awesomeness. I admire you."

"Second uncle, don't you know this? He has become the most famous scumbag in the city now. No woman is willing to let him touch him. He can't play with women, so he can only play with his awesomeness."

"Young master of the Lu family, I, Jin Yong, won't accept the water and soil, so I will obey you."


"I have remembered all your words. No matter how unpleasant your words are now, when you come to beg me, it will be more difficult."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked outside in a hurry.

Wu Lan said no more and quickly followed Lu Chen.

"Fuck, this prodigal son really takes himself seriously, he's so numb."

"No, how come so many women like such an arrogant person in the first place? He is really in trouble with Husky."

"If Wu Lan wasn't there, I really wanted to rush up and beat him to death. It's so annoying."


After Lu Chen went out, the younger generation of the Jin family couldn't help but curse at him.

"Okay, shut up."

Hearing that the younger generation in his family was so uneducated, Jin Hengsong shouted loudly and stopped everyone.

Then he looked at Zhou Xian and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, please come this way."

Zhou Xian nodded and entered the old man's room in a hurry, with his hands behind his back.

The moment he entered the room, he frowned slightly and asked, "Who asked you to close the windows? Don't you know how to let some fresh air in?"

(End of this chapter)

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