My cold CEO wife

Chapter 175 trouble for you

Chapter 175 trouble for you
Chulin New Energy Development Company.

Boom boom boom!
Chu Nanming was sitting in his office, and there was a knock on the door outside his office.

"Please come in!"

Chu Nanming had a headache and rubbed his head.

When he thought of Jin Dongcheng's press conference, his scalp exploded.

This incident had a great impact on him, and the city almost even revoked his title of one of the top ten outstanding youths.

Now Chulin New Energy Development Company is also in trouble. He no longer has the high spirits that he had when he obtained the patent authorization from Quantum Energy Group, and his mood is a little depressed.

However, when he saw Lin Qinghan entering the office, the depression on his body disappeared instantly, replaced by a gentle smile like the spring breeze.

"Boss Lin, what do you need from me?"

"Mr. Chu, I would like to treat you to dinner." Lin Qinghan took the initiative to invite Chu Nanming.


Chu Nanming's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that Lin Qinghan would take the initiative to invite him to dinner. The sun really came out in the west.

"Don't get me wrong, I just feel that Lu Chen was at fault for the authorization of the Quantum Energy Group's patent rights. He deliberately tricked you, so I apologize to you on his behalf." Lin Qinghan was afraid that Lu Chen would misunderstand, explained.

"Ha ha!"

Chu Nanming smiled.

Originally, Lin Qinghan invited him to dinner, and he was very happy in his heart, which meant that the relationship between the two was one step closer, but now Lin Qinghan came here to apologize for Lu Chen.

Although he completely shied away from giving all the credit for the Quantum Energy Group's patent authorization to himself and did not let Lin Qinghan misunderstand him, at this moment, he was really not happy.

Lu Chen did something wrong, and Lin Qinghan came to apologize on his behalf. Doesn't this mean that Lin Qinghan has Lu Chen in his heart?

His eyes suddenly became a little hazy, and the haze disappeared in a flash, and a bright smile appeared on his face again, and said:
"Since Miss Lin is invited, why not go? But I'm a bit picky about dinner. I won't go to ordinary places."

"Then please choose a place, Mr. Chu."

Lin Qinghan showed a professional smile.

Chu Nanming smiled and asked: "How about the Champs Elysees waterfront?"

On the banks of the Champs Elysees, you and I are romantic.

Usually only couples would have dinner here. Chu Nanming boldly named this place today because he wanted to give Lin Qinghan a hint and test her.

As long as Lin Qinghan accepts tonight's invitation, which means that she does not reject her, then she must have a chance.

When it comes to testing your partner, men should take the initiative.

"Okay, then let's go to the Champs Elysees waterfront."

Lin Qinghan agreed without hesitation.

Lin Qinghan is usually busy with work and doesn't care about the affairs between men and women, so he is not familiar with this place on the Champs Elysees waterfront, and he doesn't understand what it means to eat with a man here.

When Chu Nanming heard this, the light in his eyes became even brighter.

Agreeing, Lin Qinghan agreed to have dinner on the Champs Elysees waterfront, and his opportunity came.

It seems that this patent licensing incident of Quantum Energy Group has made Lin Qinghan still dissatisfied with Lu Chen, which is a good thing.

Tonight, I must have a good drink with Lin Qinghan, maybe Lin Qinghan's drunk is my chance.

"It just so happens that we're off work now, why don't we set off now."

Chu Nanming looked at the time and found that it was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon. He couldn't wait any longer.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go back to the office and change my clothes."

Lin Qinghan always wears work clothes to work and changes into casual clothes when he gets off work.

"Well, I'll go drive first and wait for you downstairs."

Chu Nanming showed a gentleman's smile.

Lin Qinghan nodded and walked outside.

Chu Nanming looked at Lin Qinghan's beautiful back curve and beautiful buttocks, and couldn't help licking his mouth.

Lin Qinghan is his, and no one can take it away.

He turned off the computer, went to the underground parking lot and drove to the first floor. On the first floor, a modified luxury car worth sixty-eight dollars was already parked.

A young man was leaning against the front of a modified car with his hands in his trouser pockets and a dog's tail grass in his mouth, with a calm expression on his face.

When Chu Nanming saw the young man, he immediately smiled.

He asked jokingly: "Hey, this isn't Lu Chen. Why are you here to pick up Mr. Lin from get off work?"

Lu Chen was too lazy to talk to Chu Nanming, humming a tune with a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

When Chu Nanming saw Lu Chen ignoring him, and then thought about such a loser actually marrying Lin Qinghan, an unknown fire arose in his heart, and he joked:
"Do you really think that you can pick up Lin Qinghan today? Let me tell you, she has already agreed to go to the Champs Elysees with me."

Aren't you proud?

Hmph, your wife wants to accompany me to the Champs Waterfront, you should know where the Champs Waterfront is, I'm cuckolding you.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'll make a bet with you. If she knew where the Champs Elysees is, she would definitely not go with you. Do you believe it?"

Lu Chen knew Lin Qinghan very well.

Although she doesn't like him, the two are currently married, and she demands that she can't have sex during the marriage, so she must be the one who has demands on her.

In other words, at this stage, it was impossible for Lin Qinghan to have an affair with any other man. The only explanation for agreeing to Chu Nanming's visit to the Champs Elysees Waterfront was that she didn't know that the Champs Elysees Waterfront was a place for lovers to date.

"I don't believe it." Chu Nanming replied confidently.

"Then we'll wait and see."

Lu Chen lightly spit out the dog's tail grass. The dog's tail grass flew in the wind and landed at Chu Nanming's feet, as if it was a silent provocation to him.


Lin Qinghan walked out of the building on high heels and was slightly startled when she saw Chu Nanming and Lu Chen standing in front of the car waiting for her.

Obviously Lin Qinghan didn't expect Lu Chen to come here to pick him up.

Thinking that this guy had used such despicable means to trick Chu Nanming and put Chulin New Energy Development Company into trouble, Lin Qinghan was very angry.

She hesitated for a moment and stepped towards Chu Nanming without even saying hello to Lu Chen.

When Chu Nanming saw Lin Qinghan walking towards him, he glanced at Lu Chen next to him, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

He knew that Lin Qinghan would eventually choose to walk towards him.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lu Chen said that the Champs Elysees is a place for couples to date. You will definitely not go there for dinner with me. You will definitely not go back on your promise to me, right?"

He still knew Lin Qinghan very well. She was a woman who kept her promise very much. Since she promised him, she would never regret it.

Lin Qinghan was about to walk towards Chu Nanming but stopped there.

If she just went out for dinner with Chu Nanming to express her apology, Lin Qinghan wouldn't mind. But if the place she went to was a place where couples went on a date, she would have to be cautious.

Now that she is a married woman, if she is really ambiguous with other men during the marriage, someone will definitely point fingers behind her and say that she is an immoral woman.

Thinking of this, Lin Qinghan apologized: "Mr. Chu, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that the Champs Elysees waterfront is a place for couples to date. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

After finishing speaking, she walked straight towards Lu Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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