My cold CEO wife

Chapter 177 Let Lu Chen come to die

Chapter 177 Let Lu Chen come to die

After Zhao Qing's order was issued, countless cars, vans, motorcycles, etc. headed straight for the Sihehui like fire dragons.

"Hurry up!"

Zhao Qing sat in the back seat of the car, gave instructions to the driver in the driver's seat, closed his eyes, and began to think about who dared to be so brazen and dare to attack the Sihehui at night.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.


He guessed that it must be Wu Wu who came to attack the Sihehui.

If other forces come to attack the Sihehui, they will not choose this time. Instead, they will use hard steel to knock down the Sihehe.

Choosing to take action at four o'clock in the morning was obviously due to scruples.

The only one he can make all his enemies worry about now is Wu Ying.

When Wu Ying was in his hand, Wu Wucai did not dare to attack aggressively. Now he attacked, obviously to take the opportunity to rescue Wu Ying.

"Hmph, Wu Wu, where do you think I am from the Sihe Club? Are you really the one who can save people if you want to?"

Zhao Qing sneered and dialed the number of a captain guarding the depths of the Sihehui.

beep beep.

However, he dialed for a long time, but no one answered the phone.

"Something went wrong, Wu Ying was rescued."

When the team leader on the opposite side didn't answer the phone, Zhao Qing's heart skipped a beat, and he guessed at the same time that Wu Wu had succeeded.

While Zhao Qing was thinking, the phone was connected, but the voice from the other side was not that of the team leader.

"Zhao Qing, I have rescued my sister. Tonight, I will defeat your Sihehui and let Lu Chen die."

Yes, Wu Wu has rescued Wu Ying.

Although Zhao Qing sent people to guard Wu Ying and put her in the depths of the Sihehui, Wu Wu's strength was quite strong, and it was simply not something the ordinary guards sent by Zhao Qing could deal with.

Wu Wu entered the room where Wu Ying was guarding, and there was a burst of destruction. He killed all those people.

After finishing speaking, Wu Wu hung up the phone, loosened his hand slightly, and the phone fell to the ground and exploded.

"Wu Wu, it's you. I've tolerated it since you started acting wild in our Sihe Club. You dare to ask Mr. Lu to die. I'm afraid that Mr. Lu will come and you won't be able to bear his anger." Zhao Qing's eyes flashed. A touch of ruthlessness.

Then he began to think about whether to call Lu Chen.

It was past four in the morning, and if possible, he didn't want to disturb the other person's rest.

However, Wu Wu was definitely prepared this time, and the people in his Sihe Society would definitely not be able to resist.

Now, the only option is to ask Lu Chen to take action.

Zhao Qing dialed Lu Chen's phone with anxiety.

"Something happened to the Sihe Club?"

Lu Chen's sleep was not deep. When he heard the ringtone of his cell phone, he glanced at the caller ID and found that it was Zhao Qing, and asked immediately.

If it hadn't been for something wrong with the Sihehui, Zhao Qing wouldn't have dared to call him at this time.

"Master Lu, something happened to the Sihehui."

Zhao Qing's voice was bitter and he said quickly: "Wu Wu rushed into the Sihehui with his troops, and Wu Ying was rescued by him. Now I have asked all the brothers from the Sihehui to rush over."

"Wu Wu came prepared. He even threatened to tell you to go there and die."

"I guessed that the brothers in the quadrangle couldn't resist it, so I dared to call you."

"I know, I'll go there right away."

Lu Chen did not blame Zhao Qing, because it was only a matter of time before Wu Wu came back to rescue Wu Ying, and he detained Wu Ying just to make Wu Wu fall into a trap.

Let’s talk about Wu Wu. After he rescued Wu Ying, he apologized: “Sister, you have been wronged during this period.”

"For Lin Qinghan's sake, Lu Chennian didn't make things difficult for me. I lived in it quite well, but I couldn't control the Lin Group, so I felt uncomfortable." Wu Ying shook her head.

As Wu Wu led Wu Ying out, he reminded: "Sister, I invited people from the Longhu Gang to take action tonight. The Longhu Gang is a vicious gang, and their identities have been labeled.

I promised them that as long as they help me tonight, you will contact the people on the mountain, and let the people on the mountain give them a new identity at that time. "

"Wu Wu, when you grow up, you actually know how to think about problems with your head."

Wu Ying was a little surprised when she heard Wu Wu's words.

Because she couldn't contact the people on the mountain at all. Even if she could contact the people on the mountain, it was impossible for the people on the mountain to really pardon the people of the Longhu Gang or give the people of the Longhu Gang an identity for her sake.

It's really not easy for Wu Wu to trick people from the Longhu Gang into taking action.

"Sister, I only have enough brains to fool them. You still need to make up your mind on how to deal with them next."

Although Wu Wu is not weak in strength, his IQ is not on the same level as Wu Yingzhen.

He deceived the Longhu Gang and just wanted to rescue Wu Ying. As for how to deal with the aftermath after rescuing Wu Ying, he really didn't think about it.

"Did you notify Lu Chen to come?"

Wu Ying knew that Wu Wu's head was not very easy to use, so she was not angry and asked.

"I told Zhao Qing and asked Lu Chen to come and die."

Wu Wu quickly replied.

Wu Ying closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then she opened them. In her eyes, there seemed to be a light of wisdom flowing.

"The best outcome tonight is that both the Longhu Gang and Lu Chen will be hurt. Then you can take advantage and take care of both of them, which will save you trouble later."

"However, there will be two other situations. If the people from the Longhu Gang win, then according to the agreement, I have to contact the people on the mountain. Then you will stay with them and hold them back while I go outside to think. Find a way to find a force to eliminate them and eliminate hidden dangers."

"There is another possibility. Lu Chen's people will win tonight, and then you and I will have trouble. Therefore, facing this situation, there is only one solution now."

Wu Wu nodded repeatedly when he heard Wu Ying's analysis. When Wu Ying talked about the third situation, he quickly interrupted and asked: "What solution?"

"Give me your mobile phone." Wu Ying ordered Wu Wu.

Wu Wu did not dare to disobey and quickly handed the phone to Wu Ying.

Wu Ying took the mobile phone, recalled Lin Qinghan's personal mobile phone number, and dialed the number.

Not many people know Lin Qinghan's private mobile phone number. Only her relatives and a few of her closest friends know it for emergency contact.

In a daze, Lin Qinghan took her personal mobile phone and found that the caller ID was a strange number. After hesitating for a moment, she answered the call.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Qinghan, I am grandma. Why haven't you contacted grandma after such a long time?" Wu Ying asked slightly reproachfully.

She guessed that Lu Chen would not tell Lin Qinghan about his affairs, because she could feel that Lu Chen really loved Lin Qinghan and did not want Lin Qinghan to be hurt in the slightest.

Based on this, Wu Ying wanted to trick Lin Qinghan into being a hostage tonight.

"Ah, grandma? I heard from Lu Chen that you were traveling to relax, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

Lin Qinghan was a little surprised when he heard Wu Ying's voice and whispered back.

(End of this chapter)

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