My cold CEO wife

Chapter 182 I am a hypnotist

Chapter 182 I am a hypnotist

"Grandma, you are so mean."

Lin Qinghan closed his eyes in pain, struggling fiercely in his eyes.

On one side is the Lin Group that his grandfather left to him, and on the other side is the fate of his parents.

After a while, she finally had the answer in her heart. She opened her eyes again, and her eyes became extremely clear. She said, "I promise you."

"Fortunately, she is my good granddaughter. She is much smarter than my unsatisfactory grandson. She can make correct judgments at critical moments."

Wu Ying finally smiled and said, "When you transfer all the shares of Lin Group to my name, I will let your parents go."

After finishing speaking, her eyes fell on Lu Chen again and said:

"Lu Chen, you are really good. It's her blessing that Qinghan can marry you. I don't want to be your enemy. You should withdraw from Guiyuan City immediately and wait until Lin Qinghan transfers the shares of Lin Group to me. Give it to me and I will keep her safe in my hands.”

Wu Ying did not make more excessive demands on Lu Chen, because she always believed in one sentence and would jump over the wall in a hurry.

If Lu Chen is pushed too hard and the other party fails to abide by the agreement and morality, it will definitely be a disaster for her to return to Yuan City.

In this case, it would be better to form a good relationship with Lu Chen today.

"and many more."

How could Lu Chen leave at this time?

He is leaving Guiyuan City now. Even if Wu Ying delivers Lin Qinghan to him in the future, Lin Qinghan will not fall in love with him.

Now, it's time for him to step up and solve the problem.

He stood up and said: "Old lady, the Lin Group is Qinghan's hard work. She handed the Lin Group into your hands. I hope you can protect the group well, but your brother is a little weaker. I am willing to Teach him a set of boxing techniques, which are from the mountain. After he practices them, he will definitely become a strong entry in martial arts."

Wu Wu's breathing became heavy after hearing Lu Chen's words.

His lifelong pursuit is to become a strong beginner in martial arts, and now this dream is right in front of him.

On the other hand, Wu Ying next to her always felt that something was a little weird.

How could Lu Chen be so kind as to pass on such an important set of boxing skills to Wu Wu?
"Lu Chen, I advise you not to play any tricks."

Wu Ying warned: "Don't forget, Lin Qinghan is in my hands."

"Tricks, why should I play tricks?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "You also know that I love Qinghan, I love Wujiwu, everything she likes, I like, everything she wants to protect, I want to protect, her parents are in your hands Here, she is also in your hands, what tricks can I play?"

"I just want to show you my feelings. As long as you don't hurt her, I can let you control the Lin Group more firmly in your hands. But if you want to hurt her, I will kill you." you die."

Lin Qinghan in the distance was slightly shocked when he heard Lu Chen's words. Does Lu Chen really love her so much?
Wu Ying thought for a while and felt that what Lu Chen said made sense. She said, "Okay, you leave Guiyuan City first. I will ask Wu Wu to find you another day and learn boxing from you. When he masters the boxing, I will return Lin Qinghan to you."

When Wu Wu heard that Wu Ying had agreed to learn that boxing technique, his breathing became even more rapid.

He is very likely to become a strong beginner in martial arts in the future.

A strong beginner in martial arts, such a person must be treated with respect by everyone in the secular world.

Just when Wu Wu was breathing rapidly and distracted, a black shadow passed by and suddenly appeared in front of him. Then the hand that was holding Lin Qinghan's neck fell off his wrist invisibly.

At the same time, Lin Qinghan was gently carried away by the black shadow and ran uncontrollably in the direction of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen quickly stepped out, and then gently hugged Lin Qinghan, and Lin Qinghan lay quietly in Lu Chen's arms.

These things only happened in an instant. When Wu Wu reacted, he found that Lin Qinghan had left his arms, and one of his hands had fallen off.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry. It was Ding Yi's inability to do things that frightened you and Mr. Lin."

After Ding Yi rescued Lin Qinghan, he stood in front of Lu Chen and apologized.

"It's okay, just get her back."

Lu Chen waved his hand.

He knew that Wu Wu's strength was not weak. If the opponent hadn't lost his hand because of excitement, Ding Yi would have no chance. He was willing to pass on Wu Wu's boxing method because he took advantage of the weakness in the opponent's heart and made him miss.

"Ah ah ah, sister, you have to avenge my hand." Wu Wu cried out while holding his broken wrist.

Even though Ding Yi rescued Lin Qinghan, Wu Ying still seemed very calm. She ignored Wu Wu and said:

"Lu Chen, do you think that by rescuing Lin Qinghan, you can escape my control? Have you forgotten that Lin Qinghan's parents are still in my hands, and you don't care about their lives, but Lin Qinghan care."

"Hand over her parents, and I'll let you evacuate Guiyuan City safely." Lu Chen said coldly.

"Hmph, don't even think about it. I still have those two conditions. The first condition is that you withdraw from Guiyuanshi and you will never be allowed to enter.

The second condition is that Lin Qinghan transfers the shares of Lin Group to me, otherwise I will kill them. "

Facing Lu Chen's strength, Wu Ying did not compromise and retorted.

"Lu Chen, please promise her. I don't want my parents to be harmed. When my parents are safe, I am willing to leave Guiyuan City with you."

Just as Lu Chen was about to say something, Lin Qinghan left his arms and touched his arm.

Money is something external to the body. What she needs more at this time is to ensure that her parents are alive and well. She is worried that Lu Chen will not agree to her conditions and even make a promise to leave Guiyuan City with him.

"Give me 5 minutes and I will get your parents back safely."

Although Lin Qinghan agreed to leave Guiyuan City with him, Lu Chen knew that Lin Qinghan, who left like this, would never be able to get over the hurdle of the Lin Group and would never be happy.

If Lin Qinghan is unhappy, he will naturally not be happy.

Therefore, this path is not the path he wants.

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen ignored Lin Qinghan's objection and walked towards Wu Ying unhurriedly.

Wu Wu thought that Lu Chen was walking towards him, and took a few steps back in fright; Lei Long and the others beside him also thought that Lu Chen was going to attack them, so they also took a few steps back.

The scene of Lu Chen showing off his power just now had deeply shocked all of them.

Wu Ying, however, stood still and looked at Lu Chen calmly.

She didn't believe that Lu Chen dared to attack her because she had the chips in her hand.

After Lu Chen approached Wu Ying, he said: "Old lady, you may have forgotten that I have another skill. I am a hypnotist. You said that I have hypnotized you now and asked you to tell me the whereabouts of Qinghan's parents. I Can you rescue them?"

"You said that after I ask you for the answer, can I kill you right here?"

"I don't want to do this because you are always Qinghan's aunt. She has feelings for you. I respect you as an elder. I hope you don't just rely on yourself as my elder to do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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