My cold CEO wife

Chapter 185 The warmth of home

Chapter 185 The warmth of home
Chu Weiyuan's words were very profound and realistic.

Love is something illusory, money is real enough, family love is thicker than water.

If she wants to control Lin Qinghan now, she must grasp her weak spot. If she doesn't have a weak spot now, create a weak spot.

Once there is a child between the two parties, there will be an entangled relationship for the rest of their lives, and it is destined that the two will never be separated.

"Okay, Dad, as long as you help me finish this matter, I will inherit everything in the Chu family. You can take care of your old age with peace of mind. I will honor you well."

Hearing Chu Weiyuan's words, Chu Nanming's eyes flashed with a hint of madness.

Since Lin Qinghan didn't know how to promote, he was not prepared to promote Lin Qinghan. He would ruthlessly ravage her and make her pregnant with his child.

"Haha, this is like my good son. In order to do big things, he should let go of Xiaojie. I will immediately transfer Luo Shifei to help you. Luo Shifei will destroy the Jin family tonight and send Lin Qinghan to your bed by the way. .”

When Chu Weiyuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing and felt extremely happy.

After years of hard work, my son has finally grown up.

If a man is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm.

In the past, Chu Nanming was still a little timid.

Luo Shifei is the number one general under Chu Weiyuan, a strong beginner in martial arts, and controls all the forces under him.

Chu Wei was far from knowing martial arts, but he was not worried that Luo Shifei would betray him at all.

Because Luo Shifei's family members were all scattered and controlled by him. Once Luo Shifei had other ideas, his family would be massacred immediately.

He was using the fact that Luo Shifei cared so much about family ties as a breakthrough to seize the opponent's weakness and make him work for him.


Chu Nanming simply said two words and hung up the phone.

"This kid, is this the first time in your life that you say thank you to me?"

After being hung up on, Chu Weiyuan was so angry that he threw the phone away.

"For a woman, you actually said thank you to me. I am no better than a woman. If you can't pass the hurdle of being a woman, you are doomed to achieve nothing in this life."

The assistant heard the movement in Chu Weiyuan's room and rushed in quickly, asking: "Mr. Chu, what happened?"


After Chu Weiyuan finished scolding, he was in a good mood.

No matter what the reason was for Chu Nanming to say thank you to him, at least he said thank you to him. He ordered:
"You ask Luo Shifei to follow Nan Ming and massacre the Jin family tonight. In addition, ask Luo Shifei to find a way to get Lin Qinghan into Nan Ming's bed."

"Yes, Mr. Chu."

The assistant responded quickly and quickly led him out.


It had not rained in Guiyuan City for a long time. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the dark night sky, and then the torrential rain poured down, soaking the whole city.

Countless people were screaming excitedly under the torrential rain.

Rainy days are the most beautiful days.

Mr. Jin was sitting in the courtyard of Jin's villa enjoying the cool air. He was caught off guard by the sudden heavy rain.

The rain mixed with industrial hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid poured on his body, making him, who was already weak, sneeze uncontrollably and his whole body trembled.

At this time, the nanny next to him appeared and quickly opened the umbrella for Mr. Jin.

It's just that the umbrella was held up too late, and the old man's swing became even more severe.

"Master, it's not good, it's not good, I'm sick."

The nanny was at a loss and asked Jin Dongcheng in the hall of the villa loudly for help.

Jin Dongcheng quickly appeared in front of the old man with Butler Zhao and others. He immediately saw that the old man was soaked to the skin, his face was pale, and there was foaming at the corner of his mouth. His face immediately became extremely gloomy.

Butler Zhao next to him shouted coldly: "Why did you take care of the master? Why did you let him get wet?"

"Butler Zhao, I... I saw it was going to rain just now, so I went to get an umbrella. But the rain came too fast. Before I even got my umbrella, the master got caught in the rain."

The nanny lowered her head and trembled slightly.

She knew that if the old man really did something bad, even if she died ten times, it wouldn't be enough to pay for it.

"Take the umbrella? Don't you know how to push the master back to the hall first?"

Butler Zhao's face was as dark as water.

"Housekeeper Zhao, don't blame Xiao Li. You can't solve the problem if you blame her now. Call Mr. Lu and ask him to come to my Jin family to save the old man's life. All four generations of my Jin family will be grateful. "

Jin Dongcheng stopped Butler Zhao from continuing to criticize the nanny Xiao Li. After giving instructions, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll make this call myself."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Chen's number.

"Dad, Xiaoyue is so happy. From now on, she can eat at home with her dad every day."

Wu Yue was eating the steaming hot pot, her eyes full of excitement. While eating the crispy sausage, she said, "Dad, Xiaoyue has to go to class tomorrow. Can you send Xiaoyue to school?"

"Okay, send it!"

Lu Chen scratched Yayue's little nose lovingly.

The whole family looked at her with doting and joy in their eyes, and the whole living room was filled with the smell of steaming hot pot, which represented the anger in the home.

Everyone enjoyed this feeling, even Lu Chen was a little obsessed with it.

He himself was an orphan since he was a child, and he really wanted to feel like a lively family, but he had never felt this way since he practiced. Today, he felt like he was at home.

beep beep.

Just as he was immersed in this happiness, his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it. He found that the call was from Jin Dongcheng and threw the phone aside.

In this warm moment tonight, he didn't want to be disturbed by irrelevant people.

"Mr. Lu, please answer the phone."

After Jin Dongcheng dialed Lu Chen's number, he found that he didn't answer the phone and was a little anxious.

"Patriarch, could it be that Mr. Lu didn't save your phone number? He thought it was a strange call and didn't answer it?

How about you give Miss Lan a call?Let Miss Lan tell Mr. Lu that I think the relationship between Miss Lan and Mr. Lu is unusual. If she goes to seek help from Mr. Lu, the effect may be better. "

At this time, Butler Zhao reminded from the side.

Jin Dongcheng felt that Butler Zhao was right, so he called Wu Lan.

Wu Lan was not as free and easy as Lu Chen. When her bell rang, she found out that it was Jin Dongcheng calling. She guessed that the Jin family should have something important to do with her, so she answered the phone.

"Miss Lan, there was a heavy rain tonight. My dad accidentally got caught in the rain. His body became abnormal. Now he is frothing at the mouth and unconscious. Could you please help me contact Mr. Lu and ask him to take action again?" Jin Dongcheng did not dare to waste a minute and simply told what happened.

Wu Lan gave Lu Chen a strange look. She guessed that the call Lu Chen didn't answer just now was from Jin Dongcheng.

This guy is really indifferent to people who don't matter.

However, if a person walks into his world, he will be very interested in that person. This makes Wu Lan a little hopeful, can she walk into Lu Chen's world?

(End of this chapter)

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