My cold CEO wife

Chapter 197 The Big Shuffle

Chapter 197 The Big Shuffle

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to reach the level of entry into martial arts.

A proud man like Zhong Dongyang has only just started martial arts for most of his life.

If there was a technique that could guarantee that someone would be able to break through to the martial arts, it would probably cause a bloody storm in the secular world.

Because, this exercise can create a large number of martial arts masters.

At that time, the entire family can crush all other families and become the first family in the secular world.

This blessing was even greater than the one Lu Chen had given him.


Such a technique was useless to Lu Chen. He didn't take it to heart and waved his hand to indicate that Zhong Dongyang could leave.

Zhong Dongyang handed over his hands and left.

Lu Chen stood outside Jiangting Villa. The lights in the villa had long been extinguished.

There was a hazy moonlight outside the villa, like the light of his protection for Lin Qinghan.


Guiyuan City earthquake.

Several large groups controlled by Chu Weiyuan were all merged into the Lu Group.

The Lu Group has returned to its peak, and is even stronger than when the Lu Group was at its most powerful.

Moreover, even the provincial Weiyuan Group was merged into the Lu Group.

The Lu Group has become the number one group in Guiyuan City in one fell swoop. Its overall strength exceeds that of any other group. Its financial resources are almost on par with the Ouyang family.

The Ouyang family, the first family in Guiyuan City, was provoked.

But what shocked everyone was that the Ouyang family not only did not take action because the Lu family challenged the authority of the Ouyang family, but chose to completely retire.

This caught everyone by surprise.

How could the majestic first family suddenly retire?

Of course, the Ouyang family's retirement was entirely to fulfill Lin Qinghan's wishes.

Among today's new enterprises, Lin Qinghan is developing the best, and Lin Qinghan cooperates closely with Ouyang Group.

As soon as the Ouyang family retired, several companies that cooperated with the Lin Group naturally fell under the name of the Lin Group.

The Lin Group has entered a period of vigorous development.

Moreover, even the Jin family chose to semi-retreat at almost the same time, retreating to the second line, and agented all the patent rights of new energy to Chulin New Energy Development Co., Ltd.

Chu Group announced its delisting from Guiyuan City, and Lin Qinghan also successfully took control of Chulin New Energy Development Co., Ltd.

The retirement of the Ouyang family and the semi-retirement of the Jin family have allowed many small and medium-sized enterprises in Guiyuan City to flourish like mushrooms after a rain without the suppression of large companies in the same industry.

The industry in Guiyuan City has almost become a blank industry.

For example, the entertainment industry!
"Mr. Lin."

Secretary Liu Qian came to Lin Qinghan's office with admiration in her eyes.

In just a few months, the development of the Lin Group has completely exceeded her imagination, and the overall strength of the group has increased by more than three times.

At this rate, within three years, his boss Lin Qinghan may really become the next female legend in Guiyuan City.

Another billionaire goddess.

"what's up?"

Lin Qinghan asked.

"Now our entertainment industry in Guiyuan City is almost blank. This area is fat. I think we should open up this market."

Liu Qian suggested.

During this period, Lin Qinghan had a lot of things to do, so some of them were handed over to Liu Qian to handle. Liu Qian learned a lot during this time.

She has her own unique insights and understanding of the market.

Once the entertainment industry is established, it is bound to be a hit.

"Since you think the entertainment industry has good development prospects, then go ahead and do it."

Lin Qinghan is now more concerned with presiding over the overall situation, and some details will be delegated to the people below.

Doing everything by herself, she is simply too busy.

"Mr. Lin, this is the film team of Mulsanne Entertainment. I want to acquire this film team. I need [-] million in funds."

Liu Qian handed the relevant information about Mushang Entertainment to Lin Qinghan and continued:

"Mu Shang Entertainment used to be Chu Weiyuan's film and television company, but because Chu Weiyuan retired, no one from the film team took over."

"But I have made a corresponding analysis of this film team. They have good development prospects, especially because there are several popular stars in it. Their cooperation with Mulsanne is due to expire in two years."

"Once Mulsanne is acquired, the value these popular stars can create for us in the past two years will definitely far exceed [-] million. You see..."

Lin Qinghan trusted Liu Qian very much and made his decision in just one minute.

"Well, then do as you say."

The previous Lin Group would certainly not have been able to spend so much money investing in the entertainment industry.

However, as Quantum Energy Group fully represents its new energy patents to Chulin New Energy Development Company, it can bring a profit of [-] billion to the group a year just by relying on the representation of this patent.

Today's Lin Group is no longer considered a small group in Guiyuan City, but can be regarded as a medium-sized group.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your trust. I will definitely build our entertainment company and I will not let you down." Liu Qian promised.

Two hundred million is not a small number.

Lin Qinghan agreed with just one word from her mouth, which shows that Liu Qian will go all out for his trust.

Mushang Entertainment.

There are two big-name Internet celebrities in the company. These two have become first-line stars based on the number of fans of their Internet celebrities.

The two signed a two-year contract with Mulshang Entertainment, with an annual income of 3000 million.

This is a number that most people will never reach in their lifetime.

However, the two were not satisfied with this.

Because there is still a certain gap between them and the real first-tier stars. The real first-tier stars have an income of at least 5000 million yuan a year.

"Lu Siqi, it has been initially determined that we will be merged into the Lin Group. I heard that the Lin Group has obtained the patent rights for quantum energy and new energy. It makes billions a year, but now the remuneration it gives us is less than It’s only 3000 million, do you think it’s a little less?”

Popular male star Zheng Yu found Lu Yuqi.

Lu Yuqi answered, dissatisfied with the reward.

"It's indeed a little less. The annual remuneration of those big stars is over 5000 million."

"How about we talk to the new owner again and ask him to increase wages to 5000 million a year. If not, we will go on strike?" Zheng Yu suggested.

Lu Yuqi was very tempted, but she was a little uncertain.

"Is this possible? Will the new owner agree?"

2000 is not a small amount.

"The two of us are on strike together, and the three movies we are filming now cannot be shot normally. These three movies are all supported by the traffic of the two of us. As long as the two of us unite in one camp, let alone increase it to 5000 Ten thousand, even if it is increased to 6000 million to 8000 million, they will definitely agree."

Zheng Yu analyzed it carefully.

Lu Yuqi thought it made sense, so she agreed.

"Okay, let's just say this."

(End of this chapter)

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