My cold CEO wife

Chapter 2 traffic accident

Chapter 2 traffic accident

"No, my wife is in trouble!"

The moment Lin Qinghan got into the car, a flash of whiteness flashed in Lu Chen's eyes. Then he glanced at the jade pendant on her chest and found that there was a faint black light surging on the jade pendant.

Lu Chen immediately took a few steps and quickly got into the passenger seat.

"Who told you to come up? Go down!"

Lin Qinghan frowned slightly, his face turned cold, and he scolded lightly.

"Honey, there's something wrong with your breast pendant. Give me the jade pendant and I'll get off the car immediately."

Lu Chen pointed his finger in the void, pointing directly at Lin Qinghan's chest.

Lin Qinghan lowered her head and looked even colder. She said coldly: "Is there something wrong with you or with my breast pendant? Where are you looking when you are fine?"

She had made too much of an arc when she got into the car, and she accidentally broke the second button of her shirt.

This guy's eyes have been staring here.

Pervert, scumbag!
Lin Qinghan unconsciously fastened the button again.

"There's something wrong with your breast pendant. There's something unclean on it."

Lu Chen looked away from Lin Qingchen with some reluctance.

Secretly muttering, "Yun Shang" in this life seems to be more proud...

"Unclean things? I think you are the uncleanest person in this car. I asked for this breast pendant at Guiyuan Temple last month. It was consecrated and blessed by the master of Guiyuan Temple. Please tell me where it is unclean. ?”

Lin Qinghan's eyes were sharp and he struck Lu Chen with a knife.

The world is big and the wife is the biggest.

"Okay, the chest pendant is very clean, I am not clean!"

Lu Chen quickly gave up and said with a dry smile: "I don't have any money now, so I want to take a ride."

Looking at Lin Qinghan's state, he is determined not to hand over the chest pendant, and now he can only follow Lin Qinghan, and he can take action to defuse the danger later.

"You often use this trick to chat up beautiful women, right? It doesn't work for me!"

Lin Qinghan glanced at Lu Chen with disdain, but stepped on the accelerator, drove the car out, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Qianqiu Building!"

Lu Chen leaned on the driver's seat, closed his eyes, and began to get familiar with this new body.

"Weak, weak, weak, really too weak. The brain nerves are not developed enough, the muscles are not strong enough, the bone density is not enough, and the meridians are almost completely useless. I, the majestic Emperor Lu, will actually be reincarnated into a useless body in this way. How ironic."

"However, to be able to see Yunshang again, even if I live an ordinary life, I am willing."

"No, this world is not as safe as imagined. I want to be strong enough to protect Yun Shang. I want to turn this useless body into treasure. I want to refine it into steel!"

Lu Chen's eyes closed and opened, and between closing and opening, a flash of divine light surged, as if the Emperor Lu who dominated the world seemed to have returned again.

However, when his eyes fell on Lin Qinghan, his eyes were full of love and tenderness. If he could win Qinghan's smile in this life, he would rather become an immortal than an emperor.

"If you keep looking around, get out of the car."

As if feeling Lu Chen's affectionate gaze, Lin Qinghan's expression remained unchanged and he reminded him while concentrating on driving.

Lu Chen looked away and asked curiously: "Why do you want me to be your husband?"

"I refuse to answer your question." Lin Qinghan replied coldly.

Of course she had her reasons for looking for Lu Chen, but she just didn't bother to tell him.

The first reason is that she wants to prove to all the women in Guiyuan City that she is different from these women.

These women can only be enslaved by Lu Chen, but she can enslave Lu Chen.

Another reason is family reasons, because she needs a scumbag as her husband.

While the two were talking, the car drove into the corner.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and he leaned out to the left and rushed towards Lin Qinghan.

"Lu Chen, what are you doing?"

Lin Qinghan's pretty face changed, and he shouted softly: "Asshole, gangster, let me go, I'm driving."

She was very angry and a little scared at the same time!
Lu Chen was not only a scumbag, but also an out-and-out beast. He actually showed his bestiality and pounced on her while she was driving.

This could lead to a car accident!

Although Lin Qinghan was angry and scared, she did not lose her mind and stepped on the killing car.

The car left a long mark on the ground.

Because Lin Qinghan's sight was blocked by Lu Chen, she didn't see a truck sliding past her car the moment her car stopped.

If she hadn't stepped on the brakes just now, her car would have been knocked off.

The truck slid over and hit a telegraph pole, causing the huge telegraph pole to break immediately.

A large Mercedes-Benz didn't brake quickly and crashed into the truck, crushing the entire body.

Then, the broken half of the telephone pole fell down, hitting Lin Qinghan's roof at some point, causing the car to collapse immediately.

The iron plate of the car roof sank and hit Lu Chen. Lu Chen groaned and sprayed a mouthful of bright red blood next to Lin Qinghan, then fell softly into her arms.

Lin Qinghan's sight returned, and she happened to see a series of car accidents in front of her car, and her pretty face turned pale.


Lin Qinghan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and cursed.

There is no need to doubt, it must be Lu Chen trying to play tricks on her in the car just now, causing her to brake suddenly, and the trucks and cars next to her had to make emergency turns and brakes to avoid accidents...

Instead, a traffic accident occurred.

Her car was fully responsible for this traffic accident!
Although all criminal responsibility will be on Lu Chen after the investigation, can the living life in the car in front survive?

That's a living thing!

Lin Qinghan didn't want to pay attention to Lu Chen, but thinking that he also had a life, he pushed gently twice and asked: "Lu Chen, are you still alive?"


Lu Chen endured the pain in his back and moved away from Lin Qinghan's body, showing a forced smile.

"You're still laughing, just wait until you go to jail!"

Seeing that Lu Chen was fine, Lin Qinghan first breathed a sigh of relief, then his pretty face became cold. He opened the driver's seat and walked down, disgustedly saying: "Get out of the car, I'll go to the front to take a look."

"Come on, help, help my Yaya."

As soon as Lin Qinghan got out of the car, a beautiful middle-aged woman climbed out of the bus that was crushed by the truck. Half of her body was covered in blood, but she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Beauty, please call an ambulance for me, call the police for me, I beg you, I beg you, my phone is in the car, and my Yaya is in the car too!"

The beautiful young woman screamed twice and found Lin Qinghan. Before she could run to her side, her body refused to control and fell to the ground.

Lin Qingwan quickly ran to the beautiful young woman and quickly went to help her, but she pushed her away.

The beautiful young woman shouted: "Leave me alone, I beg you to call me and save me Yaya!"

Lin Qingwan was instantly moved. She looked towards Da Ben and found an exquisite little girl being pressed under the car, motionless.

"Sister, don't worry, I'll call right away."

Lin Qinghan comforted the beautiful young woman and glanced at Lu Chen in the car, surprisingly angry.

She didn't dare to delay, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and called an ambulance first, and then called the police report.

The traffic police and ambulance arrived almost at the same time.

Then, rescue work and investigation work were launched simultaneously.

Soon, the little girl was rescued.

The doctor who came to the rescue knelt down next to the little girl and quickly checked the little girl's breathing and heartbeat...

After a while, the doctor looked at the embarrassed young woman, shook his head with difficulty, and informed: "I'm sorry, we have tried our best, please show your condolences!"

"No, please save my daughter. I beg you to save Yaya. Doctor, I kneel down for you. You must have a way to save her, right?"

When the beautiful woman heard this, her body staggered. With her last glimmer of hope, she knelt down next to the doctor and kept pleading, "Please save her, I will give you money. I can give it to you no matter how much you want." I’m not short of money, I want Yaya!”

"Madam, please forgive me, there is no resurrection after death."

The doctor supported the beautiful young woman. The beautiful young woman seemed to have exhausted all her strength, her eyes were hollow, and she slowly softened. If the nurse hadn't hugged her in time, she would have fallen to the ground again.

Lin Qinghan closed his eyes in pain.

The little girl's death was entirely because of Lu Chen. If he hadn't wanted to do evil to her, how could such a thing have happened?

Everyone present looked at the little girl on the ground in silence, as if they were bidding farewell to a young life in this way.

"Bring a silver needle, she can still be saved!"

At this moment, a figure appeared slowly, suppressing the injury, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and his steps were calm and confident.

(End of this chapter)

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