My cold CEO wife

Chapter 202 You don't know knives

Chapter 202 You don't know knives
Hua Yuanjie kicked open the door of the villa with explosive force.

Then, he kicked open the door of Lin Qinghan's room with explosive force.

Lin Qinghan stood in the room, holding a fruit knife in his hand.

"You'd better not come over. If you come over, I'll be rude to you."

"Hehe, why are you trying to be rude to me? Are you going to play with a knife? This young master likes to play with women like you."

Hua Yuanjie had just seen Lin Qinghan in person, and he felt that she was incredibly beautiful. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before.

This woman, he is going to make a decision tonight.

Hua Yuanjie approached Lin Qinghan step by step and said, "If you disobey me tonight, I promise you, I will destroy your Lin Group immediately. By the way, you still have parents, right? I will Kill them together."

"Either you have fun with me. If you play well, I will support your development in Guiyuan City in the future. If you don't play well, I can do anything."

"I will give you three minutes to think about it. Once you have thought about it, take off your clothes and lie down on the bed obediently."

He was determined to win Lin Qinghan tonight, unless Lin Qinghan didn't care about his parents' life or death, nor the Lin Group.

"Hua Yuanjie, don't even think about it. If you really dare to mess around, I will die for you."

Lin Qinghan placed the fruit knife on his neck.

If she couldn't get along with Hua Yuanjie, couldn't she commit suicide?
"Lin Qinghan, you have sponsored many children to go to school over the years, right?"

"Let me think about it, there are several female college students here. If you dare to commit suicide tonight, I will find these people you funded. I will kill the men directly, and I will kill the women first. "

"I am the young master of the Hua family. Don't doubt my ability. It is not difficult for me to find them."

"Kill them. I can do it without any flaws. No one can find out about me. And they all died because of you. When the time comes, they will not let you go."

Hua Yuanjie smiled evilly at Lin Qinghan and kept licking his lips.

"You are the devil!"

Lin Qinghan did not expect Hua Yuanjie to be so cruel, to commit a crime just to force her, to persecute even these innocent people.

Hua Yuanjie laughed loudly and unscrupulously, "Haha, many women say that I am a devil, but after being played by me, they will find that I am their god, because I will make them want to die. Like being in the clouds.”

"I'm telling you, if you really insult me ​​tonight, Lu Chen won't let you go."

When she was most desperate, Lin Qinghan thought of Lu Chen, and she regretted driving Lu Chen away.

If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely not let her be humiliated tonight.

"Haha, is it your good-for-nothing husband? I'm afraid you don't know where he lives now, right? He lives at Wu Lan's house and abandoned you long ago."

Hua Yuanjie is a devil of lust. Before coming to Guiyuan City, he had already investigated the most famous beauties in Guiyuan City, and also investigated their marital status clearly.

Celebrities like Lu Chen naturally received his special care.

When he heard that Lu Chen was staying at Wu Lan's house, Lin Qinghan couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and the fruit knife in his hand fell to the ground.

"Don't worry, I will help your husband love you well."

Seeing Lin Qinghan's fruit knife fall to the ground, Hua Yuanjie quickly pounced on Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan screamed and closed his eyes in despair.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the room.

Hua Yuanjie flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the ground.

Hearing the strange noise, Lin Qinghan opened his eyes and looked towards the room.

What catches the eye is a strong and broad back. This back looks very familiar and makes people feel very safe.

"How dare you touch my wife?"

The figure moved, came to Hua Yuanjie, and stepped on his ankle.

The sound of broken bones came from the room, and this sound was quickly covered by Hua Yuanjie's screams.


Duan Dao dropped Ding Yi from the villa yard and quickly rushed into the room.


Ding Yi felt relieved when he knew it was Lu Chen who had arrived.

"You really scared my wife just now. In return, I must give you twice the pain!"

After Lu Chen crushed Hua Yuanjie's left ankle, he moved his foot to the knee of Hua Yuanjie's right leg and stepped on it.

"Boy, stop, do you know who he is? If you step on him, you will be dead."

Duan Dao arrived and quickly stopped him.

"I don't believe I'm going to die."

Lu Chen ignored Duan Dao and stepped on Hua Yuanjie's knee.

Hua Yuanjie fainted from the pain.

Lu Chen kicked him out. Hua Yuanjie hit the wall like a dead dog, fell to the ground again, and woke up from the fall.

He felt a sharp pain in his legs, recalled what happened just now, and roared to Lu Chen: "Boy, you are dead. The person in front of me is a quasi-martial arts beginner."

"Ten years ago, he defeated all the invincible opponents of the younger generation. He was known as the Broken Sword on the road. His broken knife made him perfect."

"Duan Dao, let me destroy all his limbs. I will play with his wife to death in front of him."

The four limbs are the hands and feet, and the fifth limb is the middlemost limb of a man.

This Hua Yuanjie is indeed a lustful devil, both of his legs have been crippled, and he is still thinking about playing with Lin Qinghan.

His words touched Lu Chen's bottom line, Ni Lin.

Lu Chen's eyes became colder.


Duan Dao threw the broken knife in his hand.

The broken knife drew an arc in the air, leaving a ray of light that quickly appeared on Lu Chen's arm.

With this strike, he was going to cripple Lu Chen's arm.

"My broken sword never fails, but whenever I draw the sword, I will definitely see blood."

After Duan Dao took out his sword, he looked at Lu Chen coldly.

The opponent cannot dodge this sword.

"You don't know knives, but you still dare to play with knives in front of me?"

Lu Chen sneered and stretched out his right hand. His middle finger was slightly bent and then popped out.

A voice appeared in the air.

Then, the broken knife turned back, and the cold light filled the knife.

The broken knife plunged into Duan Dao's thigh.

"how is this possible?"

Duan Dao's eyes widened in disbelief.

With his broken sword, you will see blood when you draw it, not your own blood, but your enemy's blood!
Today, this knife actually saw his own blood.

"Do you want a second blow?"

Lu Chen asked jokingly.

Duandao didn't dare to use the sword again, knowing that he had met a master who could use the sword.

He retracted the broken knife and approached Lu Chen lamely.

"Do you really think I'm only as powerful as the Broken Sword? Let me tell you, my fists are even more powerful. I can split mountains and rocks with one punch."

Standing not far from Lu Chen, he rushed out with a punch.

There was an explosion sound in the air, and the room was blown by his punch, causing air to flow.

This punch was so powerful that the water glass next to it actually exploded in this punch.

"kill him!"

Hua Yuanjie's eyes sparkled.

"Your fist is too weak!"

Lu Chen also punched out.

Duan Dao was thrown back like a cannonball, hitting Hua Yuanjie's body.

Hua Yuanjie felt a tightness in his chest, almost suffocating him to death. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fainted again.

(End of this chapter)

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